The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, October 19, 1948, Image 4
PAGE FOUR Treble Smgers- (Continued from page ova) Smith, Elizabeth A. Stanley, Jane Swagler. Second Soprano: Nyolee Addis, Joanne Ashman, Marilyn Badger, Patty Bender, Jean Bissell, Shir ley Brown, Beverly Corinan, Doris Croll, Lola Edmunds, Mar jorie Erskine, Joan Frederickson, Florence Freedman, Paula Furry, Jean Garretson. Nancy George, Marjorie Gorham, Helen Haw kins, Lois Heyd, Patricia High, Marian Holmes, Lois Hughes, Mary Kapp, Pat Kinkeau, June Kircher, Arlene Mack, Nancy Neiner, Angelo Piccino, Beatrice Rigling, Shirley Robinson, Jo sephine Roessner, Sally Schleyer, Joan Warner. First Alto: Madelyn Bush, Con- All classified advertisements must be ft by 12:00 p.m. day preceeding issue. Prices arc 40c one insertion. $l.OO. •hrec Insertions: 17 words or less. All word* over 17 three for 5c for each insertion. Call Collegian 6711. FOR SALE IYPEWRITER—RoyaI upright Elite, $35. Reconditioned April 1948. Bud Mercer. Evergreen RD 1, State College, l'a. Phone 2447. GCLFERS—Season’s over, so I'm scllinir my 3 woods. A steal at $lO. Cull Boh Reese, 830. ONE CAMEL HAIR and one gabardine top coat, practically new $15.00 each. See Tony (cook) at Cook’s Restaurant. 'LE —I939 Pontiac two-door sedan. After 3 p.m., Pollock Circle* Dorm 12, It. 33; nc 8986. tV coffee maker with three burners; ree extra bottoms and six inpa. Also t slicer and pair of .scales. Call 4320 g mealtime, ask for caterer. CHEVROLET Coupe; radio, heater, o new tires. Mike Glauherman, Nit ■ 82-3. Phone 5001, Ext. 202. / iLIAN JEEP, slightly used, $l2OO. •all 3720 or visit Foulty Used Car Lot, o Grove Mills. DR SALE—. 22 caliber target revolver like new. Call 6397. MISCELLANEOUS i RATERNIT IBS ! SORORITIES I We will mimeograph your alumni news fur Homecoming Weekend. I. U. Wischniu Soc retarial Service, Room 205, State College Hotel. nic Croushore, Alvcrda Eicnen hmb, Joyce Fosa, Norma Glcg-j horn, Martha Gross, Nancyi Hanna, Mary B. Hardy, Dorothyj L Jones, Karol Kirberger, Helen Long, Dorothy Luft, Maren Mc- Kay, Ellen Miller, Phyllis Mow rer, Lorraine Munz. Julia Nelo, Joan O’Hara, Dorothea Pappas, Nancy Parent, Martha Rapach, Joanne Scyboldt, Anne Smith. Second Alto: Annabelle Eshle man, Margaret Forbes, Peggy Geltz, Elizabeth Hemphill, Gladys Humphreys, Nancy Leader, Mar garet Leister, Patricia Lloyd, Koslyn McCollum, Alyce Ne mara, Suzanne Scurfield, Eliza beth Spencer, Phyllis Starr, Jean Tucker, Helen Wilcox. Gay Brunner has been chosen as accompanist. [FIE DS CLASS HAVE JUST RETURNED from a trium- umphant tour of Rome, Paris, London and Lomont whore we finished an engage ment at the 32-20 Club. Want entertain ment (.hands, combos, comedy acta) at low rates. Call 6869. WANTED —Portable typewriter. Must be late model. Willing to pay ..‘ood price, (’all Lee, Hillerest House. WANTED—A minute to dash to SU for my Thespian tickets for “BRING BACK MY VVINGBACK” Oct. 21, 22, 23. WANTED- Piano in good condition. Con tact Jack Kushner or ituaael Sadker at 2312. LOST On campus Monday between Ath erton and Sparks, Parker fountain pen. Call Judy Krakower. 306 Atherton. ARMS AND LEGS Removed Permanently by ELECTROLYSIS the only method en dorsed by physicians* 103 E. Beaver Ave. Stale College—62Bs THE DAILY COLLECT AN STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA WANTED HAIR on the FACE S. BOGEL *0 THROW ntMwnoN Representativ es MeetinW SGAHouse WSGA House of Representa tives will hold its first meeting in the WSGA room. White Hall, at 6:30 o'clock tonight, said Shirley Gauger, vice-president of WSGA and presiding officer of the House. Members of the House are presidents of the living units and representatives of the sororities. ... um-m hungry Today's Special HAM 'N' NOODLES with FRESH CHERRY PIE * PROMPT SERVICE * HOT FOOD * GOOD VARIETY * POPULAR PRICES TEH RpOM For Dessert YES, here is a cigarette so mild that, in a total of 2470 exacting throat examinations of hundreds of men and women who smoked Camels exclusively for 30 consecutive days, throat specialists found not one single case of throat irritation due to smoking Camels. Why art Camels so mild? Choice tobaccos—infinite care in their ageing —plus matchless blending to bring you a full, rich flavor and a cool mildness that says "Camels,” and only Camels! But prove it yourself in YOUR "T-Zone”-T for Taste and T for Throat. Make the Camel 30-Day Test with our money-back guarantee! TUESDAY, OCTOBER lfi, 1946 forward pass— to * Better Style * Finer Tailoring * Superior Woolens * REAL Savings by Pennshire Clothes DIRECT From Factory to You at Factory-to-Your Prlcesl Get-Acquainted Offeringl 100% Wool 2-Pants Suits * $28.00 ★ Deluxe Worsted and Gabardine SUITS & TOPCOATS ★ $35.00 ★ PENNSHIRE CLOTHES PHILLIPSBURG. PA. FACTORY SALESROMM Open Daily 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. A JL "X. :*v; w, : "■»