The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, October 27, 1948, Image 4

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Good Housekeeping
Positions Available
To Home Ec. Majors
A program for a six months
post-graduate course in home ec
onomics in which the students
will be paid while learning was
announced today by Good House
keeping magazine.
Beginning February 1, 1949,
Good Housekeeping, in collabora
tion with The American Horne
Economics Association will offer
a six-months training course :n
the laboratories of Good House
keeping Institute to a limited
group of home economics grad
Those who may apply include
home economics graduates and
seniors with a major in any of
the fields of home economics.
No graduate will be eligible
who has been previously employ
ed, after graduating, as a home
economist in business. However,
vacation jobs and field work dur
ing school years will count in fa
vor of an applicant. A
A Bachelor’s degree _ in Home
Economics will be required of all
applicants who are accepted but
seniors who expect to be gradu
ated in January, 1949, may apply
in anticipation of receiving a de
Application must be made on
application blanks provided by
Good Housekeeping Institute.
Students may obtain application
FARNSWORTH Radio - Victrola consol
lette, with intermixed record changer,
for trailers or small apartments, $109.95.
The Harmony Shop.
DOUBLE DECK wooden beds. Can be
seen at warehouse near N.Y.A. cabina.
Call 6711 Ext. 205-M.
Portable Philco radio, set of golf clubs
and beg. Call Dottle at 4143.
FOR SALE —’47 Jeep and bantam trailer.
Good condition. Call 6403, 7:30 * 9:30.
PRACTICALLY new golf clubs. Be wise.
Buy now trat the season's waning.
Call Bob Stitt, 201 Jordan.
KEEP WARM! Get an Air Corps jack
et, for collar, wool lined, water-proof.
A good buy for $l4. Call Wilker, 2941.
MODEL A FORD sedan, good condition.
Can be seen at Breons gas station. E.
College Ave.
DRESSES, Suita and Coats, sire 12. Qual
ity and oonditioa good. Price reasonable.
Suitable for height 5 feet. Call 3289.
LOST —Tuesday, Gray Parker 51 Pen with
loose clip. Finder call Mary Newton. 161
Atherton after 5.
TIE CHAIN with Phi Eta Sigma key at
tached. Finder —write John Dillman, P.O.
Box 128, Boro.
LOST ■— Works to Gruen wrist watch,
in vicinity of Mae Hall. Phone 2404.
LOST —Blue and gray Parked "51” pen
with bent clip on west campus. Call
Jhn Fluke 3945.
WILL PERSON who accidentally picked
up Tanner's "Business Law” in 316
Sparks last week, please turn same in to
Student Union desk.
LOST —Friday, in Central Library, Swiss
made mechanical pencil. Labeled with
name. Old keepsake. Please phose Carey,
DOUBLE ROOM with cooking privileges
before Christmas vacation. Cali Carl
Vesper, 3110.
COUPLE INTERESTED in sharing ex-
, penses for trip to Jackson, Mississippi
and return during Christmas holiday va
cation. Willing to drive own car or ride
with someone else. Call College 396 and
ask for Jo.
YOUNG COUPLE—to share house, two
blocks from campus. Occupancy Nov. 1.
Call Sloan 2339 at mealtime.
TWO ALERT young men with mechan
ical engineering degrees, training or
background. To be trained by heavy
equipment house for future permanent
managerial positions with well establish
ed progressive firm. Send recent photo,
educational background and business his-
and orery Monday
and Wednesday
at 9:4S p.m.
. . . LISTEN TO . . .
People Are Interesting
Sponsored by
College Sportswear
Gamma Phi Beta
Gamma Phi Beta -ecently in
itiated Arlene Conner and Arne
The sorority will hold a Snacir
er Sup Der in the playroom of
Grange, Sunday, October 31 for
members and their dates.
Exchange Dinner
Pi Kappa Alpha and Sigma Phi
Epsilon fraternities will hold an
echange dinner at 5:45 p.m. to
Phi Delta Theta
John Daugherty and Vincent
O’Bara were recently pledged by
Phi Delta Theta. Herbert Graves,
William Hickey, Robert Hooper,
William Luther, James MacMill
an, and David Mitchell were re
cently initiated by the fraternity.
Beta Theta Pi
Beta Theta Pi recently celebra
ted the chapter’s 60th anniversary
on campus and also the initiation
oi Donald Arbuckle, Robert Be
mus, William Bonsall, Richard
Dufford. Mackey Emmert, Joseph
Linn, John Herr, and Eugene Sol
blanks by writing to Katharine
Fisher, Director, Good House
keeping Institute, 57th street at
Sth avenue. New York 19, N.Y.
tory, if any. Box No. 261, Daily Collegian.
RIDE TO Boston or vicinity over Thanks
giving. Will share driving and ex
penses. Call Dave Orrell, Nittany Dorms.
Phone 288.
PENN STATE - PENN tickets. Singles or
pairs. Call Gil 2710 between 8-10 p.m.
WANTED —Ride for one to and from
Building, above Kayes Corner, Ph. 7091.
of Oct. 30 Call after 5 p.m. Phone 6220.
WANTED—Do you have two Penn pickets
to exchange for transportation to Phila
delphia. Call Mnurine at 2433.
MANDOLIN—oId or new. Call Harry
Gransback 3945 after 7.
REPORTS, theses, typer neatly. Mime
graphing service. Prompt, reasonable
work. Above the Corner Room. The Secre
tarial Service. Room 205 State College
Hotel, phone 4906.
TUTOR for tudents of French, German,
or Italian. To arrange schedule, call
State College 2794.
typing, mimeographing, dictation. Office
hours 1 to 5 p.m. daily. Nittany Realty
Building, aboce Kayes Corner. Ph. 7094.
LUTHERANS, the LSA is holding u mas
querade square dance this Friady at 7 :30
p.m. So, get a mask and dig up some old
clothes. You can dress at the church.
your Housepurty Weekend photos taken
by Bill Coleman. Call 4791 after 7 p.m.
I WANT to thank the anonymous soul
who returned my volume of Shakes
peare. W.B.C.
HAVE YOU SEEN the Fraternity Lawn
displays of Alumni Weekend in the
Young Men’s Shop. Come in and order
your photos today.
Institute Reports
Nutrition Results
The Ellen H. Richards Institute
has announced that reports arc
ready for all students and faculty
members who have been tested in
the Nutrition Clinic and who
have not previously received
their reports.
Appointments for interpreta
tion of results of the test may be
made with Mrs. Helen Campbell
or Mrs. Terry Leonard in 118 Os
mond Laboratory any day from
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
j ,y,' ?7
W # _
if M
Jv mm
:;w sF '■*'
More independent experts smoke Lucky Strike regularly
than the next 2 leading brands combined!
An impartial poll covering all the Southern tobacco markets reveals
the smoking preference of the men who really know tobacco—aucl
eers, buyers and warehousemen. More of these indepe
experts smoke Lucky Strike regularly than the nex
leading brands combined.
So round, so firm, so fully packed so far.o and easy on Iho draw
Med Colleges Give
Admission Tests
The medical college admission
lest for applicants to the 1949
freshman class in colleges of
medicine will be given on Octo
ber 30, by the Association of
American Medical Colleges.
Tests will be given from 9 a.m.
to noon and from 2 to 5 p.m. All
applicants must register in 210
Buckhout Laboratory, from 9
a.m. to noon and from 2 to 5 p.m.
any day until noon, October 14.
Applicants are expected to
present results of the test as
auxiliary evidence of preparation
for medical study.
'/ V, VV./'-
Players Election
Henry Glass was selected to
head the Penn State Players at a
recent election. Other officers are
Norman Sims, vice • president;
Mary Alice Hodgson, secretary;
and Sidney Simon, treasurer.
Francine Toll was elected ac
tors’ representative; Joy Polikoff,
student social chairman, and Rob
ert Kendall, faculty social chair
New students interested in
working on the Handbook for
the coming year should meet in
304 Old Main at 7 p.m. tomorrow.