PAGE FOUR Independents Form Approximately forty men, with twenty more house members as prospectives, turned out last night for the final organization meeting of Cody Manor indepen dent men Herman H, Kaplan was elected oresident: Harold Hetrick, vice president: and Edward McFad den, secretary,treasurer. The athletic committee ap- CLASS All classified advertisements must be •n by 12:00 p.m. day preceeding issue ('rices are 40c one insertion; 01.00, rhree insertions: 17 words or less. All words over 17 three for 5c for each insertion. Call Collegian 6711. FOR SALE FFNN STATE football uniform, Blightly used cheap, unless you can “Bring my wingback.” Schwab, Oct. 21, 22, ,948 STUDEBAKER Champion Convert ible—yellow. black top, white side walls, overdrive, hill holder Four weeks Id. A 1 Chakmak, 5051, 792 Ex., Jordan .{all. Room 401. Cali or write. .134 PLYMOUTH, 4 door sedan and 1932 Ford Model "B” Tudor Sedan. Room 201 ivin. •'.40 CHEVROLET Coupe—radio, heater, two new tires. Mike Glauberman, Nit uiny 32-3 Phone 5051-Ext. 292. i 941 STUDEBAKER 4-door. Radio. heater and defroster. Price $725. R. lies, Nittany Dorm 22, Rm. 22. TYPEWRITER— Royal Reconditioned April Evergreen RD 1, State »U 7. upright Elite, $35. 1948. Bud Mercer, College, Pa. Phone LOST TAN GABARDINE wlndbreaker jacket in 108 Main Engineering Thursday P. M. Reward. Phone 6163. Dave Keller. LOST—At State Diner, slide rule in brown rubber case. Call Fazio, Dm. 44, Rm. 16. GROWN Eversharp Fountain Pen, lost 8-9 Wed. Osmond Lab. Cal Joe 3453. Re > :trd. WANTED ANTED—Portable typewriter. Must be late model. Willing to pay price. >-11 Lee, Hillcrest House. W ANTED—Typing, filing or other cleri cal work. Mornings only. Can give ref erences. Cal] Maude 4882 Your Greatest Date in '4B JR. PROM is the First Big All College Dance /RCHESTRA NATALIE and the BEACH COMBERS Cody Manor Group pointed by Kaplan is composed oi Robert Eicholtz, and Wally Hal deman. Ted Gamble, Donald Bardner, and Charles Swingle were appointed to the social com mittee. The Cody Independents have al ready been entered in the Intra mural Football and Bowling League. FIEDS WANTED —Double room for October 22- 23. Call John 2990. SMALL two-room apartment in Linden Hall. Cooking privileges. Roalsburg 3143. LUTHERANS—Get rid of that excess en ergy at the LSA's organized games to night at 7:30. Meet your profs at the Faculty-Student Dessert Sunday 5 p.m. WXTTtTP 1 i * 1 B I »11 1 Fi t MIDNiTE PREVUE TONIGHT! Doors Open 11:30 P.M. TENSE! TOUGH! TERRIFIC! "CRY OF THE CITY" Starring VICTOR MATURE RICHARD CONTE Make This a Week-end to Remember & V AMERICA'S FAVORITE * » johnnyJ] LONG & HIS THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA FOB RENT MISCELLANEOUS Delta Zeta mer Mar y Alice Hodgson of the .. ~ .. „ . „ . Gamm a Delta chapter wa« pre- At the Delta Zeta National se nted a token of honor in com- Convention held this past sum- petition for the Grace Mason ENGINEERING SENIOR PHOTOS ALL 7th & Bth SEMESTER SENIORS in the School of Engineering will have their picture taken OCT. 18-23 for the 1949 La Vie. You are adivsed to appear early in the week for your photo at the Penn State Photo Shop. You must have your picture taken during this week if you are enrolled in the School of Engineering . ABSOLUTELY NO SENIOR PICTURES WILL BE TAKEN AFTER THIS SPECFIED TIME. Cast All Your Cares Aside and Visit the JUNIOR PROM FALL HOUSEPARTY WEEK-END. REC HALL 9-1 FRIDAY, NOV. 12 $4.00 per Couple FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15, 19- Lundy award. This award v presented for an exceptional r ord of leadership and service a girl to her school and sororj SEMI-FORMAL