The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, October 22, 1948, Image 4

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    •''HE FOtm
Underdog Nattany Lions Face
Powerful Spartan Grid Team
The chips are clown, the cards are dealt, and now rival coaches
Clarence “Biggie” Munn of Michigan State and Robert Higgins of
Penn State will pick up their eleven-card hands and try to arrange
them into a winning combination for Saturday’s homecoming fray.
For the first time since the opening of the Nittany Lion season
the Penn State squad will run on New Beaver Field as the underdog,
ratea from five to 19 points
weaker than the visiting Spar
Assistant Line Coach Jim
O’Hora, who scouted the Green
and White gri ciders against Mich
igan, Notre Dame and Arizona,
outlined to Head ..
Coach Higgins
the reasons for
the high rating
of Coach Munn’s 18: “fe •
team. J
“Their line is >•
very strong and 4 JS& Mb
there are equal- \ F Jam
ly strong re
placements for
every position,”
he stated. “In TAMBURO
Warren Huey.
their 200-pound end, Michigan
State has a very aggressive
charger and an excellent pass
“As for George Guerre, he’s as
good as his press notices and he
excells in end runs and sweeps.
They use a ‘T’ formation and
shift into a single wing for most
of their plays,” he continued.
“When passing they stay in the
‘T’ and Eugene Click does the
work from the quarterback spot.”
“We’ll have to watch Guerre
even on the defense,” the Nit
tany coach warned. “He plays in
the safety position and when he
receives the ball on punts, he’s
very dangerous.”
Coach O’Hora described Lynn
Chandnois as a fast runner on
reverses and an excellent passer
m. s.
can mean
♦The money you save on
Clothing at
Worsted and Gabardine
Factory Salesroom Open Daily
9 A.M. to 5 P.M.
By Elliot Krane
from the single wing. The Spar
tans specialize in long running
plays with Huey, Guerre and
John Gilman, an end, doing the
Coach Higgins will be shy two
aces when he makes his opening
jlay Saturday. Both Negley Nor
on and Joe forazenovich will not
start in the first crucial test of
Mittany power. “We’ll use Dra-
for limited service dur
ing the game,” said Coach Hig
'ins. “but Norton won’t even get
“I’ll start Hicks and Tamburo
at the ends, Don Murray and
John Finley at the tackles, John
Simon and Paul Kelly at guards
and Chuck Beatty at center.” the
Nittany mentor continued.
“The starting backfield will
nave Wally Triplett and Joe Co
lone in it but the other two posi
dons will depend upon whether
we kick or receive.”
In the Eastern Lambert Trophy
;rid race, the Lions moved up to
within one point of top-place
Army. The Cadets earned 984
noints in the poll conducted by
writers, coaches and broadcasters
while the Penn State squad col
lected 983.
Spartan. Harriers Favored
Because of the large crowd expected at the football game, the time of tomorrow’s cross-country
meet with Michigan State has been set forward to 11 a.m., Harold R. Gilbert, graduate manager of
athletics, announced yesterday.
Gilbert explained the action was taken to prevent the crowd from interfering with the progress
of the race. The harriers will start and finish on the New Beaver Field track.
The Lions, defending NCAA champions, will attempt to withstand the onslaught of the Spartan
team which most cross-country authorities have agreed is the finest in' the nation, and which is
favored to take this year’s NCAA
title at East Lansing later in the
Coach Chick Werner is frank
ly pessimistic about his team’s
chances against the Green and
White harriers.
“On paper,” he commented,
the Spartans look like the best
cross country team in the na
tion. If we can upset them it will
surprise not only me, but also
most of the country’s other cross
country bigwigs.”
News from East Lansing cer-
Take Your
317 E. Beaver Ave.
With or Without
Good Food Served
Promptly at 12:15
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Married Couples
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Reservations being taken to till
vacancies as they occur this
semester and next semester.
Inquire at 317 E. Beaver
Ave. Ask for Mr. Peterson
or Mrs. Ellcartl.
on e of the fastest starting backs
in Michigan Stale history,
husky George GuerTe will to
morrow try to duplicate sensa
tional feats of ‘46 against the
Nillany Lions.
tainly seems to give Werner
ample grounds for such pessism.
Two of Coach Karl Schlade
men’s runners broke an NCAA
course' record in time trials run
last Friday to determine the
Spartans who would make the
trip for tomorrow’s duel.
Bill Mack, former Drake Uni
versity star who is now eligible
to compete in varsity competition
for the Green and White, raced
around the four-mile course in
the outstanding time of 20:49.3,
cracking the NCAA mark by 13.7
Warren Druetzler, last year’s
freshman mile sensation, also
bettered the National Collegiate
mark finishing in 20:58. Sopho
more Tom Irmon was third in
Tennis Deadline
All intramural tennis, first
and second round matches are
to be played off and reported
to the intramural office before
next Wednesday, announced
Eugene C. Bischoff, director oi
intramural athletics yesterday
PiKA Defeats
AGR'S in IM *
With “Big” Jack Platt catching
passes all over the gridiron, Pi
Kappa Alpha easily defeated Al
pha Gamma Rho, 18-0, on New
Beaver practice field Wednesday
Theta Kappa Phi knocked off
Delta Chi, 1-0, and Alpha Chi
Rho bounced Beta Sigma Rho,
6-0, in the other fraternity games.
The Penn State Club defeated
Trostle’s Hot Dogs, 6-0, in the
independent battle.
Led by the passing of Don
Baker and Jack Sheehe, Phi Delta
Theta boomed to a first-half
three-touchdown lead over Alpha
Phi Delta, then coasted to win,
19-0, in the third game at New
Beaver practice field Tuesday.
The Hot Rocks piled up 12
points and shut out Cody Manor
in one'of the other games, but
Sigma Chi and Theta Chi found
the route into the third round a
little rougher. Sigma Chi edged
Alpha Tau Omega 1-0, and Theta
Chi scored once to beat Chi Phi.
Monday, the third round begins
.'.hen Sigma Pi meets Delta Up
silon, Alpha Zeta tangles with
Phi Epsilon Pi, the Dorm 40
Demons tackle p enn Haven, anti
Tau Kappa Epsilon meets Alpha
Epsilon Pi.
21:04, one second off the rec
ord time.
Besides the three boys men
tioned, Jack Dianneti, who estab
lished quite a reputation as both
a miler and cross country run
ner; Clark Athceson, Capt. Bob
Sewell, and a pair of identical
twins, Ed and Don Makielski,
will be included in the eight-man
Spartan contingent.
Despite the heavy odds against
the home team, the Nittany
coach considers his team one of
the country's finest.
‘This team is better than the
one which annexed last year’s
NCAA title,” he stated. “Our
boys have yet to be beaten, and
Michigan State will have to cap
ture tomorrow’s meet before
we’ll admit defeat.”
The JByW
Sports K'litor
We elbowed our way through
the collegiate crowd on South
Allen yesterday to see what the
center of interest was.
It turned out to be a Detroit
Free Press clipping attached to
Graham's window and was a
provocative football piece
written by Dick Peters about
George Guerre, topnolch Spar
tan back.
Reference to “trembling Nit
tany Valley fans previous to the
invasion of Guerre and Com
pany” stirred the fellow on my
left to comment, “You’d think
Penn State was gonna field elev
en croquet players, the way that
Unknown to most of my
colleagues vying with each
other for a better look at the
clipping, Peters preppep for
his Detroit sports writing by
heating out deathless prose as
Daily Collegian sports editor in
He’ll return to his alma mater
to witness tomorrow’s fray.
" Chumba" Returns
Incidentally, the clipping was
sent to Graham’s by John
■‘Chumba” Misiewicz, last year’s
number-two Nittany center, who
is now a student engineering
trainee in Pontiac Division of
General Motors, Pontiac, Mich
From Miss Lois Kreamer, of
College Placement Service, we
learn that "Chumba," who'll
also be here tomorrow, "lakes
an awful beating at work from
his Michigan friends and may
iust as well not return to work
if Penn State loses."
" “Little Dynamite” Guerre and
his buddies will invade State
College this afternoon and later
retire to overnight headquarters
at Lewistown, home of Bob Mc-
Curry. Spartan captain.
Fred Stabley, Michigan Stale
publicity director and another
Penn Slate alumnus, says
Guerre's name is pronounced
like the city of Gary, Indiana.
From the Morg(ue)
The score on Lion Guard Tom
Smi th after the West Vir
ginia tussle is—lost, one tooth:
gained, one black eye.
Over 300 radio stations are ex
ceeded to carry tomorrow’s Spar
tan-Lion clash. . . . Penn State
blanked Syracuse, 9-0, during
Clarence “Biggie” Munn’s one
year term as Orange coach in ’46.
. . . Forrest Evasheski, Munn’s
assistant, also was on the Orange
staff in ’46.
John Nolan and Steve Suhey,
Lion stalwarts of last season,
found themselves opposite each
other Sunday when the Boston
Yanks tangled with Pitts
burgh Sleelers.
Doors Open at 11:30