AGE TWO Editorials ■nd columns answering lee The Deily Collegian reerreeent the opinions a Caught by the Captain Capt. Philip A. Mark, noting the rash of thefts which have befouled these environs of late, cooly twirls his nightstick and pins the blame on "high prices and increasing scarcity of money." Some may say that such a flat statement skirts closely to the dangerous pit of dogmatism, but others will see that here is a prime example of perspicacity of the sort much needed in these hectic times. While economics profs have been raving about the oversupply of money in relation to the supply of goods, it has taken our phil osophic chief gendarme to capture the elusive truth—as regards college students, at least—of the post-war inflation. - , He saw at once that the hard-pressed college student has to buck the high price line with as inadequate a bankroll as ever. It is a cinch, however, that this knowledge will not deter the rapier witted policeman from pursuing the culprits whose deeds prompted his remarks. We Can Take Heart, Men Dr. Kinsey is back in the news, getting ready to bring out his second best-seller, this time about the sexual behavior of women. According to the good doctor, women are much less responsive to sex than men—two thirds less, in fact. And college girls are even Less so than average, whatever that is. Their reactions are mild and subtle, Dr. Kinsey says. This should be immensely cheering to some men. If his date doesn't want to kiss him good night, a man need not think that she has an aversion to him personally. Though she be cold, she be normal a, spy vat. 'Swell Job' TO THE EDITOR: It has been a long time since we saw such good officiating in Rec Hall. I'd like to take my hat off to the swell job the officials did 'at the American U.-State game. Edit Briefs Suggestions in the LA suggestion box resulted in the placing of seven pencil sharpeners in Sparks halls, four of which have disappeared. Another suggestion: use heavier screws for an choring the sharpeners. Pe Elailg Collegian &Iceman. to THE FREE LANCE. wt. 1887 Published Tuesday through Saturday mornings inclusive dur ing the College year by the staff of The Daily Collegian of The Pennsylvania State College. Entered as second class matter July 5, 1934, at the State College. Pa., Post Office under the Act of March 3, 1879. Subscriptions 32 a semester. $4 the school year. Represented for national advertising by National Advertir Service. Madison Ave.. New York. N.Y. Chicago. Boston. 1. , s Angeles San Francisco. Editor Lew Stone Managing Ed.. Arnold Garton; News Ed., Malcolm White; Spurts Ed., Tom Morgan; Feature Ed.., Loretta Neville; Society Ed., Frances Keeney; Asst. Soc. Ed., Claire Lee; Edit. Dir., John Donnell; Photo Ed., Betty Gibbons; Promotion Co-Mgr., Dick Brossman• Asst. News Ed., Dot Hunsberger; Senior Board, Rosemary Squillante. Asst. Boa. Mgr., Margaret Breeee; Adv. Director, George Lntzo; Local Adv. Mgr., Louis Gilbert; Circ. Mgr, Brett Kran irk; Class Adv. Mgr., Wilma Brehm; Personnel Mgr., Jane Snyder; Promotion Co-Mgr., Marlin Weaver; Offiee Mgr.. K. John Barges. STAFF THIS ISSUE Managing Editor ___ News Editor Copy Editor Assistants 4dvertising Manager Assistants Barb Brown Nancy Anderson, Joe Goppa, Jack Senior B. J. Bower Ed Hinkle, W. Wrant AT THE MOVIES CATHAUM—Whispering Smith STATE—Command Decision NlTTANY—Saturday, Fun and Fancy Free —Monday, Life of Giuseppe Verdi Trabue Addresses Dr. Marion R. Trabue, dean of the School of Education, will de liver two addresses before na tional education organizatiOns in St. Louis during the next week. Dean Trabue will discuss the purpose, methods, and proposed procedures of the Committee on Preparation of College Teachers at the annual convention of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education on Friday afternoon. He is chairman of the :nrnmittee. Tomorrow morning, Dean Tra ')ue will peak co "Needs and —A Fan Business Manager :13 4. " Vance C. Klepper Ray Renter __ Al Ryan d Conferences Prospects in the Education of Col lege Teachers" at the annual meeting of the Council on Co-op eration in Teacher Education. Dean Trabue is also scheduled to preside at a conference of the nierican Educational Research Association on Tuesday, of which he is a past-president. Phys Ed Majors Physical Education majors in terested in publication of "Dis cobolus," school newspaper. please attend the meeting in 417 Oki Main at 8 p.m. next Tuesday. Daily Collegian Editorial Page the writer. They wake no claim to reflect student or Itniveritti —John Bonnoll Collegian Gazette Sunday, February 27 PENN STATE Bible Fellowship, 410 Old Main, 4 p.m. STATE PARTY, 121 Sparks, 7 p.m. COLLEGE HOSPITAL Admitted Thursday: Joseph Brown, Ida Green berg. Discharged Thursday: Irene Float. Admitted Friday: Paul McGarry. Discharged Friday: Michael Kurowski, Russel Lieb. COLLEGE PLACEMENT New Jersey Zinc Co. of Pa., March 3, to inter view June grads in EE, Metallurgy, ME, Min ing Eng. General Electric Co., March 3 and 4, June grads receiving B.S. or M.S. degrees in Chem Eng, Chem, and Metallurgy. Group meeting in 110 EE at 7:30 p.m., March 2, for interested students. Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Co., March 4, June grads in ME and EE. A group meeting for those inter ested in 110 EE at 5 p.m., March 3. George A. Hormel & Co., March 2, June grads for sales work in C&F, Adv., Journ. B. F. Goodrich Co., March 1, June grads in C&F interested in distribution. Pennsylvania Railroad has relaxed physical re quirements to men whose eyes are correctable to 20/20 vision with the use of glasses. Also out standing men up to 24 1 / 2 years of age rather than 23. June grads in CE and EE. Applications avail able until March 7. Swift & Co., March 3, Ph.D. candidates for re search work in Chem, Commercial Chem, Ag & Bio Chem, Dairy Husbandry and Physics. Carter Oil Co., subsidiary of Standard Oil Co., March 3, June grads in Petroleum & Natural Gas Eng, Chem Eng, ME. Also persons receiving M.S. degrees in these curricula. Group meeting for those interested in 417 Old Main, March 2, 7:30 p.m. Sylvania Electric Products, Inc., March 7 and 8, June grads with 8.5., M.S., and Ph.D. in EE, ME, lE, Chem, Ceramics, Metallurgy, Chem Eng, and Physics. Kurt Salmon Associates, March 10 and 11, single men with B.S. in LE who are interested in receiv ing training as consultants. Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., March 10 and 11, June grads in IE for management training, high grades are a requisite. Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corp., March 10 and 11, June grads in CE, lE, ME, EE, Metallurgy, and Ceramics. Union Carbide & Carbon Corp., March 9, June grads in EE, ME. Chem Eng, and Chem. Cleveland Graphite Bronze Co., March 10, June grads in ME, Met, interested in the automotive in dustry; also June grads in Chem Eng and Chem interested in the field of electro-chemistry. Nittany Lion Shrine Appears in Exhibit Two words of art on the cam pus will be included in art exhib itions during the coming months. Heinz Warneke, noted sculptor who carved the Lion Shrine, has informed the College that he will exhibit the Nittany Lion at the third annual International Ex hibition for Fairmount Park. He will use the original full-size model of the Nittany Lion, which ,s made of plaster, from which he created the stone Lion Shrine. The Dayton Art Institute will Frosh Beauties To Warm Thaw "February Thaw," independ ent-sponsored mixer at the TUB, at 2 p.m. tomorrow, will be stim ulated if nebulous plans can be completed in time to present the main campus hopefuls for the title of "Miss Penn State Fresh man." Incomplete reports from Daily Collegian talent scouts show that seven worthy prospects for na tional fame and fortune have been unearthed. Although the girls had not been invited by press time last night, it was considered unlikely by the arrangements committee that they should refuse this chance to disprove the chestnut about the "other 90 percent." Meanwhile, arrangements for a special advance screenmg of "Mother Is a Freshman" for the committee, judges and officials of the College, were being complet ed. Players— Continued from page one will show the thesis production "Night Must Fall," a psychologi cal thriller directed by Portman Paget, about April 5. Members of the cast are Mary Axelson, Fanna Brow n, Jean Francis, Timothy Hayes, Eleanore Miles, Charles Shultz, Ruby Snook and Charles Williams. 'Amphitryon 38' Another thesis production, "Amphitryon 38," a comedy di rected by Olivia Crider, will also be given in the Little Theatre about April 29. Its cast is composed of Shirli anne Bush, Walter Eckley, Rob ert McLean, Robert Reifsnyder, George Rhoad, Robert Sinclair, Walter Vail and Lorraine Zim merman. 'John Loves Mary' "John Loves Mary," Broadway com e d y hit to be given in Schwab Auditorium May 5, 6 and 7, will be directed by Robert Kendall. Included in the cast are Bud Bernstein, Anthony Bow man, Daniel Bryant, Mary Alice Hodgson, Mesrop Kesdekian, Joel Kranich. Rita Lang, Sidney Manes. Cynthia Moore and Roh -1 ert Stryker. hold a full-scale retrospective ex hibit of the works of Henry Var num Poor, starting March 18. Poor has informed the College that the exhibit will include an accumulation of his best work, and that a supplement to the ex hibit will include the work of his daughter, Anne. Included in the gallery of his mural work will be a number of photographs of the three murals he has done in Old Main. SA •;D•T :RUART peslirsed imMterials see wiittis by Os wars. Former Lion Coach Returns To Grid Scene By Ray Koehler Hugo Bezdek, one of football's most domineering Nittany figures during the first quarter of the 20th century, and guiding gen ius behind the powerful Penn State grid machines in the early '2o's, has returned to the pigskin scene. Wherever football oldtimers get together, the name of Hugo Bez dek, the "Leo Durocher" of some two-score years ago, is sure to crop up. But who and what manner of man is this Bezdek? In a sentence, he is one of those vanishing Am erican football pioneers who have refused to bite the dust of anti quity, he is the man who estab lished Penn State's physical edu cation course and he is an old ster who remembers using the T-formation in its infancy. Relinquishing the reins of a gentleman farmer at his 130-acre farm near Doylestown, Bezdek is returning to the sport from which he received his MA—in football tacticianing—by being appointed to the post of head whiperacker at the newly-formed American Agricultural College. SPINNER PLAT Credited with originating the spinner through an accident in 1906, Bezdek is a living example of the "life-begins-at-sixty" aph orism, and he is determined to prove that "If Harry Truman can run a country at 64, I can still get out and show some boys how to play football. " The man who made football history when his unranked Ore gon upstarts beat a highly-fa vored Penn eleven in the 1917 Rose Bowl game will make the deviation from P.O.A. (Professor of Agriculture) to that of F.T.E. (Football Tactician Extraordin aire) beginning the last week in March. The N.A.C. was only recently g r ant e d college status, being formerly known as the National Farm School. Bez coached the Nittany Lions from. 1918 until 1929, then stuck around until 1936 as athletic dir ector at the Centre County Col lege, when he bowed out under the persistent baying of the alum ni wolves. UNDEFEATED UNTIL '23 Described as having a "build like a wardrobe trunk," the square-shouldered gent had great undefeated teams for three sea sons up to 1923, although being tied four times. Tributes to the coaching abil ities of Bezdek while at Penn State were such outstanding players as backs Charley 'Gang' Way, Glenn Killinger, now coach Continued on page three CLASSIFIEDS WANTED APARTMENT, two rooms for about June SO or Sept. 26, preferably furnished. Married vet. Call Podalsky 4933. REPLACEMENT wanted for student in Nittany Dorn. Boma for taker. Call Mary 6989. FOR SALE NO SNOW I W 9" skiis, cable bindings, Doles, else let:, ski boots. Excellent con dition. Call Bill 2312. HAVE A CAR for student discount og gasoline. Auto parts and aeeauories• See Dick Weiser, ME 41 at autopoet oK drop a card at 225 E. Pn:smeot avenue. LOST RONSON LIGHTER pocket type. In Tav ern Saturday night. "The Light of 1* Life " Please return. Call 2180. AA for Ed Kerr. ONE FRATERNITY PEN, Deka Upeikat. If loctod, Phone 3398 ask foe Victor Bees ton. LOST—Parker "51" black and anew Ses and tortoise shell glasses, on Monda/• Reward. Call 4916. SIGMA PHI EPSILON franweity rata. along Pollock Road. Finder Arne nail Stan Townsend. 4976 MISCELLANEOUS Your MA Heaven coming' In form 01 FEBRUARY THAW Alb. VI. 2AM p.m at WM rra PRIX I HAVE YOU SEW the Weber Pipe Ateeker at Max Martewiek's Sportemetee Ohoit. 011111416