Late AP News Courtesy WMAJ US Harvests Second Largest Record Crop WASHINGTON This year’s national harvest crop will be sec ond only-to last year’s record out put, according to the Department of Agriculture. The corn crop is estimated at nearly three and one-half million bushels, a sur plus size crop which may lead vtd government crop controls next year. Larger than average crops of wheat, oats, soybeans, tobacco .and other products are expected, as well as a record rice crop. Atom Bomb WASHINGTON—A House com mittee was warned yesterday by Captain J. H. Sides, a Navy wea pons expert, against pinning American security on the atom bomb and heavy bombers alone. NaVy Commander Eugene Ta ,tom stated that the atomic bomb is not as effective as is popularly believed, but Representative Chet Hollifield, a member of the Con gressional; Atomic Committee said Tatom’s estimate of the bomb was based on obsolete standards —the bombs dropped on Japan. Truman Greets Nehru WASHINGTON President Truman yesterday greeted Prime Minister Nehru of India at the Washington airport. Nehru is_m the United. States for a one-month visit.. Herts Expect Huge Turnout The 36th annual Hort Show, scheduled to run Saturday and Sunday, will attract nearly . I