•AGE SIX WINGMAN SUPREME—Warren Huey, who won All- American football honorable mention in 1946, led the Spartans in pass receiving for past two seasons. "Sunday Specials" .... YOU AND YOUR BEST GlRl— sitting down to one of those ALLENCREST “Sunday Supper Specials” cooked up s-o-o delicious and so right for your fast - deflating weekend wallet. If you haven’t *ricd them it's high ™ tJijlfefljc/ieAt' TTlEfa ROOM Welcome Alums ....... To dear 'Old State' Good times and familiar places The place is yours We're glad to see yuh' The day is yours - - - Tonight's the nightl to see For alums only THESPIAN'S “Bring Back My Wingback” SCHW'"’ time you do they’re 'specially for you. Serving 4:45 - 7:45 MUSICAL THE DAILY COT ' EOIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA ons Encounter Maryland In Series Inaugural For the first time in the history of the two institutions, Mary land and Penn State will tangle on the varsity soccer field at 10 o’clock this morning. What Penn State’s football titans did to their opponents last eason Maryland’s soccer outfit duplicated by remaining undefeated. The Terrapins copped the “unofficial” Eastern soccer champion bin in 1947. The two soccer teams had one 'ommon opponent last year 'f’emple. The I,ions tied with the '’Kvls, 1-1, while the Terps out -orod the Templars, 3-1. While the varsity performs at ome the junior soecermen travel Frostburg State Teachers Col '■ge in Maryland in an attempt o gain their first victory of the season after dropping their open er to Army’s jayvees. Jeffrey is well acquainted with the tvne of attack that the Terps use. Three of Maryland’s hooters were on the Jeffrey-coached sandlot team which toured the country last spring and plaved exhibition tilts in St. Louis, Chi cago, and Piltsbiirgh. Maryland boasts an accurate team which has ten of last year’s eleven starters back in action again. Only member absent from last year’s championship team will be All-American center halfback Dick Cleveland. Veteran Lion Coach Bill Jef frey has not named the start ing goalie but it will be either sophomore Jim Gibson or soccer neonhvte Ed Taggert. Unable to find a suitable goalie at the Navy game. Jeffrev has found a talented goalie in Ed Tag gert. Taggert. a senior, has just reported for practice sessions this week but his ball handling has been exceptionally sharp and it is possible that he may earn a staring berth ecninst, Maryland. As usual, Chuck Margolf and Frank Taucher will receive the starting nod at the fullback slots with Jim Kline and Harman Cope slated for relief duty. HOLIDAY An Adventure in oki 7:00 PASSING FULLBACKS Led by speedy Ralph Hoster man, the halfbacks include the accurate passing Dick Hannah and diminutive Bill Kraybill. The forward wall, which has excelled in passing finesse, con sists of lanky Ted Lieb at out side left and high scoring Harry Little, at inside left. Either George Philips or Clar ence Buss are scheduled to fill in at the center of the line. Dean Witmer, team captain, and Hal Hackman are slated to cover the right side of the offen sive unit with Harry Lawroski slated as the top relief man. Packers Gfiwer In M Win A new power in intramural football circles has arisen ""t of thq indenendent ranks. Victors over the Coments 19-0. ! n flipir first battle last week, the Coal Crackers came beck to shel lack Dorm R at New Beaver orpptioe Thursday night and -aok ut> the highest score any in dependent team has piled up this season. In the other independent game. Dorm 24 triumphed over the Ath Hall Men’s Club, 12-6. Fraternity games saw Phi Sig ma Kappa trounce Theta Xi. 13-0, and Sigma Nu beat Pi Kappa Phi, 7-0. Third-round battles begin Mon day night when Sigma Pi meets Delta Upsilon, Alpha Zeta tangles with Phi Epsilon Pi, Tau Kappa Epsilon tackles Alpha Epsilon Pi, and the Dorm 40 Demons try their skill with Penn Haverv HAIR on the FACE ARMS AND LEGS Removed Permanently by ELECTROLYSIS tba only matbod an dora.d by nhyti'dana. S. BOGEL 103 E. Beaver Ave. Stale College—62Bs SATURDAY, CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE CORY coffee maker with three burners ? three extra bottoms and six bops. Also meat sltcer and pair of scales* Call 4826 during mealtime. ask for caterer. USED CARS on budget plan; Chevrolet*, Plymouth*. Fords. McClellan Chevrolet, Inc., 642 E. College avenue, phone 6769. FARNSWORTH Radio - Victrola consol lette, with intermixed record changer, for trailers or small apartments, $109.96. The Harmony Shop. CAMERA—3Smm. Argus Model "A” F 4.5 lens 1-200 : good condition, $16.00. Paul Hogan, 11 Jordan. FOR SALE—I 934 Chevrolet, excellent up holstery ; fine running condition. $175.00. Easy terms. Paul Hogan, 11 Jordan. FOR SALE New Underwood portable typewriter, universal model. Just un packed. Call 2242. DOUBLE DECK wooden beds. Can be seen at warehouse near N.Y.A. cabins. Call 6711 Ext. 205-M. WHITE LAPIN EVENING JACKET, Portable Philco •radio, set of golf clubs and bag. Call Dottle at 4148. DRESSES. SUITS and coats, sise 12. Quality and condition good. Price reason able. Suitable for height 5 feet. Call 8281. LOST RED Alligator Ronson Cigarette lighter on Saturday. October 16. If found please '‘all Donna Mitrani. 48 Atherton. PERSON who took gray covert cloth top coat by mistake from Sparks Wednes day morning nhone John Novotny 3907. LOST—Tuesday, Gray Parker 51 Pen with loose clip. Finder call Mary Newton, 161 Mherton after 5. TTE CHAIN with Phi Eta Sgma Key at tached. Finder—write John DUlman, P.O. Pox 128. Roro. PLASTIC-RTMMED GLASSES at West Virginia footbnll game in a brown case, o*,ii j. Miller 5051—283. TOR RENT PLEASANT single room in faculty borne for quiet male student. 512 W. Bilge Ave. Phone 4281. ROOM AND BOARD available for one In town immediately. Call Mike Helman 3204. MISCELLANEOUS FOUND—Parker pen, near Nlttany Dell. Owner call Gelatko, No. 851, IN A HURRY? On the spot pressing at Quick Press Shop, plus expert alterations and dry cleaning. WANTED WANTED -Piano in pood condition. Con tact Jack Kushner or Russel Sadker at 2312. YOU TOO can enjoy your weekend. Let Thespians roll you in the aisles. Tonight at 7 p,m. ‘‘Bring Back My Wingback." Tickets nvailnhte at Student Union. YOU to be “plumb” erazy 'bout the “Plumb Bob Ball”. October 30, at TUB; informal. Tickets S. U. YOUNG WOMKN to help young mother with housework several half day* per week. Apply llft-A Maple Itoal Eastview Terrace after Saturday. DOUBLE ROOM with cooking privileges before Christmas vacation. Call Carl Vesper, 3110. COUPLE INTERESTED in sharing ex penses for trip to Jackson, Mississippi umi return during Christmas holiday va cation. Willing to drive own car or ride with someone else. Call College &G 6 and :*sk for Jo. MISCELLANEOUS ANNOUNCING—Opening of new public stenographic service in Nittany Realty Building (above Kaye’s Comer). Typing, dictation and mimeographing available. "A” for Attractiveness SEAM-FREE NYLONS WITH PATENTEE) HEEL 4 You’re bound to get a high fashion rating when you team up your favorite costumes with the team'free nylons identified by Uw Seal of the Dancing Twins. l*. They feature the exclusive, patented heel* for perfect it, the Guseetoe fo«' comfort. Allans sod seam •free \Q>34y Sold under leading brand /Tajby \ names at your favorite w college shop or store. 73, W 8
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