The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, October 09, 1948, Image 3

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Booters Seek Second
Victory Against Bisons
Lion soccer forces, 2-0 victor over Army last week, raise the
curtain on their home season at 2 o’clock this afternoon when the
Jeffreymen tangle with the it-can-be-done soccer team of Bucknell.
The contest will be staged on the varsity soccer field located
behind the East stands of New Beaver Field. Since there is no home
football game this weekend an overflow crowd of students is ex
pected to see the power laden soccer Lions battle for victory
number two.
Bucknell, a victim of the Lions
by a 3-0 verdict last year, opened
Its season last week with a 2-0
loss to Temple’s soccermen.
The Lions, possessing speed and
a dazzling passing attack, should
encounter little trouble from the
Bisons, but Coach Jeffrey warned
his boys against overconfidence.
A few minor ankle injuries
plagued key players during re
cent practice sessions but the
Blue and White forces will be at
their top fighting strength when
squaring off against the Lewis
burg rival this afternoon.
Jeffrey expects to field the
same team that turned the tables
on Army last week. Dean Wit
mer, team captain, will fill in at
inside right with veteran Hal
Hackman holding down his out
side right spot. Harry Laworski, a
great offensive threat, will prob
ably see some relief action in the
Clarence Buss is the most likely
starter for the center position al
though George Phillips who was
injured eatlier in the season is
puhsing Buss hard. Sam Axe will
see considerable action.
On the left sid- of the line
lanky Ted Lieb will provide the
scoring punch from his outside
left slot while Harry Little, star
of last week’s 2-0 victory over
the Cadets, is the likely starter
at inside left. Dave Dawson and
Dick Yeagley, two booters from
State College, are expected to
spell either Lieb or Little.
Bill Kraybill, an ex-Lancaster
booter, is expected to start at left
half with Dick Hanna covering
the right half position. Veteran
Ralph Hosterman is a sure starter
at center half with Bud Pierce
and Dick Young slated for relief
Lanky Ed Watson is slated to
guard the nets with Jim Doman
All classified advertisements must be
In by 12:00 p.m. day preceeding Issue.
Prices are 40c one insertion; SI.OO,
three insertions: 17 wordes or less. All
words over 17 three for 5c for each
insertion. Call Collegian 6711.
NEED CASH—Student will pay cAsh for
used typewriter in fair condition. Call
IMMEDIATE replacement for dorm room.
Contact John Faulkner, Nittany Dorm
41. Room 8.
SUBSTITUTE for dorm room. Contact
Harry Greaves, Dorm 43, Room 4, or
call 6916.
TUTOR for French 11. Phone Rumbaugh.
Nittany Dorm 89-12.
MUST SELL immediately 1942 Commo-
dore 6 Hudson 4 door sedan in ex
cellent condition. Call Bland, State Col
lege 4749
1939 INDIAN “45” motorcycle turned fly
wheels, oversized intakes, '.Ugh lift
cams. Call 2923.
SPEED GRAPHIC 4x6 anv. like new.
complete. Best offer over 8250. Consider
swap for movie camera. Call 6309.
CORY coffee maker with three burners.
1 extra bottoms and 6 tops. 3 months
Bachelor's Degree, Large Col
lege oilers >3,000, approxima
tely half time teaching-study
ing. Matters to $6,500.
Chemical, Electrical, Civil, Ar
chitectural, Mechanical, Aero
nautical. ALL RANKS posi
tions open.
Give Phone. Photo, Qualifica
East Lansing, Michigan
as a possible substitute. Powerful
booting Frank Taucher will prob
ably receive the nod at left full
back and Chuck Margolf at right
full. Dave Binns and Red Emig
will probably see relief action.
2 More 'Ashes' Follow Horace,
Try Out for Cross Country Team
By Red Roth
Ashenfelter, a singular name in Lion cross country and track
circles, may soon become plural if two candidates for the harrier
squad have their way about it.
The two candidates, Don and Bill Ashenfelter, are brothers of
the renowned Horace, captain of the 1948 cross country team, and
two-mile runner deluxe.
In fact neither had ever done any
track work of any kind prior to
trying out for this year’s harrier
Don, the oldest is 23. He is an
ex-GI, having served with an ar
tillery outfit during World War
11. Currently he is majoring in
Commerce and Finance at the
Bill, 21, is a transfer student
from Ursinus College, and seems
determined to capture a letter in
cross-country before his colleg
iate career is finished. The
youngest of the trio of Ashenfelt
ers is an economics major.
Both brothers are sophomores.
Their introduction to running is
as strange as their famous elder
Just as Ashenfelter, Horace
that is, got his start by running
with ex-Lion track great Curt
Stone as a sophomore had
never had any running exper-
old. Also meat slicer and*pair of scales.
Call 4326 during mealtime. Ask for
FEELING COLD? —Get an Air Corps
Jacket, fur collar, wool lined, $14.00
Call Wilker 2941.
DON’T forget 4-H Square and roruntl
dance at the TUB, Sat., Oct. 9, 9*12.
SWISS WATCH-—brown band Reward
given if found. Notify Janet Friedman.
167 Ath.
SHAKE a 2-man suite of two rooms*, hot,
cold running water. Phil Godfrey, 4850,
123 Nittany Ave.
FURNISHED private apartment, one
room and bath. All conveniences, gar
age attached. Phone Centre Hall 5R5.
"A” for
You’re bound to get a
high fashion rating when
>ou team up your favorite
costumes with the seam-free
uyion» identiiied by the
Seal of the Dancim; Twins.
4 s\|| r*. T hey feature the exclusive,
patented heel* for perfect tit,
the Gussetoe for comfort.
All this and seam-free
beauty, too!
Sold under leading brand
\ names at your favorite
college shop or atorc.
# u. a. m«. abwtv
This is the first crack at cross-country running for both boys
This season, for the first time
since 1941, the Lion football
eleven will not close its schedule
against Pitt. The Higginsmen
clash with Washington State, at
Tacoma, Wash., November 27, a
week after the Pitt fray. . . .
Championship high school tour
naments attracted nearly *OOO
Pennsylvania athletes to the Col
lege campus during the last
year. . . .
ience, so his brothers are starting
running careers by running with
“We got tired of picking him
up after practice sessions every
day, so we just decided to run
right along with him,’’ elder
brother Don gave as his reason
for joining the team.
While still too early for Coach
Chick. Werner to determine
whether he has two more poten
tial , champions working out, the
brothers Don and Bill may yet
change the term “Ash” to
Former Lineman
Ralph Ricker, head coach of
football at Dickinson College, is
a forme r Penn State lineman.
An Adventure in
Harriers Oppose Violets
To Inaugurate Season
The Lion harriers open the 1948 season this afternoon against
NYU at the home of the Violets, Van Courtlandt Park, in what Nit
tany mentor Chick Werner has termed a “battle of the unknowns.”
“We don’t know a thing about them, and they don’t know a
thing about us,” the Lion coach commented on the eve of the cross
country’s team departure for New York yesterday.
What advantage there will be for either team rests with the
Rain Curtails
IM League Tilts
Battling down to the wire in a
pair of hard-fought touch foot
bail contests Thursday night,
Phi Kappa Tau and Sigm a Phi
Sigma eked out 1-0 decisions
over Sigma Alpha Epsilon and
Phi Kappa Sigma respectively as
the intramural program moved
into its second night.
Kappa Sigma socked Triangle,
6-0. and Kappa Delta Rho regis
tered the same score in beating
Phi Sigm a Delta in the evening’s
other two games.
Last night’s games were post
poned until Monday because of
inclement weather. The card for’
Monday shows Alpha Tau Omega
meeting Lambda Ch i Alpha,
Sigm n Chi playing Tau Phi Delta,
Chi Phi lining up against Beta
Theta Pi, and Alpha Phi Alpha
playing Theta CM. The first game
begins at 7 o’clock.
IM Tennis Scores
Intramural tennis singles
players are urged by the IM
office to play off their games
and report the scores as soon
as possible. Call Ext. 86-M to
make your report.
New Yorkers, who will be run
ning on their home course.
Another setback to the Lions
is the absence of harrier sta
Mitch Williams who was loft be
hind with a bruised knee. Loss
of Williams may well mean the
difference between a victory and
a defeat for the Blue and Whi*e
harriers in th e season’s lid-lifter.
Captain Horace Ashenfelter,
IC-4A two-mile champion, will
spearhead the Lion runners in
their debut this afternoon.
Ashenfelte r last year won both
indoor and outdoor honors over
the two-mile route and was gen
erally regarded as the best dis
tance runner in the East. Pre
viously in cross-country, he had
won runner -up honors in both
IC-4A and NC.AA title competi
Other holdovers from last
ye a r’s championship National
Collegiate team a re Don Longe
necker, Johnny Bates and Bob
Last year the Wernermen de
feated a highly-rated Violet squad
This year’s meet finds both
teams seriously weakened by
losses through graduation. Among
the outstanding Lion graduates
are Jerry Karver. who along
with Ashenfelter provided the
Lions with a real cross-country
one-two punch, and Fred Lennox.