The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, May 18, 1949, Image 4

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Mac, Simmons Hold
Senior Dinners
Dinners for the graduating sen
iors will be held in McAllister
and Simmons dormitories to-
The dinners are a monthly
event of the dining commons in
honor of a special event occur-
Ing within the month.
Mrs. Neva Morris, hostess a’.
Grange Dorm, is in charge of the
dinner for approximately 80 sen
iors at Mac. Helping her are
Pauline Bullick, Jane Dinger,
Ann Fickenscher, Marilyn Hoke,
Dorothy Koons, Isobel Leach.
Judy Roberts, and Sara Yoder.
A special song has been written
for the occasion. Mrs. Lois Rice,
Simmons’ hostess, is in charge
of the dinner there.
This dinne r will be the final
special one of the year.
Tops with the Top Stars in Hollywood and with Colleges too—
"If you want a Milder Cigarette
IM Softball—
Continued irom page three
runs in the last of the filth in
ning. Penn Haven knocked over
its only run in the third.
Phi Kappa battered Jack
Damon, Beta Theta Pi, for a flock
of runs to climb into the quarter
finals, 19-6. The Phi Kap’s held a
15-0 lead in the sixth frame be
fore Jim Yochum eased up to
allow the Beta’s a little plate
Booming back after a 5-1 deficit,
Chi Phi pounded over six tallies
in the fourth inning to grab the
lead and finally defeat Delta Sig
ma Phi, 10-6, in the other tourna
ment game.
Tonight, Alpha Chi Sigma
meets Sigma Pi, Phi Sigma Kap
pa battles Alpha Tau Omega, Al
pha Sigma Phi takes on Phi Kap
pa, at 6:30 p.m. on the New
Beaver diamonds. Kappa Delta
Rho and Chi Phi meet on the golf
course diamond.
it's My Cigarette"
«e\A ’« ' 4o ° ° tty «a ote " e
Major League Results Partnership- i eg 'c ta ‘"mS,
wii* Continued from page one Electric Corporation, is chairman
Morton i. chicoKo .i » i tir r u , of the advisory committee.
Detroit »t Washington INI Graduates. Carl W. Lauterbach, •+
st. i.ouia at Philadelphia in ) Eastman Kodak Company, will Other members of the commit
cieveinnd at New York iNi speak for industry and Robert F. tee are P. C. Baldwin, C. W.
standings Moore, Columbia University, for Bishop, H. K. Breckenridge, J.
N v 'iT 'o a 1; w U■, Ti h , '- c ,'o lhe colleges. J. Evans Jr., W. R. Guthrie, H.
lMtoil I’tn'.SGO cieveinnd 'lo'io.soo Harry P. Hammond, dean of T. Hollowell, E. W. Kempton, J.
Chicago it 13.519 Hoston ii is ,45s the School of Engineering at the G* Parks, S. S. Riddle, R. H.
rhiin. i-ms -519 st. Louis h 19 .296 College, will preside at the din- Smith and J. W. Towsen.
Uhie. J^’Sof“• " er . mee «ng at 7p m. today The I ' —I
Cleveland at New York to P lc wlll b e What Should We MN J D AM|I J
st. Louis at Philadelphia iN) Do about Industrial Relations?’’, IvOOlTl CHICI DOdlQ
Detroit at Washington tN) and Will be disCUSSed by Virgil All At
league B. Day, assistant manager of in- Summer At
rtrookln B da chicagol dustrial relations of the General THETA CHI
Philadelphia at st. Louis Electric Company. vni
New York at Pittsburgh (N) n vi
Hoston at Cincinnati (Nj extension Problem Excellent rooms, home-cooked
Standings The conference which is an an- mea i s recreational facilities
N. Y. . Ta *9 dl4o St. Louis } lU n af tl air at^ he C °A e 4, ge ’J S '
Boston ib 9 .640 Phiia. uis .423 *!} e problem of the Engin- Room and Board
Cincinnati i3i2.r,20 Pittsburgh 1115.423 eering Extension Division, which „, 0
Brooklyn l;; 13 .500 Chicago io 15 .400 formulates the details involved «piO PHilv
v* in holding such a conference. -- , ..
Son Y °M ci„ P .wi rrt Prof. K. L. Holderman, profes- Make nervation, now
Brooklyn at Chicago sor and assistant director of en- Phone 4702
Philadelphia at st. Louis gineering extension at the Col