The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 17, 1948, Image 8

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WRA Ball Teams
Launch 2nd Week;
AOPI Meets AChiO
League I matches, held in
White Hall last night, started the
second week of the 24-team com
petition in women's intramural
At 7 p.m. Kappa Alpha Theta
clashed with Co-op and Alpha Xi
Delta met Kappa Delta. Gamma
Phi Beta opposed Simmons,
while Delta Zeta and Theta Phi
Alpha met at 8 p.m.
Tonight's competition includes
matches at 7 p.m. with Alpha
Omicron Pi opposing Alpha Chi
Omega and Delta Delta Delta
against Alpha Epsilon Phi. At 8
p.m. Zeta Tau Alpha meets with
Leonides and Sigma Delta Tau
clashes with Atherton I.
League 111 teams meet tomor
row night to end the week's com
petition. Chi Omega batles
Kappa Kappa Gamma and Phi
Mu opposes Town at 7 p.m.
Delta Gamma is slated to meet
Atherton 111 at 8 p.m. and Alpha
Gamma Delta will meet Ather
ton U.
All classified advertisements mum be
in by 12:00 p.m. day preceeding issue
Prices are 40e one insertion . 21.00
three insertions: 17 words or less. All
words over 17 three for 6c for each
insertion flail Collegian 6711
EVENING BAG with jewelry on Pugh
Street Saturday night. Call Ruety at
Periodical Department in Library.
GREY topcoat at Sigma Pi Saturday
night. Hager Bros. label Name tag in
side left pocket. Call Brown 4332.
PERSON who picked up wrong topcoat in
Sparks Saturday morning call Fleming.
DU cm 2011. I have yours.
GOLD GERARD Peraguay watch. Sat.
night between Atherton and Tub. Call
5051, Ext. 290. Harvey Bean.
PAIR of brown framed glares in AGR
House Saturday night. Call Harold Lan
dis, 2401.
PET. ENG. 83 papers between MI and
Old Main Friday morning. Call Huber
Dorm, 5051.
LOST at Delta Sig House on Saturday.
gray gabardine topcoat. • Henry Pagel
label. Call BID Hoffman, Dorm 9.
WOULD PERSON who took wrong grey
topcoat from Theta Xi rail Frank Pokor
ny, 5051-277.
LOST Saturday night, red velvet even
ing bag containing Elgin watch. Please
call Pat, 401 Simmons.
LIGHT TAN raincoat taken by mistake
from Phi Delta Theta Saturday night.
Keys In Pocket. Phone 2082.
WI TOPCOAT exchanged Saturday at
Pt Lambla Phi: Shedar Clothcraft Jebel,
sooel Aftucty4
5010 got al
Can YOU Think of
the Winning Name . . .
... For our newly decorated room? We
will give the winner $lO.OO in cash or
$10.50 in meals. If within the next two
weeks YOU can name our "New Look"
(Formerly called the Pastry Shop)
Gamma. Phi Beta
Gamma Phi Beta observed its
annual Founders' Day with an
open house at their suite Monday
evening for all their town alum
nae. During the evening a pro
gram was presented and refresh
ments were served.
Zeta Tau Alpha
Zeta Tau Alpha has added five
new members to the sorority,
pledging Nancy Erb, Martha
Fleming, Judy Guier, Betsy Ost
erhout, and Helen Pond.
"Hellman" inside. Have your coat. Call
Mike Hellman, 3204.
RIDE to and from Boston, for Thanks
giving vacation. Call Hal 2526.
ALGEBRA TUTOR urgently needed. Call
255 Simmons.
WILL EXCHANGE Pitt tickets Sec. 22.
Row 81, Seats 24 and 26 for any two
adjoining seats, any side of See. 23, Row
47. Seats 37 and 38. Schoenberger Dorm
RIDE TO BOSTON for Thanksgiving.
Will share driving and expenses. Call
Dave Orrell, Nittany Dorm 284. Phone
5051, Ex. 288.
K. and E. log log decitrig sliderule. Call
. 5051 between 6 and 9. Room 234, Sim
A RIDE W Pittsburgh after 6:00 p.m
Thursday. 4959 Omar Lerhman
Wednesday and Thursday.
GENUINE Erush Keiurich Rofh Violin.
Double violin case, one bow, one Cre
mona copy German violin. Separately or
together. Contact S. K. Knies, 6051-288.
AIR CORPS Jackets—waterproof, wind
proof, fur collar, wool lined. Swell for
all winter. Only $l4. Call Wilker, 2941.
1948 CHEVROLET Club Coupe, radio
heater, seat covers. 310 W. Nittany.
1947 WILSYS Jeep—Excellent condition.
Trade-ins acceptable. Call 5051-270. Ask
for "Bob." Room 28.
1934 PLYMOUTH 4-door sedan. $145
Joe Lohman - 201 Irvin Hall.
SALE-1947-27 foot Zimmer house trail
er, used 6 months, equipped for house
keeping, drapes, silver, dishes, etc. Duo
therm heater, bottle-gas stove. Displayed
rear 281 S. Atherton St. Call Ted 868 for
appointment to insp:ot. $1950.
1947 BLACK CHEVROLET convertible
Excellent shape with all accessories
12,000 miles. Call 2082.
1942 DODGE SEDAN fluid drive. G.
condition. Good rubber. J. D. Mae .
gee, 228 Windcrest.
MIMEOGRAPHING and expert typing
done REASONABLE—term papers, then
manuscripts. Secretarial Service.
Room 205, State College Hotel. Above the
Corner. Phone 9906.
RHEUMATIC FEVER benefit bridge
game sponsored by Phi Sigma Sigma.
Wed., Nov. 17. Simmons Recreational Hall,
from 7 to 9 p.m. Admission 50 cents. Re.
f reshments.
•Hot Food
•Good Variety
•Prompt Service
•Popular Prices
Sigma Alpha
Sigma Alpha has pledged four
.nen recently. They are Manny
ilassman, Alvin Glenn, Stanley
Zeller, and Kenneth Rosenberg.
Kappa Delta
Wanda Harter and Ginny Brie
have pledged Kappa Delta soror
Chi Omega
Chi Omega soroity entertained
:he Chi Phi fraternity at an in
"ormal at the sorority suite last
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More independent experts smoke Lucky Strike regularly
than the next 2 leading brands combined!
e smoking preference of the men who really know tobacco—auction
- rs, buyers and warehousemen. More of these independent
ports smoke Lucky Strike regularly than the next two
ading brands combined.
404t-pw w/ma4to-0 ,iyw.r? . ;
rnatee ae Artaie 4 , ,veZ? ,otsok
So round, so firm, so fully packed so free and easy on the draw
Commerce Club
Cancels Forum
Lack of interest has caused
cancellation of the seven remain
ing meetings of the State College
Commerce Club forum series, ac
cording to Robert L. McLanahan,
Consumer wants, busines fi
nance, retailing, new competition,
and selling ideas were among the
topics which were scheduled for
discussion by local, state and na
tional experts.
Leo Houck, Nittany boxing
coach, has been at the helm of
Lion fighters for 26 seasons.
p r O
Penn State Dames
To Meet Tomorrow
Penn State Dames will hear
Dr. William Smith, associate pro
fessor of family relationships,
speak on "What Makes a Home
Happy or Hectic?" at the home
of Mrs. George Haller, 210 F e ast
Adams avenue, at 8 p.m. tomor
- .
Informal discussion of the top
ic, refreshments and a business
meeting will follow the talk.
Three times in two years, Nit
tany football star Chuck Dra
zenovich has played 60 minutes
against tough opponents.
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