215 Graduate Students To Receive Degrees Advanced degrees will be conferred upon 215 graduate students, 19 of them being PhD degrees, by Dr. Frank D. Kern, dean of the Graduate School, at the August 7 Commencement. Candidates’ grades must be reported to the office of the recorders by 8 a.m. next Wednesday. Names of the candidates are given below. Paul Baird, John Curran, Howard Horne, Clarence Moore and Harry Symons, economics; Julia Arner. William Bache and Glenn Weight, English literature; Harold Crosser and Larry Gara, history; Robert Haseltine, mathematics; and Harold O’Brien, speech. Master of Education Henry Wigfall, agricultural edu cation; Albert Alessi, Reba Esh, Wellington Madenfort and Joseph Petrillock. art education; Betty Fry and Rachel Hunter. English literature; Joseph Allesandro, Harry Hanley and Clarence Schaeffer, history; Arlene Adams, home economics. Raymond Bauer. Henry Doll, William Herdle, Jay Logue, Rob ert Russell, Joseph Taylor and Ward Yorks,,industrial arts; Ruth Eister, mathematics; Jane Grim shaw. Warren Johnson and Elmer Wareham, music education; Wil liam Craley. Bernard Gazan, Al len Gray and Anne Wisher, physi cal education. Donald Bashore, Jean Dalton, Mary Brown Miller and William Reilly, psychology; George Bluhm. Roberta Robertson and Robert Russ, social studies; William Kor ean. Ruth Ottoway, James Peet, Jack Probst and Eleanor Taussig, speech education. MEd in Education Muriel Adams. Ernest Agle, Ethyl Ashbum, Stenhen Barrick, Beatrice Bittner, William Bolger, Henry Bowman. Cora Bressler, Mary Brown, Madeline Bullock, Laurence Cassady, Esther Coder, Mary Crist, Edith Davis,' Mary Jane Davis, Eby Espenshade. Cassandra Flaherty, Anna Fleck, Richard, Folkenroth. Della Foye, Margery Gay, Ann Gilkey, John Harriger. Frances Harris. Jessie Haven, Frances Helm. Wil liam Igoe, Louie Ilioff, John Jacka, Winnifred Jackson, Charles Jo seoh, Joseph Kandrach. Edward Kemzura, Paul Lauver, Harris McGinnis, Betty McLaugh lin. Emory Markle, Joseph Means, Velma Moore, James Myers, Ophelia Nance, Palmer Poflf, How ard Row, Herbert Schneider, Julia Schulz, Ruth Seitz, Frank Shaffer, George Shively. Thomas Smith, Laura Stibbs, Anthony Thomas, Horace Thomas. Julia Thomas, Clair Troy, Donald Ullrich, Paul Wentroble, Francis Wood, Helen Workley, Frank Yeingst and Lindley Yerg. Master of Science Robert Hess and George Mor ris, ceramics; Arthur Beward, Verne Bidlack, William Cooner, Raymond Dickison, Harry Fall, Dean Gamble, John Martin, Se bastian Mastrangelo, Ching-Sing DON'T "BI'LE" JUST DIAL .. . CALL Centre Beverage Company 2462 SOFT DRINKS CANADA DRY IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Master of Arts Miao, Frank Mitch, Norma Rob inson, Carl Scheirer, Tsung-deh Shwai and Louis Ullman, chemis try. Florence Fralin, Thelma Heller, Margaret Morris, Marion Poor baugh, Leila Thompson and El eanor Tobias, home economics; Robert Beetle, Joseph Bryner, Louis Colteryahn, Dalton Fearson, Harry Schwartzbart, Theodore Sproull, Frank Wagner and Hor ace Weymer, metallurgy; Charles Ridenour and Clarence Sykes, physical education. James Brennan, Harry Luhrs, David Skillman and Marvin Stein, physics; Albert Barrett, James Drumm, Walter Fabian, Sara Krone, Jean MaGuire, Margaret Matine, John Rakusin, Allan Reece, Kathleen Roulette and Theodore Stein, psychology; Rob ert Knoebel, vocational industrial education. MS in Engineering Gene Delio and Charles Duke, aeronautical; Bernard Kotalik, civil; John Herring and George Palick, chemical; Wayne Boop and Jack Darr, electrical; William Furnivall, Conrad Hilpert, Ed ward Olowinski, Jess Oren and cool, cool colognes. seashore ... or in the city - for travel too love the luxury of Faberge's refreshing colognes ... Aphrodisia, Woodhue, Tigress or Straw Hat. Travel-wise-siz« Bath EnMmbla . McLANAHAN’S fftt 90MMRR 9HWWFE OOUJBCS, Elbert Reynolds, mechanical; Richard Amthor, sanitary. MS in Agriculture Edward Kushibab, Richard Nailor and William Sacks, agri cultural and biological chemistry; Hector Berrios, Almon Birth, John Boyle, William Butz, James Fink and Wade Gregory, agricul ture economics. James Fink, Murry McJunkin, Luther Rahauser, Stanley Runk, Kenneth Schoonover, Norman Starner and John Zubler, agricul ture education; William Mcßride, agronomy. Elizabeth Boedecker and Ger aldine Wallace, bacteriology; Wil liam Aull, William Davey, Paul Prince, Harvey Shaffer and Jesse Williams, dairy husbandry; John Linde, horticulture. Edward Marburger, vocational industrial education. Doctor of Philosophy William Burnett, agricultural and biological chemistry; Guy Rindone and Satyapal Varma, ceramics; Donald Bailey, George Fryburg, Thomas Hoover, Saul Iserow and Edward _ Pietrusza, chemistry; Joseph Neiser, dairy husbandry. Mofizud-Din Ahmed, Robert Day. John Pilcher and Robert Struck, fuel technology; Phyliss Griess, geography; Elizabeth Dur ham, home economics; Allen Weatherford, physical education; Herbert Rothenberg. physics; Syl van Blumenfeld and George Cas tore, psychology. Prof Presents Paper Dr. Lloyd M. Jones, Professor of Physical Education, is attending a summer conference on Physical Education at Springfield College, Springfield, Mass. He is present ing a paper on “The Challenge to Educational Leadership.” Vacation Sensation Summering by the .. 1.25 other sizes, 2.00, 3.50 and 6.00 coJoane and bath powder, 2.50 the set 124 S. ALLEN ST. Doctor of Education ,TAm "If I tell you the truth, dear, you'll only think I'm bragging.** Reprinted from March, 1947 Esquire Copyright 1947 by Esquire, Ii Collegian Classifieds Bring Results Wednesday Nite, August 4 DANCING 9 'TIL 1 ADMISSION $1.67 plus tax FOR TABLE RESERVATIONS PHONE ZION 2322 Hecla Park 7 Mile* East of Bellefonle on Route 64 TOTAL $2.00 PAGE SEVEN