AUGUST, 1948 Intramural Softballers End in Tie The race for the number one spot in the softball league ended in a deadlock in both the Fra ternity and the Independent league. Delta Sigma Phi and the Foot ball House battled it out for the league lead in an evtra game with Delta Siema Pbi coming out on ton bv a score of 9 to 5. In' the fraternity lea a ’> e l ambda Cbi Aina nosed out Phi Kanoa for the top snot by a 2 to 1 peore. Delta Riama Phi will meet Lambda Chi Alnha in a game that will decide the chamnio r, ''h ,v ' of the Summon Sessions tournament. ‘The gam» vdil plavpd at New Beaver Field at “ o’clock this even in e. LAST WEEK'S RFt alive this summer not by the nitch torches of the original Olvmniads, hut bv bottled gas— one , thing the Greeks did not have a word for. In the la+e 80’s the gymnasium of some rings and nar- hars in the woods back of Old Main. Everyone's Talking About.. The Meals at Oke creS t All fruit salads and desserts are made with Fresh Fruit—ten dif- ferent kinds—with delicious cold sherbet and thick whipped cream. ... HOURS OF SERVICE ... 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. 4:45 p.m. to 7:45 p;ni. A llencrest State College's Popular Price Tea Room BEAVER AVE. AT ALLEN ST. PACT The Jordan Fertility across from the TUB, are the est plots of their type in United States. Finals got you down? Here's < pickup. CALL Centre Beverage Company 2462 SOFT DRINK CANADA DR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY,