The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, January 14, 1949, Image 8

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Ag Council Shift
An amendment to the constitu
tion of Ag Student Council
changed the election date of offi
cers from the first meeting of the
second semester to the last meet
ing of the first semester.
Philip Cease, president of coun
cil, said that this was done at a
recent meeting in order that the
new council would have a full
semester in which to work.
Retention of voting privileges
of all officers whether or not they
represented their own club was
added by the amendment.
Edgar Lov reported that plans
for an Ag faculty-student mixer
in th e spring are now underway.
Arrangements with the faculty
are being made. Although no
definite date has been selected,
the affair will be held during the
week of the Ag Frolic.
A report on a centralized bull
etin board and distribution point
for campus publications was giv
en by William Angstadt. He said
to meet the
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Lopytighg 1949, lAGGerr t(its Tawas Gm.
s Election Date
that Harold Wilson. vice dean of
the school of agriculture, is in
favor of a board of the type that
now exists on the Mall.
Continued from page one
years, used as a basis for retire
ment benefits.
The letter to Mr. Milholland
was approved after Mr. Werner
pointed out that the schedule ap
proved by the trustees was below
that asked a year ago by the chap
ter, but that it was in line with
salaries shown in surveys of some
other schools.
The levels did not compare un
favorably with those in a recent
survey of 288 colleges and uni
versities, figures which he pre
sented showed. A more recent
increasing demand for the
OM smo
TTER ,a,a(e
Most modern
methods and best
all 'laboratory
lIT CM 11111 l MO
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Book Exchange
Book Exchange will open in
the Tub January 22, according to
Joanne E. HobM, chairman.
PS Bowling Party
A bowling party for members
and guests of Penn State Club
will be held at Dux Alleys at 7:15
p.m. today. Members intending
to attend are requested to sign
up in the club room before the
private study of 19 institutions,
including some of the nation's
leaders, he reported showed that
of the 19, the College was 4th
from the top in instructors' sal
aries, Bth in assistant professors;
12th in associate professors'; 16th
in professors.
For 1938-39, he said, median
salaries in all ranks at the Col
lege averaged $2,800, compared
to $4,300 estimated for this year,
a rise of 53.6 percent.
ers a
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An classified advertisements must be
in by 12:00 p.m. day preceeding issue.
Prices are dOe one insertion: $l.OO,
three insertions: 17 words or less. All
words over 17 three for 6a for each
insertion. Call Collegian •711.
I CAN'T READ the writing on the wall !
Pink shell-rimmed glasses, Jan. 7. Call
215 Atherton.
STEAMER TRUNK—year old, good shape.
Holds up to twelve garments. Three
roomy drawers. Reasonable. Call Latzo,
Collegion office or 5051-2nd Irvin.
1948 ALMA house trailer, 1012-A Wind
crest. Three rooms, 27 foot long. $1,50C.
Apply within.
DETROLA candid camera with wollenaack
3.5 lens, filters, sun shade and leather
case. Call Jim Eaton 3859.
1999 PALACE TRAILER 25' overall, good
condition $BOO. Inquire James Young,
Hoover's Trailer Camp. Route 322. 3
miles west State College. •
der cigarette
PARTY REFRESHMENTS: cookies, sand•
wiches. punch, etc. Birthday and other
cakes. Frida Stern, 122 Irvin avenue.
Phone 4818 State College. Special pricks
for students.
TRAILER in good condition, 16' long, W_
sulated porch, available Feb. 2. Ap
ply 32S B-Windcrest.
27' TRAILER, 3 rooms, including kitchen;
excellent condition; located in conven
ient trailer camp. Phone 7217.
ONE BROWN and one grey striped suite.
Size 36-38 long. Good condition. Sac
rifice. Call Woody 2411.
THREE ROOM furnished apartment with
bath. Bellefonte. Write Box 261, State
College. Available Feb. lat.'
TUXEDO RENTAL - also other formal
wear and accessories. Very reasonable,
immediate delivery. Young Men's Shop,
127 S. Allen.
TYPING - REASONABLE. Also rewrit.-
ing, editing, research. Phone 6347.
LUTHERANS—Wear your skating tOir.
to Preparatory Service tonight at 7:30.
L.S.A. roller skating party afterward.
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