The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, February 26, 1949, Image 4
PAGE FOUR Open Houses To Inaugurate Informal Rushing Period Informal rushing begins today as eight sororities hold open houses from 2 to 5 p.m. After a second group of open houses at the Caine time tomorrow, a silent period will be observed until 8 a.m. tionday. From this point on no time restrictions are imposed on rushing during the day. Sororities are prohibited, however, in having any planned entertainment for rush ing benefits. Contacts with rushees may be secured by phone or personally, although in no written manner. Sororities may not send out bids until 8 a.m. Monday, March 14. Bids will be considered void if not answered by the rushee two weeks from the time she re ceives it. Bids must be delivered stamped and unsealed to the dean of women's office. . For the convenience of coeds and sororities a list of open houses is printed below. Today—Alpha Chi Omega, Al pha Gamma Delta, Alpha Xi Delta, Delta Gamma, Delta Zeta, Gamma Phi Beta, Kappa Alpha Theta, and Zeta Tau Alpha. Tomorrow Alpha Omicron Pi, Beta Sigma Omicron, Chi Omega, Delta Delta Delta, Kappa Delta. Kappa Kappa Gamma, Phi Mu, Theta Phi Alpha, Alpha Epsilon Phi, Phi Sigma Sigma, and Sigma Delta Tau. WSGA Votes toGive 25 Yr-Old Coeds Late Permissions At a regular meeting Thursday night, WSGA voted to extend 11 o'clock weekday permissions to all coeds who are 25 years of age or older, no matter what semes ter they may be. Granting of the permission was largely an outcome of the interest shown in the situation by Mary Louise Henry, Leonides representative to WSGA. New elections for WSGA will have to be held soon, Senate de rided, in order to allow the new president to attend the annual Women's Student Government Conference, which will be held this year in New Mexico on April 13 to 16. Johnny Long has brightened the lyrics and set the bounce to give a brand new touch to an old-time favorite. Yes! ohnny J picks his music for your dancing pleasure. And .• . for his smoking pleasure, Johnny Long chooses Camels! As Johnny says j < it, "Camels are the mildest and best tasting cigarette I've ever smoked." wail° 63 MILD UK a Cisigarek be,? • KKG Trounces AOPi in Tennis Kappa Kappa Gamma topped Alpha Omicron Pi in table ten nis by winning all three games against them Thursday night. Kappa Sally Fo l ger beat Jeanne Mathews 21-12, 21-18, and Nancy Zeigler followed suit, taking Joyce Trigiano 21-10, 21- 12. Joan Borland and Dottie Huber teamed up to bring KKG through with a clean slate by whipping Mary McLaughlin and Helen Keller 21-7, 21-10. Leonides beat Kappa Delta 45- 26 in volleyball. Evelyn Lanning made 14 points for Leonides, while Kay Doner scored 10 for the KDs. Delta Gamma won by one point against Ath 111, 31-32. Fran Keeney rolled up 15 points for the DGs. Lola Edmunds gave Ath 12. Alpha Epsilon Phi laid low Delta Zeta with a score of 65-19. Alpha Xi Delta won their vol leyball game against Sigma Delta Tau by forfeit. Chi Omega won in badminton against Simmons, taking both singles. Christie Post played against Marilyn Allen and won 11-2, 11-4, and Jean Murphy beat Bets Renton 11-1, 11-1. The Rice twins, Carolyn and Fran, split the doubles with Phyllis Starr and Mary Kennedy from Simmons 15-5, and lost the second 15-12. Gamma Phi Beta beat the Co-op in two out of three games. Pat Wolfe won over B. J. Sam mon 11-4, 11-7; but Pat Kolpien aw Cot/ 2vl 0104 Scrtsoo-d? Listen to Johnny Long's new Signature Record, "SWEET SUE" ... and you'll know! Make the CAMEL 30-DAY TEST ...and you'll know Yes, make the 30 -day Camel Mildness Test. See for yourself how mild Camels ale who a recent test of hundreds of daYs people who smoked only Camels for 30 . noted throat specialists, after making weekly examinations, reported NOT ONE SINGLE CASE OF THROAT IRRITATION THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA Volleyball Badminton Ze ''.vg44&*l) co_ed,b Beta Sigma Omicron Beta Sigma Omicron held its annual birthday dinner at the State College Hotel on Saturday. The initiates and new pledges were welcomed by Lois Huges, president. Christine Altenberger present ed a short talk on the aims of the soror i t y, and Jacqueline Heckert sang several numbers and later led the group in singing. June Wiemer was recently initiated Phi Kappa Newly-elected officers of Phi Kappa fraternity are Jack Wat son, president; ~taymond Sara kauskas, vice-president; Joseph Rebo. secretary; Joseph Pislak, treasurer; Frank Eichenlaub, IFC representative; John Novotony, pledge master; R chard Willse, rushing chairman; Frank Evans, social chairman; Theodore Kub icki, intramural sports manager; Jack Curran, publicity chairman. Pledges this semester are John Heeney, Theodore Jepina, Wil liam Knightly, George Kozich, Frank McLean. Albert Porto, and Stanley Zoltek. Weston Addresses Dr. Pearl 0. Weston, Dean of Women, addressed two women groups of Easton last week. "The Penn State Campus To day" was Dean Weston's topic in speaking during the noon-hour at a luncheon of the Easton College Alumnae. Ninety high school seniors were guests of the Easton AAUW to hear Dean Weston's address on "Going to College." reversed the loss, beating Gamma Phi Lorraine Stotler 11-5, 11-3. Isabelle Leach and Ruth Me gow took two doubles against Ruth Noble and Mary Eshelman 15-9, 15-8; but lost one 15-13. Smith Replaces Parsons in WRA Nancy Smith has replaced Pauline Globisch Parsons as pres ident of Women's Recreation As sociation for the remainder of the school year. Miss Smith took over the office this semester when Mrs. Parsons left school. Former ly she had served as vice-presi dent. Miss Smith is a junior and has been active in WR A activitie since coming o, campus. She is member of Gam ma Phi Bet sorority an d vice - preside of that grou She is treasure of Chimes, member of Al College Cabine Lakonides the H a t Society Council Other officers of WRA are Pat ricia Wolfe, secretary-treasurer; Virginia Miller, Intramural Chairman; Gertrude Fetzer, Club Activities Chairman; Nancy Zieg ler, Assistant Intramural Chair man; Frances Nichols, Publicity Chairman; Helen Milligan, Jun ior Advisor; Shirley Giles, Sopho more Representative; and Anita Geiger, Senior Advisor. Louise Homer Club Initiates Nine Louise Homer Club, women's music honorary, initiated in formal ceremonies, Sunday, nine new members, including Martha Gross, Helen Long, Alice Mc- Feely, Dorothy Miller, Joan O'Hara, Shirley Peet, Martha Rapach, Suzanne Scurfield, and Jean Weder. PRINTING Free Estimates, Quick Service Commercial Printing Inc. Glennland Bldg., State College SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1949 Mrs. Meek Elected President of' Wives' Mrs. William Meek has been recently elected president of the Windcrest Wives' Society. The organization is composed of the wives of the students who live in Windcrest. The group was organized in the fall of 1947 and is patterned after a similar or ganization at Michigan State, the Spartan :Wives'. The Windcrest Wives', aside from acting as a social group, sponsor many worthwhile drives. Their active program includes such projects as crafts, knitting, bridge, athletic events, and the collection of clothes for useful purposes. At Your Warner Theater • NOW! eathaum Alan Ladd Brenda Marshall "Whispering Smith" In Technicolor State "Clark Gable Walter Pidgeon "Command Decision" nitt any Walt Disney's "Fun and Fancy Free" In Technicolor Parsons afikwtlf -.Tao( Wmaba Smoke Camels and test them in year ow "T -Zone." T for taste. T for throat. U, any time, you are not convinced that are the mildest cigarette you ever sm. return the package with the unused and we will refund its full purchase pc' plus postage. (Sig'std) R. J. Reynolds T bows Co., lloiestou-Solesn„ N. C.