The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, December 04, 1948, Image 3

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Christian Association Launches Drive
Student PSCA Cabinet
Guides Association Policies
Policies and coordinations of plans for the Association are de
cided by the Christian Association cabinet, headed by William
Renshaw, president.
The cabihet, meeting weekly, points its whole program toward
the center objective of the association—Christian faith. The cab
inet is composed of the association officers and the co-chairmen
of each commission.
A new project of the cabinet will be a Sunday afternoon flre
si*e sessjott, at which members may discuss various religious
mdttefs as they pertain to the association. By this means they
hope to bring cabinet members closer together than business meet
ings alone allow.
Top row, left to right: Charles Delp, publicity chairman; Jacjc
Kooker, Club 51 president; John Kockalka, co-chairman of World
Relatedness. Commission; Don Seipt, co-chairman of Personal and
Campus Affairs Commission; George Rhoad.
Second row: Dot Fleagle, co-chairman of Social Responsibil
ity Commission; Nancy Smith, co-chairman of World Relatedness
Commission; Norriian Wheeler, co-chairman of Christian Heritage
Commission; Marjorie Gorham, co-chairman of Christian Heritage
Commission; Walt Gabel, co-chairman of Personal and Campus
Affairs Commission.
Bottom row: Marjorie Allen, associate secretary; Ted Allen,
vice-president; William Renshaw, president; Patricia Woods, sec
retary; and James Thomson, treasurer.
1 Circle of Faith
The Circle of Faith and Action,
a Wheel with Christian faith as its
hub, is the symbol of the National
Student YMCA and YWCA.
The Circle is divided into four
parts, each part representing a
commission or worship-study
action group. These commissions,
Christian Heritage, Personal and
Campus Affairs, Social Responsi
bility, and World Relationships,
guide all programs and activities
conducted by the Penn State
Christian Association.
During the past semester the
PSCA commissions have been par
ticularly active. The Christian
Heritage commission, for example,
has sent deputations to the Coun
ty home and the County jail to
conduct church services, and
hopes to send deputations to rural
The Personal and Campus Af
fairs group conducts the Saturday
Night Open H ouse, sponsors a
dancing class, inaugurated the So
cial Recreation Institute, and holds
discussions on personal relation
ships between men and women.
The commission on World Re
latedneas promotes correspond
ence with students in foreign
lahdt, initiates the annual World
Stuwiit Service Fund drive, and
St present is investigating possi
bilities for the erection of an In
ternational House on campus.
,Bach coinmission is a study
Croup as well as an action group.
Christian Heritage emphasizes
Bible study, Christian worship,
cHUrchmstuhip. and evangelism.
Personal relations, association
procedures, campus affairs, and
Christian vocations are studied
under the Personal and Campus
Affairs commission.
Tnp Social Responsibility com
mission studies m the fields of
community work, higher educa
tion, racial equality, economic jus
tieo, and political effectiveness.
World organization and move
ment# uniting Christian students
thg world over, such as the World’s
Student Christ! an Federation, are
studied under the World Related
saw commission.
ets Objectives
\ Jf
Student Leaders Ask Support
As Annual Canvas Opens
* -r -
Bobbie Jo Morris
The Penn State
Did You Know? —
CA Notes
The PSCA was founded in 1875,
and completes its 72nd year of
service this month?
PSCA was first housed in a one
room shack which stood near the
present Old Main?
The Artist’s Course was first
begun by the PSCA and the* de
partment of music?
The Ralph Watts Cabin has been
used for cabin parties every week
end this semester?
The handbook has been edited
annually since 1895?
PSCA is affiliated nationally
and internationally with the
Y.M.C.A. and the Y.W.C.A.?
PSCA now owns over 36 acres
and $9,000 cabin?
■ The PSCA found rides home
for 56 students this year for elec
tion day?
Over 55 rooms were found for
students this fall by the PSCA?
PSCA Spronsors
Radio Programs
The Christian Association pre
sents a fifteen minute radio pro
gram every other week at 8:45
P-m., Thursdays, over WMAJ
There have been four such pro
grams this semester. The first
presented an interview with Dr.
Werner Striedieck of the German
department at the College. Dr.
Striedieck had just returned from
a summer in Germany, and told
listeners of his observations there.
A. discussion of the coming
presidential election was the sub
ject of the second program.
Charles Oerkvitz, La Vfern Seth
and Nancy Smith comprised the
panel. Ted Allen announced for
both porgrams.
The third program consisted of
a play entitled “Mr. & Mrs. Amer
ica,” concerning winning of the
peace. Announced by Robert
Loughry, the play included in its
cast Marjorie Allen, David Binns,
J°hn McCool and James Thomson.
The last radio program was
Panned by foreign students of
the College in commemoration of
International Student’s Day.
Faith and Heritage
The Christian Faith and Heri
tage Commission recognizes the
need of each member of the Chris
tian Association to grow in his ex
perience and knowledge of Chris
tian faith.
To acquaint students with the
resources of the Bible, a study
group is held under the direction
of a competent leader. They seek
iiisight through worship and plan
worship services for special occa
sions as World Student Day of
Prayer. They co-operate in plan
ning Religion-in-Life Week and
send deputations to near rural
Bobbie Jo finance drive, have
Richardson, student co-chairmen
of the PSCA finance drive, have
issued a joint statement in an
appeal to students to strive earn
estly toward the attainment of the
$4BOO goal in this year’s drive.
The co-chairmen and Dr.
George Leffler, faculty chairman
of the drive, stated last night that
they were confident of reaching
the goal set by the Association.
“I am convinced the students
will give generously because
they know they are contributing
to a worthy cause,’' Mr. Richard
son said.
Dr. Leffler stated that faculty
division and section leaders are
well organized and that all an
ticipate a hearty respones from
faculty and staff members.
The PSCA drive starts Monday
and will continue through Sat
urday, December 11. Over 300
students and faculty members
will take part in this, the 48th
annual PSCA fund raising cam
paign. |
Dr. Moyer Addressed Group;
Heads Explains Campus Drive
Faculty Chairman
Dr. Leffler
PSCA 'Bible Helps
Bewildered Sophs
Through Maze
Bewildered and burdened soph
omores have found aid in the Stu
dent Handbook for 54 years. With
the “Bible” as their guide, genera
tions of new students have come
and gone through the College.
Tradition does not fail even
though the freshmen, for whom
the book was first intended, do
not come these days, for the PSCA
continues to edit the handbook
for transfer sophomores, veterans,
and other students who are un
familiar with the campus.
In the first handbook, in 1895,
along with instructions on conduct
for the first day of classes, details
on Bible study, athletics, and
weather signals were included.
As in the present edition, a his
tory of the College was given,
but the description of the campus
in 1895 is almost unbelievable
compared to the campus as it is
Beaver Field, so students were
told in 1895, was located directly
in front of Agriculture building
and behind Chemical Engineering
building. That was quite a span,
including land where today stand
Frear and Pond Laboratories and
Burrowes building.
All freshmen met a 9 o’clock
curfew unless accompanied by an
upperclassman in the “good old
Frank Richardson
Plans for the 48th annual PSCA
fund raising campaign, which
opens Monday, December 6, were
shaped Thursday night at a ban
quet for divisioit and section lead
ers at the Faith Evangelical and
Reformed Church. The Reverend
Andrew E. Newcomer, pastor of
the Presbyterian Church, gave
the invocation.
William Niering, graduate stu
dent at the College, served as
toastmaster and introduced the
principal speaker, Dr. James
Moyer, vice-chairman of the
PSCA. Dr. Moyer spoke on the
subject, “The Meaning of the
Christian Association.’’
An outline of the work being
doile currently by the Association
was presented by William Ren
shaw, PSCA president. After
enumerating the many services
which the Association renders,
he assured all who are working
on the drive that their time and
energy are being used for the dir
ect benefit of the student body.
Bobbie Jo Morris and Frank
Richardson, Student co-chairmen
of the drive, and Dr. George
Leffler, faculty chairman, were
also introduced. Miss Morris and
Mr. Richardson thanked the many
volunteers who are contributing
their time for the drive and out
lined the duties of the division
and section leaders. Miss Morris
announced the “Kickoff Rally” to
be held at 4:15 Sunday afternoon
in 121 Sparks building. At that
time the finance drive volunteers
will receive final instrufctions and
materials preparatory to tne op
ening of the five-day campaign
which ends Saturday, December
The banquet was planned and
arranged by Mrs. Harriet Nesbitt,
assistant professor of public
speaking at the College. She was
assisted by the following stu
dents: Ted Allen, Walt Gabel, Pat
Woods, Shirley Brown, Nancy
Mendenhall,, Jane Lohr and Dan
forth Dellow.
Penn State CA
Born in 1875
The Penn State Christian Asso
iiation has a long and interesting
Organized in 1875, the Associa
tion affiliated two years later
with a national interrollegiate
movement called “The Young
Men's Christian Association,” and
down through the years this
group has been referred to fam
iliarly as “The Y.”
For the next 54 years the PSCA,
the oldest student organization at
the College, grew and gained in
influence. In 1903 the first full
time secretary was hired, and in
1907 the large number of co-eds
on the campus made possible the
organization of the Young Wo
men’s Christian Association. In
1925 it was possible to secure a
full-time secretary for the wo
By 1931 the work of the two
groups was found to be so simi
lar in objectives and program*
that the YMCA and the YWCA
were incorporated as the Penn
Slate Christian Association. Four
years later the cabinets of the two
groups were united.
The purpose of the PSCA is
to unite Penn State students, fac
ulty, alumni, and friends in their
desire to discover, understand,
appreciate the highest ideals
O- Christian living, and to make
these ideals operative on the cam
pus and throughout the world.
A student cabinet composed of
lb members and a student-faculty
board with 30 members guide the
organization. Normally the stall
consists of a General Secretary,
and Associate Secretary, and an
Office Secretary. At the present
time, however, only two of these
positions are filled.
ofThf year record
qi ine rSCA is an impressive
CotUimied on page four