The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 16, 1948, Image 7
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1948 We the Women By Frances Keeney "Import Weekend" is over, and a drowsy calmness like a settling fog sours over the woebegone fra ternity man as he drags himself to a sleepy lecture in Sparks after which he plops himself out on his own soft bed, and spends the rest of the day under the protecting care of Morpheus. The "import" after she is safely returned to her home has so much to talk about from the power of the State football team to the min ute description of the fraternity dances that she doesn't feel the effects until a week after she leaves this peaceful burg. Recuperation Sure But within a month all partici pants should be recuperated, that is if they skip Pitt Weekend, and be ready for the "old routine" again. But no sooner was the last tender farewell given the "im ports," when coeds started worry ing about telephones, eating and bluebooks. It seems those coeds who moved up to the Home Eco nomics Home Management houses are having difficulties finding a dining hall on campus that will feed them. The Houses are not quite ready to handle the new turn-over of coeds, and the Dining Mills on campus say they're pay ing to eat at the Management houses. Maybe some of the fra ternities have some left-overs ! 5051 Operators Coeds arg becoming more dis gusted with the 5051 telephone operators. Even if they are new, it wouldn't hurt to be a bit more courteous to people using the fa cilities of 5051. But these problems are swamp ed in the midst of mid-terms, re ports due, and trying to catch up on the weekend's shut-eye. Even Pitt Weekend looms as a night mare for many students, with the result that the Athletic Office will probably be busy refunding tick ets. But cheer up, there's still a few months before the next Houseparty! National , Group Honors President, Gives Informal Tea The College chapter of Chimes, national junior women's honor ary, held an informal tea in honor of Mrs. Elaine Burns, national president, Saturday afternoon fol lowing the Penn State-Temple game. Active and inactive members of the local chapter were present and acted as hostesses with Miss Miss Xdilki Zinn, adviser, and Francei Zschleman, president of the Penn State chapter, presiding. Other invited guests were Miss Jackson, assistant to the Dean of Women, Mrs. Furst and Mrs. Con nor, hostesses from Atherton Hall, Miss Seaman, hostess of McAllis ter Hall, and Mrs. Morris, hostess of Grange dormitory. A theme of yellow and white, colors of the organization, were carried out in the decorations and refreshments. Mrs. Burns, newly elected this summer as national president, is an alumna of Temple University. Triangle The following men were initiat ed into Triangle fraternity re cently Michael Dzuenda, Milton Stone, Dean Harrison, Chester Kiddell, Paul Morris, and John Snook. A banquet in honor of the members was held immediately following the initiation ceremon ies. Guest speaker for the evening were Harry P. Hammond, dean of the School of Engineering and David J. Peery, Head of the de partment of Aeronautical Engin eering. Other members of the fac ulty attending were Prof. Albert P. Powell, Prof. Charles J. Smith and Mr. John W. Breneman. HAIR on dm FACE ANNA AND LEAS 11 1.11,01 atcfite. sis slay atetbai ea isseed by sobyidthoos. BOUL g: Stem AM% Rift ColUge.-$2.5 Coed Bowling Women's intramural bowling entered its second week of com petition in White Hall last night as teams of League I clashed to determine superiority. Kappa Alpha Theta met Co-op; Alpha Xi Delta was matched against Kappa Delta; Gamma Phi Beta met Simmons; while Delta Zeta and Theta Phi Alpha were pitted against one another. League II teams are sched uled for matches beginning at 7:45 p.m. today. Alpha Omicron Pi will face Alpha Chi Omega. At 8:30 p.m. Zeta Tau Alpha and Leonides will clash, and at 9:15 p.m. Phi Sigma Sigma is sched uled to meet Atherton I. At 4:15 p.m. tomorrow Chi Omega will meet Kappa Kappa Gamma to start League 111 matches. At 7:45 p.m. Phi Mu and Beta Sigma Omicron are slated against each other. Delta Gamma will face Atherton 111 at 8:30 p.m., while Alpha Gamma Delta and Atherton II will meet at 9:15. Philotes Initiates Twenty-Six Coeds At a formal initiation held last week Philotes initiated the fol lowing members: Evelyn Arm strong, Rosemere Baum, Jean Brown, Pauline Fetter, Jean Fer ry, Mary Ada Greenawalt, Sylvia Janowitz, Roberta Johnston, Carol Jungman, Shirley Lane, Florence Levinsky, Barbara Lock, Betty McGee, Ann McLaughlin, Dolly Marchetti, Dorothy Moorhead, Frances Nichols, Ellie Nobile, Rena Olivia, Shibley Rhodes, Mary Liz Robbins, Marjorie Scharf, Ruth Schecter, Ruth Sickerman, Patsy Sullivan, and Mary Winston. Important Transportation Announcement THANKSGIVING RECESS GREYHOUND LINES will operate SPECIAL BUSES from the WEST PARKING LOT, located South of RECREATION HALL. Time of depart ure will be 12:45 P.M. Wednesday, November 24th ,1948. RESERVATIONS for the SPECIAL BUSES will be made with the purchase of your ticket and must be made prior to 10:00 P.M. of November 23rd, 1948. On the return movement from Pittsburgh, Pa. Sunday, November 28th, 1948, SPECIAL BUSES will leave the Pittsburgh GREYHOUND TER MINAL at 11:00 A.M. and 8:00 P.M. For tickets and information call at GREY HOUND POST HOUSE, 146 North Atherton Street. Phone 4181. DON'T BE SORRY TOMORROW Vote Straight State Today! President Ken Rolston Vice-President Barb Niesley Sec.-Treas. Bob Longenecker Good Student Government THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA agagement4 Announcement was made Sunday of the engagement of Miss Jo Fox of Erie to Huston Hamilton Brosious of Sunbury. A surprise celebration in honor o. Miss Fox was given at the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity house Sun day afternoon. Miss Fox is a senior in journ alism, feature editor of Collegian, member of Mortar Board, Liberal Arts student council, vice presi dent of Theta Sigma Phi, and so cial chairman of Kappa Kappa Gamma. Brosious, president of Phi Kap pa Psi, is a senior in advertising. He is a member of Skull and Bones and president of Alpha Delta Sigma. Thespians Tap 19 W. Norman Sims, president of the Pennsylvania State Thespian Club, announced today the tap ping of 19 new members by the Club last week. The tappees include Ned Arms by, Robert Brooks, David Eld ridge, Kenneth Emerson, Mackey Emmert, Fred Fuller, Bob Gard ner, Henry Glass, Herbert Graves, Laßue Gunnison, John Kruesen, Robert Manning, Creston Otte miller, Lawrence Pinno, Joseph Reinheimer, James Saling, John 84)an, Richard Trumbord, and ,aiies Workman. Rifle Club All coeds who are interested in WRA's Rifle Club should sign up immediately in 101 White Hall. Brosious—Fox Co-eill Col.. Phi Kappa Tau Phi Kappa Tau held an Ar menian Rug-Cutters Dance with music by Gene Booth's Sextette in the chapter house on Saturday night. Out-of-town guests were Nancy Bachman, Patricia Chase, Marylou Connell, Anne Louise Cooper, Eleanor DeVoge, Lib Fitzgerald, Lou Haldeman, Jea nette Kriegsman, Dorthy Reiter, Barbara Skean, Jane Smith, Hel en Weidner, Shirley Willard, and Ruth Winterstein. Acacia Acacia held a dance at the chapter house Saturday evening in honor of its pledges. Pledges include Robert Freborough, Don- 04.11. From All , , , , t ) 1 .. " Reports.. 0 ..d Both "sold out" audiences who --.•`;'" saw Players unique produc tion at CENTER STAGE this ...4 .40 1, ,... j . 1 5 weekend of "TEN NIGHTS IN A BARROOM " are rating it A-i in all around entertainment. You, too, can laugh til your sides split and throw pop corn til your heart's content this Friday and Saturdiy night—if you get your tickets early. Tickets at S. U. Center Stage 8 p. m. GREYHOUND ald Glenn, William Holdren, Ed ward Ruch, Thomas Schreffler, Ronald Smith, John Wagner. Guests of Acacia over the week end were Gladie Cam p b e 11, Phoebe Frid a y, Peggy Gold thorpe, Janet Hagyard, Lois Heg arty, Jean Buyer, Marion John son, Pearl Kauffman, Suzanne Lawrence, Helen Meisel, Dottie Mosser, Becky Norr i s, Helen Scureman, Kay Sheehy, Mrs. James Short, Helen Sileski, Pa tricia Thomas, Marion Wilson, Peggy Wilson, and Eleanor Zehmer. Chi Omega Chi Omega recently initiated Blanche Eyer and pledged Dee Horne and Claire Finnerty. I.till PAGE SEVEN