The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, April 28, 1949, Image 4
PAGE FOUR WSGA Schedules Coronation Ball; Court Presented The Coronation Ball will W , held in White Hall from 9 to 12 p. m., on May 6. The semi-formal dance, a girl ask-boy affair, is sponsored each year by WSGA. The May Queen, Lillian Scraban, and her Maid of Honor, Jane Sutherland, with six attendants will be presented at intermission. Decorations will center around a May Day theme. Pat Patter son's orchestra will provide the Swimming Club Swimming Club will not hog_d its regular meeting in White Hail pool tonight, but will have a special "Fun Night" at 7:30 p. m. next Thursday. Next year's of ficers will also be elected at this meeting. Bible Fellowship Dr. William A. Mierop of the Philadelphia School of the Bible will speak on "Christ is Coming Again!" at the meeting of the Penn State Bible Fellowship in 417 Old Main at 7:30 p. m. to norrow. CLASSIFIEDS 4,1 Classified advertisements anus' tie in by 12 :00 p.m. day preeeeding issue Priees are 40e one insertion ; $l.OO. three insertions: 17 words or less. All words over 17 three for 6e for each insertion. Call Collegian 6711. FOR SALE NOW YOU GA N OWN this beautiful 1948 Studebaker CI - amnion convertible. and Last two days for 1950 Graduates from the School of Liberal Arts to have your picture taken for the 1950 La Come in today to the Penn State Photo Shop for your picture and avoid the rush. At Your Warner Theater NOW! eatha ant Dorothy Lamour Don Ameche r "Slightly French" Talc Robot Ryan Audrey Totter "The Set Up" 'l'huany Olivia deHavilland Mark Stevens "The Snake Pit" THE DAIT,Y COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA (;tiars[rhlred per ,t,t !MN' II! 17' Jim "^"q fti•r i p.m 'l7 INDIAN CII motorcycle. Will ,ne rifice price for quirk Rale. Call Von ,torch at Delta Chi 1989. 1^47 FORD 4-dour auger-delve , •, heater. spotlight. ,eal-corers. Call Jones rhi•Kappa IS' : 2 , FOOT ROYAL Trailer, :nail able September, excellent condition. ~ ereened porch. stove and oven. ice box. roomy closet space. Alfred Oyler. 1 11011 Winder est. phone 7135. 1988 HARLEY-DA V IDSON motorcycle. SO cubic inches. f 1111 Y rebuilt motor. Kys Tent condition. 225 S. Burrowe, el reef "hone :18113. "STIF-FLEX" KROYDEN golf clubs. Sot of nine matched irons. Very reasonable. Call 3444 between 9 and 5. WILL PERSON WHO took navy blue gabardine coat, Beta house Saturday night 4-23-49, please contact Joan Borland. Mack Hall, 5051 ext. 76. TOPCOAT, aqua-guard grey gabardine, around Room 2.0, Sparks. Finder call Ma. ask for .John. PAIR OF PINK lucite-framed glasses in brown leather case. Name in , ide case Finder please call Hershey Dental Labors liwy, 6708. SLIDE RULE, black cardboard cane, draft ing tape on bottom In 202 Eng. R, Wed nesday. April 13. Call 7889. K & K SLIDE RULE No. 8G9535 in brown came. Please return to Student Union desk. CHUCK YOUR RAINCOAT. Mine was taken from second floor Sparks last week. Call Dickson, 271i0. MISCELLANEOUS WE TYPE your term papers and thesis Also all types of MIMEOGRAPHING Secretarial Service, State College Hotel Room 205. phone 41106. QUALIFY Want a Non-Flying Career? U. S. AIR FORCE • OFFICER CANDIDATE SCHOOL If you can meet the high standards required of candidates for officer training, there's a real future for you in the U. S. Air Force. Capable young executives are needed for positions of responsibility in non-flying as signments .:. management, communications, engineering, research and other fields. That is why the Air Force is seeking ambitious men and women with college training, to prepare them for leadership. Six months' course begins July 7. Get full details from the interviewing team. i; 1..,NT A ISIK (dI 111. rry 12.00. West College. SI ANIS If STIIDENTS. For a quick brunt , - up and the boat tutoring in town call Ntia. Xil'lll/ 2215. NEW Tit A lI,Elt CAMP _ MODERN AND NEW. Modern bath and laundry, withir 3 minute Wflik of groreriO4, United States l'o,t thrice. garage. service station, public :alas& and elmrebes. Two and a halt miles from State College on state highway. thampat ion on Sept. I. If interested in •hanging to new limation, phone 4247 or Ibix 31, Lemont for appointment. FOR MOTHER'S DAY select 1114 your gift my special cookiett in nice tin boxes ($l.lO to A 3.50 r. Frida Stern, 122 Irvin avenue, phone 4818, State College. 11 , ‘VE A I.I'I,ICATION photos taken that talk for therwelve, Lion Studio, East Collette avenue. phone 7168. BEAVER HOUSE i, open for men during summer fiCSI4iOTIS. Room; $3.00; board $ll.OO per week. Come in Person for :•e,cryfttions or Call 7051. FOR RENT 6ollsTauTE WANTED for Room 411 l Watts. Present leesee married. Apply 111; or 413 Watts or call 2210. SUMMER STUDENTS ROOM & BOARD Main and Post Sessions $l5 per Week Room Inter Session $4 Per Week ygma Phi Sigma Phone 4402-6938 1)0 YOU WANT TO get married and have no place to live 7 Ag Hill Dining Room has board and room beginning with summer fIPiIIOOTI. Dial 2877. TIMER ROOM apartment, on condition renter purchase part of furnishings. Write Jack Taylor. Nittany Dorm 21. GRADUATING SMNIORS, if you can give lend on apart ment vacant in June LAST WEEK'S PERFORMANCE of "THIS SIDE BEDLAM" By Warren Smith A Players' Presentation Centre Stage Friday and Saturday A Serious Comedy Written Especially for Arena Showing° Tickets Now on Sale at Box Office in Student Union sl.2s—lncluding Tax and Refreshments FOR A CAREER in Aviation/ U. S. AIR FORCE AVIATION ainila i d.iiiLii,ki TEAM WILL BE HERE . .. TIME-8:30 a.m.-S:CK) p.m. DATE—April 28-May 4 PLACE-TUB Here's the opportunity you've been waiting for—the oppor tunity to get in on the ground floor of aviation . . . with the world's most progressive avia tion organization—the United States Air Force! For qiinlified college men who are selected, it's the chance to get $35,000 worth of the finest flying and executive training —with pay! When you com plete one year of thorough training, you win your wings ... a Reserve commission in the U. S. Air Force im portant assignment as an Air Force officer and pilot. Out standing graduates receive WIN Aviation Cadet Clais kris Rusty Six Weeks WANTED Given at at 13 P.M. Regular commissions immedi ately. All others have excel lent opportunity while on active duty to earn Regular commission. Are You Eligible? You must be between 20 and 26 1 4 years old, physically sound and have at least two years of college or the ability to pass an equiv alent examination given by the interviewing team. Both single and married men now are eligible. - COLLEGE SENIORS: Learn how, if you are accepted, you can enter an Aviation Cadet class immediately after grad uation. THURSDAY, APRIL VI, T' please call Joe 4126 between 6-10 p.m Thank you. RIDE TO FAR WEST or Medford, Oregon about June 2nd. Call Jim Richards, Dorm 3-33. WANTED: COUPLE TO share expenses on trip to Miami. Leaving about June Bth. returning about June 22nd. Call 7016. SAX PLAYER for Saturday night, April 30th. Ability to read not necessary. For delnils call Newton, Nittnny Dorm 31. Treble Singers Concert Friday, April 29 8:00 P. M. SCHWAB AUD. ADMISSION FREE Shimane Um c• 7 z 1 I