The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, March 22, 1949, Image 7

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    WIMPAT, Wan 22, 1949 4 A
Coeds Plui Mass Meeting
For Additional Nominations
Additional nominations for WSGA and WRA offices may be
made at a mass meeting in 121 Sparks at 6:30 p.m. today. These
tames will be added to the slates already presented by WSGA
and WRA.
Girls who wish to be nominated should attend the meeting
arrange to have someone else present her nomination, activities
qualifications. Minimum qualifications require at least a 1.5
college average and no major
judicial record.
On. Ytear's Experience
In addition nominees for WSGA
•nd WRA. president must have
had at least one year's exper
ience on the organization for
Which they are nominated and be
sixth semester students. Nominees
for WSGA vice-president must
be fourth semester students; for
senior senator, sixth; and for
junior senator, fourth or fifth.
The WSGA slate presented in
cludes: Joan Bergdoll and Shir
es. Gauger, president; Jessica
Lightner and Ella Louise Williams,
vice-president; Lois Evans, Bar
bara Sprenkle and Jeanne
Smucker, junior senator; Mary
Cohen, Louise Drozdtak, and Ruth
'Lehman, senior senator; and
Commie Keller and Marjorie
Mead, town senator.
WEA Slate
Slate presented by WRA in
cludes: Virginia Miller and
Nancy Smith, president; Sally
roger and Helen Hemphill, vice
president; Betty. Lou Jones, in
tramural chairman; and Helen
Rusinko and Jo Ann Wagner,
junior assistant intramural chair
Primary elections for both
WSGA and WRA elections will be
held Friday, while final elections
will take place on Tuesday, March
eli g eg g ens " ll
The engagement of Edith Hess
to Donald J. Ashenfelter, both of
Collegeville, has recently been
Miss Hess was graduated in
1948 from Ursinus College, where
she was a physical education ma
jor. Ashenfelter is a fourth sem
ester student in the School of Lib
eral Arts at the College.
Alpha Gamma Delta
• The newly elected officers of
Alpha Gamma Delta are Gilda
Grew, president; Helen Conroder,
first vice-president; Joanne Cal
lahan, second vice-president;
Nancy Blough, recording secre
tary; Grace Kepple, correspond
ing secretary; Jane Merle, treas
urer; Emma Lou Lynn, social
chairman; and Mary Elizabeth
Kriner, rushing chairman.
The sorority entertained Kappa
Delta Rho at a "Hobo Brawl' on
Sunday afternoon.
Phi Delta Theta
Phi Delta Theta entertained
Kappa Alpha Theta at a square
dance Saturday afternoon.
Delta Gamma
Members of Delta Gamma en
tertained their dates and alumnae
at a Center Stage theater party
at Friday night's performance of
"Parlor Story."
The sorority held its annual
Founder's Day banquet for ac
tives, pledges, and alumnae at
the State College Hotel on Sat
I tVe the Women
4 'trances —Keeney
We dislike the idea of discus
sing subjects which are contin
ually hashed over in the editorial
page, but on this occasion we feel
justified in talking about one of
their favorite topics—student par
ticipation at mass meetings.
Tonight, coeds from every class
are invited, and urged, to attend
the WSGA-WRA mass meeting
in 121 Sparks at 6:30 p.m. At this
meeting girls will be nominated
for 1949-50 WSGA and WRA of
Every Undergraduate
The Women's Student Govern
ment Association and Women's
Recreation Association are com
posed of every undergraduate co
ed enrolled in the College. As in
all organizations of such a large
membership a governing body
must be selected to coordinate the
activities and regulate the actions
of the group. For this purpose
WSGA and WRA officers are
In addition to the president,
vice-president, secret ar y and
treasurer of WSGA, each class
and independent and town wo
men are represented by a sena
tor on the WSGA Senate. These
are the girls which you will nom-
Mate tonight and elect later on
this week. These are the girls
which set up the rules to which
you as undergraduates are liable.
Representative Nominations
To secure representative nom
inations and to eliminate any
clique action, it is important for
coeds to take an interest in their
athletic and campus government.
If any of you are displeased
when the final nominations slate
is presented at the primary elec
tions on Friday, remember you
have only your own apathy to
The House of Representa
tives will meet in 121 Sparks
at 8:30 p.m. today at the mass
meeting of WSGA and WRA
nominations instead of in the
WSGA room in White Hall at
8:15 as previously announced.
Fraternity Houses
Adopt Bold Look
In New Decor
No self-respecting man wants
to let the women get ahead of
him. In self-defense he adopted
the "Bold Look" to combat the
"New Look."
But now the men have gone
one step fur t her. The "Bold
Look" is no longer confined to
men's wear, for the latest thing
at Penn State is the "Bold Look"
fraternity house.
The Phi Sigma Kappa house is
the most recent example of this
experiment. The library now
wears dark green walls topped by
a chocolate brown ceiling, the
paneled ceilings of the dining and
living rooms are also dark green.
To add a brighter note, the living
room walls were painted a shell
pink, while the dining room and
front hall walls sport a canary
First to go out for the "Bold
Look", as reported in one of last
fall's Collegians, was the Pi Kap
pa Alpha house. Its decor is dra
matic shades of green, pink, or
ange, and fushia contrasting to
the dark brown woodwork.
The Phi Kappa Sig house has
gone in for the "Bold Look" in a
small way. At the beginning of
the semester they splashed their
two coatrooms with bright pink.
Sigma Phi Sigma
Sigma Phi Sigma entertained
Delta Zeta at a tea dance at the
chapter house Sunday afternoon.
over patterns?
Let us show you the many
Towle Sterling patterns
and help you solve your
"pattern puzzle." Towle
Sterling is one of the
most famous names ever
known in solid silver;
we have carried this dis
tinguished line for many,
many years and recom
mend it wholeheartedly.
Whichever Towle pattern
you choose will reflect
your good taste-for all
your life.
125 Women Leaders Receive
Invitations to Matrix Table
Approximately one hundred twenty-five outstanding campus
women will receive invitations this week to hear Miss Laura Lou
Brookman, managing editor of the Ladies' Home Journal, speak at
the annual Matrix Table.
The affair, which commemorates the fortieth anniversary
of Theta Sigma Phi, women's professional journalism society,
will be held at the Nittany Lion Inn, April 4.
In addition to honoring the
campus leaders, Theta Sigma Phi,
sponsors of the dinner, will give
special recognition to three
women named Cap Girl, Quill
Girl and Matrix Girl.
Cap Girl is awarded to the
senior with the most varied activ
ities, Matrix Girl for outstanding
service to the school and Quill
Girl will be selected by coeds at
elections next week from the
president of Mortar Boar d,
Chimes, WSGA and WRA..
Those eligible for Quill Girl
are Pauline Globisch Parsons,
former president or WRA; Janet
l ei t a
WNot for Grandma
Not for Aunt Tillie
—but just for you girls going back to school. Created by designers
who know just what you wand
Skippies 3—bra, panty, girdle—are tailored-to-fit you for campus
activities from classroom to dorm—to bull session or jam session. They're
soft, they're tubbable, they're easily packable. You'll love them in
spanking white or dreamy blue.
1. Bra $1.75
2. Panty $5.00
(4 detachable garters)
3. Girdle $5.00
P. S., If you're NOT going back to school—but hare o schooight figure--
well soil YOU Skippko 3, tool
. . . STORES AT. . .
Lyons, WSGA president; Frances
Eshleman, president of Chimes;
and Sara Bieber Stover, president
of Mortar Board.
Annual Event
The Matrix Table has been an
annual event for a number of
years. Its purpose is to provide a
get - together for outstanding
women in all phases of campus
activities, such as debate, govern
ment, publications, music, sports,
class honoraries, and sorority. A
thorough coverage of all girls on
campus is made before the final
invitation list is completed.