The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, January 14, 1949, Image 5

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    FRIDAY, JANUARY 14, 1949
Nittanylnjun Sign'
Put to Test Tomorrow
Penn State's court entourage, a bit bedraggled after sustaining
four duckings in its first five games, is looking forward with antici
pation to the hostilities with Carnegie Tech tomorrow night.
Unshaken by their recent ar
gate University, the Nittany Lion
tussle seeking win number two
on the Rec Hall boards. They
have dropped three foreign en
Coach John Lawther is hoping
that, just in case his cagers' scor
ing eyes should falter, the old
State Injun sign over the Tartans
will continue to work for him.
The Plaid cagers have not tasted
Lion meat since 1940, when they
edged State, 35-33, but with Mike
Theodore and his crew deter
mined to end the jinx, the hoped
for Pittsburgh morsel could turn
into a highly unpalatable dish
for the Lions.
Tech's 69-47 defeat by Wash
ington and Jefferson Wednesday
night. has installed the State team
as a slight favorite to overcome
the Tartans' bid for its fourth
win against seven setbacks. The
Centre County collegians edged
the W.&J. five 40-38 in a pre-
Christmas game.
About the only heartening fac
tor which came out of the Col
gate fray was the unveiling of a
potential scoring threat in Ken
Weiss, a sophomore product of
California State Teachers Col
lege. In scoring 12 points—most
of which came when desperately
needed—Weiss has shown Law
ther that he intends making a
serious bid for a starting berth.
Lion forces realize that if they
are to cop their second game in
six outings they will have to stop
the Plaid's high-scoring center,
Mike Theodore, who is touted as
one of Carnegie's all-time bas
ketball greats.
Leading the Lion scoiers
against the Tartans will be Little
Sigma Nu Paces Fraternities
In IM Title Competition
Sigma Nu leads all fraternities in the fight for intramural athletic
all-year honors.
Copping the championship and 225 points in boxing, and adding
35 points for touch football and 40 for swimming for a total of 300
points, the Sigma Nu's are 25 points better than their nearest com
petitor, Phi Epsilon Pi. Phi Delta Theta is third with 190 points.
The information was released
by the intramural department
yesterday in its "Report number
1", listing all fraternities and the
points each has accumulated in
the three sports to date.
Sigma Nu is in front for the
second year in succession. Last
The Flagpoles in Front of Old Main
are buried ten feet in the ground, and your
friends will think you are too if they don't
see you at the NSA's Jam Concert, featur
ing the Tru-Blu Sextet, next Wednesday.
January 19, at 7:30 p.m., in Schwab. Tickets
are half a buck at Student Union.
In case of rain, the concert will be held on the golf course.
By Ray Koehler
istic defeat at the hands of Col
courtsters will enter the 8 o'clock
Toe Tocci who has tallied 41
markers in five games. The black
thatched junior reached his total
via 17 field goals (tops for the
Lions) and Seven free throws.
Milt Simon with 35 points,
Marty Costa with 33, Terry Ruhl
man with 27 and Carl Nordblom,
19, round out the top five point
Penn State's lineup tomorrow
night will find Simon and either
Tocci or Weiss alternating at the
guards with Costa at the tap
position. Ruhlman, who may
start the game at center, will
switch to forward and have either
Lou Lamle or Syl Bozinski as his
running mate.
season, the house accumulated
1357 points in a total of 17 sports,
winning seven championships.
Both the number of points and
the number of crowns won were
new intramural records last year.
Ray Conger, director of rec
reational activities, requests
that 32 metal duplicate bridge
boards be returned to his office,
213 Rec Hall.
The boards were loaned to a
fraternity last year.
Continued from page four
division, Yar Chomicky, will be
unable to compete for the Lions
since he graduates next month.
The ring outlook was further
brightened when footballer Al
Peluso reported for practice ses
sions. Troubled with a bloodclot
during football season, Peluso
underwent an operation recently
and his leg, is now completely
healed. He is expected to be a
top-gight performer along with
Paul Sthith in the light heavy
weight class.
Track 'Prexie
Penn State's track coach, Chick
Werner, is president of the Track
Coaches Association of America.
Three Sets
There have been only three
sets of co-captains in 62 years
of intercollegiate football at Penn
No Lion Killer
Army, Penn State's opponent
for the fourth time in 1949, has
never defeated the Nittany Lions
on the football field.
Wants Beards
Men's Quality Suits
35 Suits Reduced to $25.00
175 Suits Reduced 25%
FORMERLY $65-NOW . . .$49.00
FORMERLY $6O-NOW . . . $45.00
FORMERLY $55-NOW . . .$4130
There Isn't An Old Suit In The Lot But New Shipments Keep
Coining In And We Can't Hang Them On The Ceiling.
A small deposit will hold your selection till the
Our Special Personalized Fitting Service
is available to you at no extra cost if you don't
Buy Now For Spring and Save
State Varsity, Jayvees
Test Cornell Matmen
A powerful Cornell varsity wrestling squad furnishes the oppo
sition for the Nittany Lion matmen in their second meet of the season
tomorrow night. The meet, which will be at Ithaca, N. Y., wilt he
the Lions' sternest test thus far.
Last week, the Big Red squeezed past Lehigh, defending Eastern
Intercollegiate wrestling king, by
a 14-13 margin. It was the En
gineer's first loss after two vic
tories, one against the Southern
Conference champion, Washing
ton and Lee.
The Cornell-Lehigh struggle
found Cornell leading by a 12-11
score, when two of the East's top
heavyweights Don Berndt and
Don Clark of Cornell, took to the
mats. Their contest ended in a
draw and enabled Cornell to put
the first blotch on the Engineers'
1949 record.
The Big Red matmen will enter
the Lion contest with two wins
under their belts. In addition to
Lehigh, an exceptionally strong
squad from Cortland Teachers
College fell before the superior
forces of Acting Coach Erie "Jim"
Nittany Coach Charlie Speidel
anticipates a close struggle with
the Cornellians, for the Ithacans
are as strong in the Lions' best
Sixteen wrestlers will leave, for
the Bear stronghold at noon to-
first of the month
mind waiting.
By Ed Watson
day, and while Coach Speidel is
sure of the men who will be mak
ing the trip, he hesitated to name
the varsity starters in a few of
the questionable weight classes.
A Jayvee meet is scheduled im.-
Continued on page six