PAGE FOUR CLASSIFIEDS All classified advertisements must ne In by 12:00 p.m. day preceeding issue. Prices are 400 one insertion; 11.00, three insertions: 17 words or less. All words over 17 three for le for each insertion. Call Collegian 6711. FOR SALE UNBELIEVABLE BUY - - lio() set of camera equipment. $5O. 33mm cam era (2.7 lease) filter adapter, three filters, carrying case. and flash attachment. See at Centre County Film Lab. GOLF BALLS reasonable, substantial, $3.30 a dozen. See Joc Ridley, 11 Jordan. Call 6051, ext. 789. KITCHENETTE SET, floor lump, desk Rood condition. Call TOM. 17 FOOT NATIONAL TRAILER. Good condition, price $950. Inquire 723 Wind. crest. 1942 HUDSON COMMODORE: Six, foul door sedan with radio and heater, $BOO. Can finance. Call Bland 4749. May Day Rehearsal May Day rehearsal for all participants will be held on Holmes Field from 3 to 5 p. m. Friday, Shirley Gauger, chair man, announced. Class excuses may be obtained from the dean of women's office and the dean of men's office. Kappa Sigma Recently initiated into Kappa Sigma were John Augsburger, William Gordon, Richard Hov, Guy Pietz, Paul Starr, Samuel Stewart, John Tague and Valen tine Troy. CORRECTION Contrary to information which appeared in yesterday's Collegian, Wil liam Rice was elected treasurer of the Chem Eng Society and Ronald Saxton secretary. At Your Warner Theater NOW! Cadrairtpi William Holden Lee J. Cobb "The Dark Past" Sla Glenn Fold Nina Foch "UNDERCOVER MAN" F'lffl,,rr Dennis Morgan Janis Paige ~:, ONE SUNDAY AFTERNOON" I 193 i pLyiyiourni coUPE. Fine rontli lion. One owner. $298. Ingnire Dorm ri, nom I. Pollack Circle. MOTORCYCLE. 47 lndion Chf. $7 , 2.7;. Good condition. Contact Walter. I I after P.m. auy day. 21 I'OOT TRAILER, excellent Large, additional insulated room, ideally located, Windcrest, occupancy June. Altai Kodak - INTonitor til f, 141 , e, sunshade, range tinder. Inquire iO2 W. Heaver. third floor. after 5. .2-FOOT COVERED wagon trailer, avail able June. Completely furnished for oomfortnble living, including extra utility room. Inquire 703 Windcrest. MISCELLANEOUS CAL DAY and his 4 Knights, instrumental and vocal combo. available for danze engagements. Phone Altoona 2-4055. NEW TRAILER CAMP - MODERN AND NEW. Modern bath and laundry, within :3 minute walk of groceries, United States Post Office, garage. service station, public schools and churches. Two and a half miles from State College on state highway Occupation on Sept. 1. If interested in changing to new location, phone 4247 or Box 34, Lemont for appointment. HAVE. APPLICATION photos taken that talk for themselves. Lion Studio, 1:1C. East College avenue, phone 71GR. BEAVER HOUSE is open for men during summer sessions. Rooms $3.00 t board $ll.OO per week. Come in person for reservations or Call 7851. TYPING AND MIMEOGRAPHING done reasonable. Secretarial Service, State College Hotel, room 205, phone 4906. %Sao*IaCXEVEZ -° l 4' leedei por•• Z y et,/ Luckies' fine tobacco picks you up when you're —mild, ripe, light tobacco. No wonder more independ low ... calms you down when you're tense—puts ent tobacco experts auctioneers, buyers and ware you on the Lucky level! That's why it's so important housemen—smoke Luckies regularly than the next two to remember that LUCKY STRIKE MEANS FINE TOBACCO leading brands combined! Get a carton of Luckies today! L.S/AIR 7: --- Ataeaff State Meant? Rite rateleat So round, so firm, so fully packed so free and easy on the draw THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA EXCELLENT FRUIT PUNCH, $1.50 to $2.00 per gallon. Frida Stern, 122 Irvin avenue, phone COI; State College. DOUBLE BOOM available for weekend.; rind during the summer. Call at 219 South Gill street. HEM [TUE RING, second floor. wash room Engineering D. Call Young, Delta Chi 1989. LOST: WILL PERSON who took gray raincoat. 2nd floor, Patterson Hall, Friday. 4-22-49, please contact Francis. 2186. BROWN WALLET Friday, Rec Hull or Carnival. Finder keep money, return wallet to Collegian office. Name, Orsini. 2 IRON, number 10 tee, golf course, Sat ul day. Call Brown 3332. Reward. MARSHALL'S AUTOMATIC Plenty of Free Parking Space 454 E. College Rear TAN RAINCOAT picked up by mistake I have yours. Taken from No. 201 E.E. Call Ray Williams 4928. PIII MU SORORITY PIN lost last Satur day between Cathaum and East Campus. Finder please call Darlene 4363. FOR RENT ROOM AND BOARD for married coracles for summer sessions at. Marilyn Hail, 317 Mast Beaver avenue, State College. Make your reservations now. Ask for Mrs. Elleard or Mrs. Peterson. FURNISHED APARTMENT June let to Sept. 20. Couple or two people only. For details call Wolf 4908. ROOMS: WITH kitchen privileges, $4.10 week. Intercession through Post Ses sion. Call Lambda Chi Alpha, 2602. 85c Will Send Your MOTHER a box of our Fresh Candy A r I t> randy canes, STATE THEATRE BLDG,---STATE COLLEGE WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 1949 ROOM AND BOARD for single boys or married couples available for summer. Call Mra. Stern at 4161. WANTED WAITERS FOR Alpha Sigma Phi supper dance May 14. Meal and wage. Phone Don Withlowson 2604. FOUR PASSENGERS to Ka•.sas City Kansas. Call Alpha Sigma Phi, 4951 Ask for Al. Leave May 27. MAN AND WIFE, experienced cooks, now working desire positions in fraternity house for Summer SCASiOTIS Phone 2269 af ter 7 p.m. DRIVING TO CALIFORNIA? Two atu dente 'want ride about June 1. Call Jack Curran or Ray Sara 3D07. RIDE TO NEW YORK, Friday. Call 4766