The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, December 08, 1948, Image 8
PAGE EIGHT £ Hinkle—Lee Mr. and Mrs. Asbury W. Lee, Jr. of Clearfield, announced Tues day the engagement of their daughter Anna Vaughan, to Al bert R. Hinkle, Jr., also of Clear field. Miss Lee is a graduate of Mt. Vernon Junior College and at the present time is residing in Clear field. Hinkle, a fifth semester stu dent in Business Education, is treasurer of Phi Gamma Delta. He also belongs to Blue Key; Tau Phi Sigma, business education honorary; and is first assistant iwimming manager. Dunham—Gordon Announcement was made over Thanksgiving of the engagement of Mary Gordon to Dr. Phillip Dunham. Miss Gordon is a grad uate assistant in the Home Econ omics Department and graduated from Hood College. Dr. Dunham is practicing dentistry in Brattle boro, Vt., and was a member of Delta Upsilon at Middlebury Col lege. C^o-£dit& Kappa Kappa Gamma Kappa Kappa Gamma soror ity held a party Friday night at the CA cabin for actives, pledges, and their dates. Phi Mu Phi Mu sorority entertained the Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity at an informal party recently. The Phi Mu’s also had a tree trimming party Sunday night for their actives and pledges. Phi Kappa Psi Phi Kappa Psi fraternity en tertained Kappa Alpha Theta sor ority at an informal party Sun day afternoon. IRC Meets Tonight To Plan Convention International Relations Club, host to the Middle Atlantic Con ference of IRC’s on campus last month, will meet in 8 Sparks at 7 p.m. today. The agenda includes re-organ ization, planning for the spring convention to be held at Rut gers University, and a review of the November confab. Theme of that convention was finding a way to better Soviet- American relations. About 350 student delegates from 89 col leges and universities attended. Town Girls Town girls axe to fill out their activities cards in the Dean of Women's office imme diately. itttUim WAMK THEATgI ■^A0 ,VV, THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Women's Phys Ed Faculty Triumphs In Cage Contest In a challenged basketball tilt the women’s physical education faculty swamped a Chi Omega basketball team by the score of 48 to 23. Scoring was close in the first quarter, although the fac ulty cakers secured an early lead and held it throughout the game. Chi Omega team members were Barbara Cruciger, Blanche Eyer, Margaret Shettel James, Marion Martin, Christie Post, and Jean Terry. Those who played on the facul ty team were Miss Dorothy Bri ant, Harriet Cox, Anne Jesnak. Ruth Leonard, Dorothy Magill, and Jacque Zivic. Library Lists Vacation Hours The Central Library at the Col lege will observe the following hours during the Christmas holi days: Saturday, Dec. 18, 7:50 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.; Sunday, Dec. 19, closed; Monday, Dec. 20 through Thurs day, Dec. 23, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.: Friday, Dec. 24, through Sunday, Dec. 26, closed; Monday, Dec. 27. through Friday, Dec. 31. 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday, Jan. 1-2, closed. A.H.Espenshade (Continued from vage one) Professor Espenshade was named head of the department of English composition and journal ism in 1928, where he continued to serve until he retired in 1937 with emeritus rank. A graduate of Wesleyan Uni versity at Middletown, Conn., Profesor Espenshade received his master of arts degree at Colum bia University. He was a member of Phi Beta Kappa and of Phi Kappa Phi, both national schol stic honaor societies. He was also a member of Chi Psi, social fraternity, the American Asso ciation of Collegiate Registrars, Lancaster County Historical So ciety, and the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Wrote English Texts Professor Espenshade is the author of “Pennsylvania Place Names”, but is best known for his texts on English composition. In 1933, Professor Espenshade and T. J. Gates, now professor and head of the department of English composition at the College, pub lished “Essentials of English Composition” which i ; . widely used in this country and in the British Isles. Penn State's Newest and Smoothest Orchestra THE C^ollecflans New to Penn State, the “Collegians” have estab lished a fine record of satisfied listening. Featur ing HAL CATHEMAN as the vocalist, this nine piece orchestra can give your dance the melody touch you desire. THE C^ode^lcins Call Bill Rogers, 3124 or 2130, for Information Ag Professors Present Reports Five of the technical reports featuring the annual sessions of the American Society of Animal Production held recently in Chi cago, were presented by members of the School of Agriculture fac ulty. In the nutrition division, Dr. A. L. Bortree, new member of the animal husbandry faculty, was co-author with Michigan scien tists, on “Types and numbers of micro-organisms in the rumen contents of cattle being fed na tural and semi-synthetic rations.” The same division heard J. W. Bratzler, J. R. Barnes and R. W. Swift, all of the department of animal nutrition report on “Ef fects of thioracal on the metabo- Lsm of rats.” For the pastures divisions, J. L. Gobble, R. C. Miller and F. L. Bentley were co-authors of a re port on “Pasture for Swine” which summarized extensive tests made on the College’s swine herds. Within the breeding and gen etics division, William L. Hen ning and Glen R. Kean, a gradu ate student, reported on experi ments conducted at the College on production of hot-house lambs. Prof. P. T. Zeigler and James 4. Christian presented a paper to the Meats division on factors in fluencing the quality of frozen 'storage meat, which summarizes extensive studies conducted at the College on food freezing. independent Men Name Co-Advisors Dr. Ray Carpenter of the psy chology department and Mr. Ross Lehman of the Athletic Associa tion were named co-faculty ad visors of the Association of In dependent Men meeting Monday n s <?ht.. Other appointments made by the newly organized organization were: Ed. Armsley, publicity; Bill Manus, social chairman; Bill Nor cross. historian: and Eric Brown. CORE representative. A committee headed by Ed. Walacavage was appointed to in vestigate ways of raising funds. Armsley stated that a list of the AIM representatives and their addresses will be posted on the outdoor bulletin board in front of Carnegie Hall, and all “gripes” 'com Independent students should be handled through these rep resentatives. Chemists at the College devel the Army’s famed explosive RTIX. MILITARY ••• Collegians Available at PJickup Points Daily Collegians are once again sue of the Collegian, according to , „„ nlU ii.R. Brett Kranich, circulation and will continue to be available manager students are urged to at all distribution points which pick up their Collegians at the were published in an earlier is-closest distribution point. CLASSIFIEDS All classified advertisements must be in by 12:00 p.m. day proceeding issue. Prices are 40e one insertion. SI. 00. three insertions: 17 words or less. All words over 17 three for 6c for each insertion. Call Collegian 6711. PERSON WHO TOOK wrong Army Offi cers short coat on Monday. Nov. 29. 121 Sparks call 6828. 1 have yours. GRAY COVERT TOPCOAT. Outside 226 M.I. Tuesday evening, Nov. 23. Fail River, Mass label. Phone Reid 4819. SMALL BLACK and red purse containing brown shell rimmed glasses and pen. Reward. Call Dilly 4643. ONE K AND E Log Log Duplex Slide Rule. Contact W. W. Posey, 4928. STAINLESS STEEL CASE “Eska” watch, flat colled stainless steel band. Call Dorm 81, Ext. 291 or contact A.V.E., dorm 31, room 21. BROWN BILLFOLD containing matric card and meal ticket. If found call 422 Ath (5061). CIRCULAR KEY CHAIN holding four keys lost Monday or Tuesday in town or campus. Call Brown 6311. SMALL BLUE PURSE containing pen. key, meal ticket. Reward. Call Pat Sauer, 414 Simmons. BLACK WALLET, containing personal papers, lost on College ave last Monday night. Reward. Call Woodhall. Sigma SOPHOMORE ENGINEERS: Missing the boat in calculus ? For tutoring service call 6219 after 6:30. RIDE TO LEXINGTON or Southeastern Kentucky. Dec. 18th. Share driving and expenses. Long, 41-14. -Announcing the BALL featuring. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1948 WANTED Blue Barron his "music of yesterday and today" FRIDAY, DEC. 10 REC HALL Dancing 9 to 12:30 MISCELLANEOUS IN A HURRY 7 On the spot pressing plus expert alterations and dry cleaning at Quick Press Shop. FOR SALE 1947 MAJESTIC HOUSE TRAILER 26 feet, three rooms completely furnished. Like new, priced right for quick sale. Phone 5051-289, Glenn Johnson. 1948 HUDSON, Commodore 6, 4 door se dan. Like new. Can be financed. ' 219 Windcrest. 1936 PONTIAC sedan good condition with good tires, radio and heater. Call Haag now at 851. 1 THREE INVITATIONS to Military Ball, Three dollars each. Contact David A. Mays 39-13 Nittany Dorms. Phone 6051* 220. NEW PAIR magnesium skiis. Never used. Forced to sell. Call Craig Houston 3918, Rm 17, Dorm 3. GO FORMAL! Tails size 86-37. Excellent condition. Complete $86.00. Call Jones, 6786. STAY COZY these cold winter days! For colorful warm plaid cotton shirts at up to two dollars under retail price. Call 3332—Ask for Don. TWO EXCELLENT TICKETS for Christ ohper Lynch concert, call Romberger, 3243 after 4 p.m. FOB RENT CABIN for light house keeping. Byers Tourist Cabins, 807 S. Atherton street. Phone 2357. DIAL EXT. 263 For Student and Gift Rates LIFE THE ESQUISSE AGENCY Formal