The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, October 07, 1949, Image 5
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7. 1949 Bdoters Meet Bisons; Try For 2nd Straight Soccer fans—and there are many hereabouts—can watch Coafdi Bill Jeffrey’s soccer unit in action against Bucknell on the Lion booting layout behind .the East football stands at 1 p.m. tomorrow. The veteran Lion mentor, age 57 in years ahd 21 in spirit, will be after his 128th victory since he began coaching at Penn State in 1926 His brilliant record with dit tany soccer teams includes 12 un beaten seasons, 127 wins against a' mere' 21 setbacks, but. what’s more amazing than that, from 1932 until 1941 his charges scam pered through 65 games without a single loss. _ , Last year the Lions breezed through their nine . game slate suffering but one setback. For their superb play, two of the Nit tanies, halfbacks Ralph Hoster man and Dick Hannah were se lected for All-American honors while another, forward. perform er Harry Little, received honor able mention. BEST THIS DECADE Last year’s unit was Jeffrey “the best in. 10 years,” and again ‘this year another promis ing campaign is ahead with 12 re turning ‘S’ winners in the fold. But to add joy to the friendly Scot, a duo of above' par soccer veterans, Joe Lane, a junior, and Ronald Colman, a sophomore, are out to bolster a team all ready composed of, some of the best soccer talent in the East Only sore spot in the Blue and White’s- all-victorious plans is the goal-tending assignment. For two season’s- Jeffrey was blessed to/have. Gene Graebndr, an All-American, tending the nets for him, but last year, and again this, neophytes are being groom ed to stop scoring threats. GOALIES Last season, Ed Taggert, a sportscribe who covered soccer for the lpcal paper, was assigned in mid-season to fill in as goalie . . . and did a commendable job. This year, in search of talent, Jef frey spent many weeks in the summer in grooming George COLLEGIAN PREDICTS Our fearless prognosticators view, this week's. collegiate foot ball engagements through their fool-proof crystal balls-and, go out oh the limb on nine encounters. Flipping the coin, here goes: -. GAME . Krane - Kolzbauer Koehler . Vadasz Syrac'se-Temple Syracuse Temple Syracuse Temple ~~ BoshU-Colgate Boston U. Boston U. Colgate Boston U. Navy-Duke Navy, Duke . Duke - Duke Illinois-lowa ;/ Illinois > 7 lowa lowa lowa - ' < Georgia-Ken’y. Kentucky. Georgia; Kentucky’ Georgia , LSU-TexasA&M Texas A&M LSU LSU LSU TJSC-Ohio State, -USC USC . . . Ohio State USC Okla.-Texas. Okla. _ Okla.- ; Okla.. j „ Okla. Wake F.-G'town Wake tor: For. . Wake For. Wake For. ... y , y ■ Wearin' My New Outfit from the Athletic Store By GEORGE VADASZ Lawther, son of the formed Lion cage 'mentor, for goal tending duty. " \ Either Lawther or Ron Coder, a versatile athlete and number one pole-vaulter of . Coach Chick Werner’s track team, will be guarding the nets tomorrow. Will Kraybill, a letterwinner as fallback as 1945, will team up with team Captain Ralph Hoster man .and Dick Hannah at the halfback slots. Red Emig will be the halfback reliefer. • In his starting forward line, Jeffrey has four men who scored in last week’s opener against West Chester. The forward per formers who’ll greet the opening whistle will be Clarence Buss, Harry Little, Joe Lane, Ronald Colman, and Ted Lieb. Ready to spell the starters will be three of last season’s letter winners, Spence Boyer, -Harry Lawroski.and Dick Yeagley. Bill Yerkes, a newcomer to the varsity this year after 'a success ful season with the jayvees, has been named to start along with veteran Chuck Margolf at the fullback posts. Jack Kurty. will be ready, to spell either of the ifullbscks Bucknell last week opened its season with a 4-0 setback against the always-powerful Temple Owls. Cat Brings Eagle A cartoon depicting a stray pus sy-cat licking * a plate . after BC had won the Eastern track cham pionships brought about an urgent plea for-a school, mascot. . ' THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA HALFBACKS RELIEF DUTY Roe Brilliant As Dodgers r Nip Yanks, 1-0 By Joe Coppa There was joy in Flatbush again as Preacher Roe, slim southpaw mainstay,. of the Dodgers spun a bewildering maze of curves and screwballs past Yankee bats and treated the 70.053 fans in attend ance to; a brilliant 1-0 shutout at Yankee Stadium .yesterday. Roe was brilliant in the tight spots, 1 striking out three, issuing no walks, and stranding seven enemy runners on the bases. Only two enemy runners ad vanced as far as second and one to third, as Roe’s stellar mound oerformance ran the string of Dodger pitching to eighteen con secutive innings without issuing a base on balls. RASCHI Vic Raschi, who entered the game with a 21-10 mark and de feated the Red Sox in the season finale to give the Yanks the flag, pitched good enough to win or dinarily as he alowed the Bums seven hits, struck out four, and issued one 1 free pass— of the in tentional variety. The game’s lone tally was scored in the second inning, when Robinson doubled to left with none out, daringly advanced to third when Hermanski popped foul to second-baseman Coleman behind first; and scored on Gil Hodges’ single to left. - Again the Dodgers .threatened in . the third when, after Robin son struck out, Hermanski hit a low,' sinking liner into right center which hooked past Di- Maggio on the wet turf and carried to the wall for a triple. Rackley, who started the game in place of injured Carl Furillo, then hit a slow roller to Coleman, Who threw home hurriedly to nip Hermanski at the plate on a close playi the first ruhbarb of the Series ensuing as a result of Um pire- “Beans” Reardon’s decree. Hodges ended the inning with a fly to right. RALLY HALTED Yankee fans sensed a rally in the fifth as Coleman doubled to the left field corner with one away,. But'Reese made a spec tacular play on Silvera’s bid for a hit into left by earning up with a backhanded stab and throwing to first to nip the runner, Cole-, man advancing to third. The best Raschi could do was ground to third for the inning’s final out. The game’s only run loomed more: important as the - game con tinued on into the' eighth. Then the Yanks put on a last-ditch (Continued' on page eight) STUDENT PRICES • Penn State will climb back into the win column this week against Boston College, according to pigskin prognosticator Joe Har ris. Harris predicts that the Nittany Lion will roar over the Boston College Eagles to the tune of a 20-7 victory this weekend-at. New Beaver Field. . ' . Last week, Harris had a 78.2% percentage for accuracy. While he picked Army over the Lions, his score was a little off,-28 pdints to be exact. Harris predicted a 14-7 win for the Cadets as against the actual .42-7 count. Winner appears at the left. ' - 4 Teams Score 1M Shutous by Marv Krar.snansky ■ With Sigma Nu, Alpha Tau Omega, Phi Delta Theta and The ta ,Xi all registering shut-out victories, intramuralfootball got under way under the arc lights of Beaver practice field last night. Theta Xi, however, was' forced to go into overtime to defeat Sig ma Phi Sigma, 1-0, in the final of the four games played last night. Although able to get as far as the eight and six yard lines on separate occasions during the first half, it took a 30-yard heave from Art Schreckengost to Hal Weaver on the final play of the overtime period to provide the margin of victory. . Under IM rules, if at the end of regulation time there is a tie each team is allowed three plays, the ball changing hands at the end of every play. The team in possession of the ball in opposition territory at the completion of the six plays is declared the winner by a 1-0 score. Dick Goodling and Bob Gow er scored touchdowns to pace Al pha 'Tau Omega to a 12-0 victory over Beta Theta Pi in the opener. Gower gave the winner a 6-0 halftime lead when he took a 10- yard pass to climax a 60-yard punt retiu-n, as the whistle blew to end the Goodling took a 30- yard pass from Hal Catherman and raced 30 yards for the final six-pointer. Sigma Nu, all-around intra mural champion-last year,, won its inaugural, 13-0, over Pi , Lambda Phi. John Kulp culminated a 50- yard pass play, and a toss from Bill Ondick to Joe Billera ac counted for the extra point to provide Sigma Nu with -a 7-0 bujge at the midway point. A 50- yard Ondick-O.wen Wilkinson pass in the last minute of play result ed, in. the final score. Phi Delta Theta whitewashed Tau Phi Delta, 7-0, the lone score coming on a 30-yard'aerial, Jack Pickett to Bob Sabina,, in the first half. Bob Anderson heaved to rstS R B N =M=m==:=:l 9oc Evening - - - $l.OO Matinee Taxes Included per. STH TO 11TH Football Forecast VIVATI Intercollegiate Games For Friday Evening—Oct. 7, 1947 Alabama U.-Duquesne U 20-7 Syracuse U.-Temple U..... .-.27-7 Villanova-St. Mary's (Calif.). For Saturday. Oct. 8, 1949 Colgate U.-Boston U,. .20-13 Cornell U.-Harvard U... ....20-7 Dartmouth-Holy Cross 20-7 Duke U.-Navy 14-7 Geneva College-Grove City.. 13-7 Illinois U.-lowa U 20-14 Kentucky U.-Georgia U.. .. .20-7 Lafayette-Muhlenberg .... .20-14 Louisiana State U.-Texas A.&.M. 27-20 Michigan • Staie-Maryland U.. 27-7 Michigan . U.-Army . . 21 -7 Minnesota U.-Northwestern U, 20-7 Missouri U.-Oklahoma A’&M 27-7 Nebraska U.-Kansas State.7.2o-13 Notre Dame-Purdue U...: .34-7 Ohio State-Southern Cal. U. 2i-14 PENN STATE-Boston College Penn-Princeton U. Pitt U.-West Virginia U.. Rutgers. U.-Lehigh U Stanford-UCLA Tulane U.-S. E. Louisiana State 40-0 Wake Forest-Georgetown-XT.. 20-7 Yale ’ U.-Columbia . U.... V: 727-14 Sportcasters Feted ' Two major league." baseball sportcasters and the - man,; in charge of the: Atlantic footbaH network.rwill be guest speakers to night at’ the Centre Hills Country Club. . • ' Bob Prince, who- broadcasts the Pittsburgh > Pirates games,. and Claude Haring, who is the ..televi sion announcer for. the Philadel phia- Athletics and Phillies,- will collaborate with Les. Quailey .-on the speaking . duties: Prince rand Haring will broadcast - Saturday’s game between Penn State'and Boston College at Beaver-Field. John Daugherty for the extra point. ; " Tonight’s schedule pits .Delta Chi against.Phi.Sigma Kappa, at 7 o’clock Alpha Phi'Delta against Delta Theta'Sigma at -7:45, Alpha Sigma Phi .against Delta Upsilon at 8:30, ' .and Alpha Sigma; ’Phi against Delta Upsilon at 9:15.- - COLOR BY TECHNICOLOR! PRESENTED BY J. ARTHUR RANK AN EAGLE UON FILMS RELEASE RIVOLI THEATRE Logan & Baker Blvd. Altoona, Pa. '-kf-, X > Mat. 2:30 Eve. 8:30 RESERVED SEATS AT • ALL PERFORMANCES! MAIL ORDERS NOW PAGE EMM