PAGE FOUR WSGA Names Elizabeth Taylor Judicial Committee Chairman Elizabeth Taylor, junior in Education, was named chairman of Judicial by WSGA at its meeting Thursday night. The action fol lowed a recommendation by Judicial and will not be effective until second semester when Birdie Berman, present chairman, will have graduated. Mary Louise Henry was welcomed to WSGA as the new repre- sentative from Leonides, inde pendent women's organization. She is vice-president of the lat ter organization. Other business at the meeting included a report from Judicial that the dean of women's office will try to make one o'clock trav eling permissions, as part of the blanket permission, effective by next semester. Shirley Gauger, vice-president, reported from the House of Rep resentatives that approximately $l9 more had been turned in to the WSGA Christmas Drive. This money will be added to the $75.55 already donated to the Estelle H. Hetzel Memorial Fund. WSGA will not meet next week. AGR I s --- Continued from page three Kappa Alpha, court one; Matilda Chi vs. Beaver House, court two; Smooth Schmooe vs. Privateers, court three. 9:25 p.m—Jordan Hall vs. Ward 2. court one; Red Flashes va. Q. Quintet, Court two; Kappa Sigma ea. Delta Tau Delta, court three. 10:05 p.m.—Beta Theta Pi vs. Theta Kappa Phi. eourt one; Phi Sigma Kappa Beta Sigma Rho, court two; Lambda Chi Alpha Ts. Theta Xi. court three. CLASSIFIEDS AU classified advertisements most be in by, 12:00 D•m. day preceeding issue. Prices are 400 one insertion: $l.OO, three Insertions: 17 words or less. All words over 17 three for in ter mob insertion. Call Collegian 0711. LOST I CAN'T READ the writing on the wall ! Pink ahell-rimmed glasses, Jan. 7.. Call 215 Atherton. WILL EXCHANGE finger-tip plaid re• versible coat taken during or after 2 :00 claw, 2nd floor Sparks, Thursday after noon. Call Al 4928. FOR SALE DETROLA candid camera with wollensack 3.4 lens, filters, run shade and leather case. Call Jim Eaton 3359. 1939 PALACE TRAILER 25' overall, rood condition $BOO. Inquire James Young. Hoover's Trailer Camp. Route 322. 8 miles west State College. ONE BROWN and one grey striped suits Size 36-38 long. Good condition. Sac ri fi ce. Call Woody 2411. TRAILER for sale—ln excellent condi tion. Occupancy beginning February let. 708 Windcrest. E FLAT ALTO Saxophone, fine condition, cace like new. Price reasonable. Call Bill Loomis, 2161. 1946 BRISTOL House Trailer, excellent condition. Inquire at 3268 Windcrest. MISCELLANEOUS TYPING - REASONABLE. Also rewrit ing, editing, research. Phone 6347. 1 W AT YOUR WARNER THEATEI ? eClr' Z 11) et Giww issx- ELI"' tiLl° THE" DAILY COLLEGIAN: STATE COLLEGE: PENNSYLVANIA Workshop Initiates SororityCooperatior A new idea with regard to closer cooperation among sorori ties will be initiated this after noon in the form of a Pan-Hel lenic Workshop. Attendance at the Workshop is compulsory for Pan-hellenic members and three other repre sentatives from each sorority. The program will be set up in the form of three discussion groups scheduled for sorority suites in Simmons Hall at 1:30 p.m. Prob lems discussed will be rushing, officer training, and alumnae re lations. Delegates may attend whichever discussion they choose. Following the smaller confer ences, a mass meeting will be Luckies up when you're low • ••• calms you down when you're tense! • .• Luckles s tine tobacco pats you oft the right level—the Lucky level—to feel your level best, do your level best. That's why it's important to remember that LUCKY :hums MEANS FINE TOBACCO mild , ripe, light tobacco that makes a thoroughly enjoyable smoke. No wonder more independent tobacco experts auctioneers, buyers and warehousemen smoke Lucky Strike regularly than smoke the next two leading brands combined. Light up a Lucky! Luckies' fine tobacco picks you up when you're low, calms you down when you're tense. So get on the Lucky level where it's fun to be alive. Get a carton and get started today! LOVAIR r —try Saito Afdave raw Tailowat WRA Holds Annual Sweetheart Dance; Music by Clemens Sweetheart Dance, annual girl ask-boy Valentine semi-formal, will be held in White Hall 9 to 12 p.m. on Saturday, February 12. Bob Clemens orchestra will furnish music for the evening. Proceeds from the dance, spon sored by WRA, will be used to support WRA's foster child, a 14- year-old crippled Polish gi r 1 named Ireta Pasztula. In 1940 her mother was killed in the early days of the invasion of Poland and five years later her father disappeared during an uprising. Ireta was placed in a home for war waifs under the Foster Par ents Plan. Publicity for the dance is under the direction of Elaine Cohen, Helen Eicher, Kitty Moore and Marie Wrobleski, Patricia Car lyle, Louise Phillips, Ginny Rich ards and Jane Slifer are in charge of decorations. Tickets for the dance, priced at $1.50 including tax, are on sale at Student Union. held in the main Simmons lounge to coordinate suggestions drawn up at the discussions. %Sao& ZWXY t To , LEVEL dee:, acco plc :.:: ~,,: ::s:;:::s:.: .44: ,... ,' , t;,-,,;.,.i,.i. s you < N y co_eda column Phi Sigma Sigma Phi Sigma Sigma will celebrate its Alumni Weekend which begins on Saturday with a dinner-dance. Sapphire Ball, to be held at the University Club. On Sunday a senior brunch and alumni show er will be held at the Nittany Li on Inn. The following girls were in itiated on Sunday; Evelyn Berk owitz, Phylis Feinsilber, Rhoda Hyman, Gloria Isenberg, Myra Sacks, Marcia Spiers and Con stance Weisberg. On Monday night the following officers were installed in Phi Sig ma Sigma; archon, Marilyn Brooks; vice -archon, Selma Rud nick; scribe, Evelyn Rothberg; tribune, Ruthe Taub; bursar, Jan ice Horoff; social chairman, Fran cine Toll and rushing chairman, Kennye Fogel. Tau Phi Delta New brothers initiated into Tau Phi Delta on Sunday are: Rich ard Bell, Donald Close, George Ference, Allen Fine, Joseph Frew, Willard Grubb, William McDonald, Robert Reese, and Alvin Weborg. SATURDAY, JANUARY 15, 1949 Gamma Phi Beta Gamma Phi Beta recently el ected the following officers: pres ident, Gertrude Fetzer; vice pres ident, Nancy Smith; treasurer, Dorothy Yarnell; recording sec retary, Lorraine Stotler; corres pond i n g secretary, Barbara Brown; rushing chairman, Lucille Phillips; pledge trainer, Ann Fickenscher. Installation of the new officers will take place on January 17. The sorority recently pledged Pierina Posocco and Betty Black. This afternoon the sor ority will entertain the Chi Phi fraternity at an informal party in the playroom of Grange dorm. Phi Kappa Psi Phi Kappa Psi elected the fol lowing officers at elections held on Monday: president, James Raymond; vice-president, Miles Davis; treasurer, Glenn Morrow; corresponding secretary, Jacob Thomas; recording secretary Mil ton Moeschlin; messenger, David Owen; sergeant-at-arms, Tom Reese and chaplain, Waldo Weav er. lIKOPN.. TING AMIMICAII TOBAGO:I 00111PIUIN
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