PAGF Collegian Adopts National Survey A survey of the political opin ions on campus is being con ducted under the sponsorship of the Daily Collegian’s promotion staff. The poll las been drawn up by ♦he National Institute of College Ooinion Surveys. When the results have been tabulated, they will be sent to this organlzatii where the fig ures will be tabulated with simi lar polls sent from other cam ’'■uses. The national results will then ",e forwarded to the Daily Col legian for üblication. The survey is being conducted hy a group of editorial candi dates. Greeks cn Fire "or Contest's Sake Close observation in recent eks might lead one to believe at consumption of a certain na onally advertised cigarette by aternity and sorority members -s increased tremendously. If there are more butts with the itials P. M. on them in frater i ty ash-trays than before blame it on the Philip Morris football rcorecast contest now running in .he Daily Collegian. The organized groups are es pecially interested in the contest because if members of a group eend in the most entries during Smitiy & Howdy Predict That in this weekend’s strug gle, probably the bitterest of the season, the Lions will roar ’ouder than ever and emerge he conquerors by a 14-7 mar in. And all spectators will be ;ore in the mood wearing a ’an e s “Windshield” sweat hirt to absorb their nervous energy. We have them in four colors of soft-spun cotton T 'arns. deeply fleeced to insure warmth and softness. At $2.75. Roar Lions ! YOUNG MEN'S SHOP 127 S. Allen Street SENIOR PHOTOS will have their picture taken October 25 - 30 You are advised to appear early in the week for your photo at the Penn State Photo Shop. must have your picture taken during this week if you are enrolled in the School of Agriculture. Landscaping Begins On Eastview Terrace Work on planting shrubbery in the Eastview Terrace area on East Campus was started this week. Walter W. Trainer, supervisor of landscape construction and maintenance at the College, ex plained today that sugar maple trees are being planted along the north-south street of the new community. European linden will line the street at the top of the hill, tulip trees will be used on the center street, and American elm will be used on the lower street near College Avenue. Hall’s honeysuckle plants are being placed on the steep areas as a ground cover. Along the new campus en trance m that area, evergreens are being planted. They consist of red pine,, Canadian hemlock, Scotch pine, and white and bal sam fir. The plantings will extend into the Nittany Dormitories area. Among the evergreens, white birch, sugar maple, tulip trees, dogwood, redbud, hawthorn, and American elm will be planted. the course of the season, the group may win a television set or radio-phonograph. Individuals lucky enough to guess the correct scores may win up to five cartons of cigarettes. The campus representatives in charge of the contest are Stephen Segal and Fred Schutzman. LET'S EAT ... Ull at the CEDARS f&Kj Vv). To complete a wonderful week- W«)/ end—dine in a pleasant atmos xf ry f \N ohere, and enjoy your favorite i jJjKy foods prepared to a connoisseur’s WE SPECIALIZE IN Sea Food Choice Steaks TKS CEDARS Only 20 Minutes from State College Va MILE WEST OF SPRING MILLS ON ROUTE 45 NO MINORS ALLOWED AGRICULTURE ALL 7th and Bth SEMESTER SENIORS in the SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE for the 1949 LA VIE ABSOLUTELY NO SENIOR PICTURES WILL BE TAKEN AfTER THIS SPECIFIED TIME THE DAILY COI.LECJV M. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA CLASSIFIEDS CORY coffee maker with three burners three extra bottoms and six tops. Also meat sliccr and pair of scales. Call 4326 hiring mealtime, ask for caterer. 1947 TRAILER, 16-ft., bottle gas stove. sleeping accommodations for four. Write P E. Krntiss, Box 294, State College. USED CARS on budget plan; Chevrolets, Plymouths, Fords. McClellan Chevrolet, Jnc., 642 E. College avenue, phone 6769. IMPORTED BRIAR PIPES—The new rcr sonnlized Pipe with initials or frater nity Greek letters inlaid. The ideal gift. Bud Udis, 2486. 138 S. Allen St., Gaylord Co, representative. KEEP WARM I Get a*. Air Corps Jacket; fur collar, wool-lined, waterproof. A good buy for $14.00. Call Wilker, 2941. TARGET RIFLE, 22 caliber Winchester with 8X scope. Also high power target and game rifles. All new condition. Lucas, Apt. 52, Glennlnnd Building, evenings. FARNSWORTH Radio - Vlctrola lette, with intermixed record changer, for trailers or small apartments, $109.95. The Harmony Shop. CAMERA—3Smm. Argus Model “A” F 4.5 lens 1-200 ; good condition, $15.00. Paul Hogan, 11 Jordan. FOR SALE—I 934 Chevrolet, excellent up holstery ; fine running condition, $175.00. Easy terms. Paul Hogan, 11 Jordan. FOR SALE New Underwood portable typewriter, universal model. Just un packed. Call 2242. DOUBLE DECK wooden beds. Can be seen at warehouse near N.Y.A. cabins. Call 6711 Ext. 205-M. LOST —Lady's wrist watch, “Central" make, between New Beaver and Wind crest. Finder please contact Mrs. Sands, Windcrest. FOR SALE LOST RED Alligator lionuon Cigarette lighter on Saturday, October 16. If found please call Donna Mltranl, 43 Atherton. PERSON who took gray covert cloth top coat by mistake from Sparks Wednes day mornina nhone John Novotny 3907. WAITING to hear from hitch-hiker who left sweater in car during Post Session. Cliff Taylor, phone 2337. FOB RENT PLEASANT single room in faculty home for quiet male student. 5t2 W. Rilge Ave. Phone 4281. MISCELLANEOUS WEEK-DAY TUTOR in French In State College. Write Mrs. Howard Miller, Hallowell Apts., Bellefonte. FOUND—Parker pen, near Nittany Dell. Owner call Gelatko, No. 851. LUTHERANS —Put on your old clothes and prepare to make new friends on the LSA's hike to the PSCA cabin tonight. First group leaves church at 6:80; sec ond group at 7:30. IN A HURRY T On the spot pressing at Quick Press Shop, plus expert alterations and dry cleaning. WELCOME ALUMNI From A Fellow Alumnus JIMMY WOLFE '39 Woodring’S Floral Gardens 23S E. HOWARD PHONE 2045 IT’S GOOD BUSINESS Evert progressive state is doing all it can to attract new industries . . , for new industries are good business for the state and for its citizens. If Pennsylvania could attract a new industry in which nearly one out of every 100 of its citizens would have a personal stake, either as an employee or an investor, what a great accomplishment that would be. And if the new. industry were to pay these people more than $100,000,000 in a single year, what a great thing that would be for Pennsylvania business and professional men. And if the employees of the new industry resided in cities and towns throughout the state, what a boon that would be for local communities. And if the new industry were to provide a service which all citizens of the state would use, what a vital industry that would be to everybody. Pennsylvania already has an industry—not a new one, either —that meets those specifications to the letter. It is this company, and it is growing every year. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1948 WANTED WANTED —Pinno In good condition. Con tact Jack Kushner or Russel Sadker at 2312. YOU TOO can enjoy your weekend. Let Thespians roll you in the aisles. Tonight at 7 p.m. ’'Bring Back My Wlrtgback.’* Tickets available at Student Union. YOU to be ’’plumb” eraxy ’bout the “Plumb Bob Ball”, October 30, at TUB; Informal. Tickets S. U. COUPLE interested in sharing expenses for trip to Jackson. Mississippi and re- Willing to drive own car or ride with someone else. Call College 806 and ask for Jo. WANTED—MaIe students wishing laun dry work done. We will call for and deliver. Call 3467. YOUNG WOMEN to help young mother with housework several half days per week. Apply 116-A Maple Roal Eastvlew Terrace after Saturday. MISCELLANEOUS ANNOUNCING—Opening of new public stenographic service fn Nittany Realty Building (above Kaye's Comer). Typing, dictation and mimeographing available.