PAGE POUR Piano-Organ Recital Guy Woods, pianist, and George Ceiga, organist, will give a joint concert in Schwab Auditorium at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon. The program will Include "Pre lude, Fugue and Variation," by Franck; "Kammenoi - Ostrow," Rubinstein-Ceiga; "Caprice Ven nois," by Kreisler-Ceiga; "Pre lude, Gminov," by Rachmaninoff- Ceiga. 'Hotel Universe' "Hotel Universe" will be pre sented for the last time to the general public at Center Stage this Saturday night. Fifty tickets are still available for this per formance. The special Mother's Day performance, open only to those with off-campus guests, will be held May 8. A few tickets still remain for this production. Flying Club A special meeting of the fly ing club will be held in 410 Old Main at 7 o'clock tonight to dis cuss final plans for giving away $4OO flying time this Sunday. Scabbard and Blade Mere will be a special meet ing of Company H, Ist Regiment of the National Society of Scab bard and Blade in the Sigma Al pha Epsilon house at 7:30 o'clock tonight to elect officers. Medical Discussion Dr. Herbert R. Glenn, director of the College Health Service, will lead a discussion on "Medical Service in the Marine Corps" at a meeting of the Marine Volun tary Training Unit in 200 Eng "E" at 7:3() o'clock tonight. Senior Invitations All Seniors should place their orders for invitations and an nouncements at Student Union from 2-4 o'clock this afternoon and tomorrow afternoon. Phys Ed Elections Physical Education Stud e n t Council elections will be held in 121 Sparks at 7:30 o'clock tonight. News Briefs Dairy Science Club Final plans for the Dairy Show, May 8, will be made at a Dairy Science Club meeting in 110 Dairy at 7:30 o'clock tonight. Belles Lettres Movie The movie, "A Tale of Two Cities." starring Ronald Colman, will be given in 119 Osmond Lab at 7 o'clock tonight. A short talk by Prof. Thomas D. Bowman will Precede the movie. Wesley Banquet Wesley Foundation will hold its annual Spring banquet at the St. Paul's Methodist Church at 6:30 o'clock tonight. Sherwood Webber is in charge of arrange ments. Pinochle Tournaments Students planning to enter the pinochle tournament starting at the TUB Monday must register at Student Union before noon today. An entrance fee of 25 cents is re quired. Alpha Epsilon Delta Alpha Epsilon - Delta, pre-med ical national honorary fraternity, recently ' initiated Louis Wilkie, Allan Fisher. Edward West. Albert Kazlauskas, Michael Kutsenkow, Herbert Mayor, and Frank Bur stein. Following the initiation cere monies a banquet was held at the State College Hotel. Dr. Franklin Frey. Danville. spoke on "Psy choses and Hypnotic Therapy." CORE- (Continued from page one) criminatory basis. Otherwise a new barbershop will be opened and operated by a man selected by CORE. Specifications call for a modern sanitary three - chair establish ment. The sale of pledge tickets would ouarantee a large enough clientele to prevent its degenera tion into a Jim Crow shop. Money will be refunded if all effor%s fail. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA CLASSIFIEDS Ail classified advertisements must be In by 12:00 p.m. day preceding lune. 1 rises are 40c one insertion : PAO, three insertions: 17 words or less. Call Collegian 6711. 15 FOOT ROYAL TRAILER Bargain nt $5OO. Contact Alfred C. Oiler 8388 Windcreat. BIRTHDAY CAKES and other cakes cookies, sandwiches. Fruit punch, $1.20 $1.50. $2.00. Frida Stern, 122 Irvin Ave Phone 4818. FOR SOME LUCKY MEN—Suits, size 38 and 39—gray flannel, brown tropical. blue checked imported tropical Perfect condition and very cheap. Call 2427 meal times, POOL TABLE, cues and balls. Recently rebuilt. Reasonably priced. Call 2220. AHRONCA CHAMPION. Flown 10 hours. Reconditioned propeller, all bulletins complied with. $1725. Call Wald, 9819. STUDENT and wife desire 3-room apart ment or bungalow furnished. Occupancy beginning Sept. 1948. Leave message at Collegian office. TUX OR TAlLS—size 88L or 39, call Joe 4951. YOUNG MARRIED COUPLE desires trailer for summer. Write Bill Laird West Park Street. Williamsburg, Pa. VOLUNTEERS—AiI persons interested in helping CORE's drive May 3-5, please come 304 Old Main 8 p.m. Sunday. CET 2 FREE TICKETS for "Years Ago". Lend a racoon coat to Players. Call Ext. 362 immediately. REWARD—Parker 51, blue, gold top, in Burrowes, Library or Mac Hall. Call Frances Lohr, 319 Mac. WILL PERSON who picked up my gab ardine topcoat at Sigma Pi April 17 cnll Aldinger. G 915. AVAILABLE for married couples at Marilyn Hall 317 E. Beaver Ave. Inquire at premises or dial 2309. FOR SALE WANTED LOST ROOM AND BOARD You're on the right trail when you follow the tracks of the "Great White Bear" May 13, 14, 16 Coed Gives Twist To Rhyme About Mary's Lamb Seeing a sandy colored Cocker puppy in school has reminded many students of ' the rhyme about Mary and her little lamb. Shirley Coogan, an eighth semes ter journalism student, has put a new twist on the old story by bringing six-weeks old Teddy, a pure-bred Cocker, to class. Shirley bought the pup from Donald E. Frear, an agriculture professor, and has been boarding him with Boyd Albright in State College. No prof has objected so far, probably because no accidents have occured. Teddy isn't house broken as yet and Shirley's class mates are wondering how long her luck can hold out. engagernent4 Herold - Kirshner Th e engagement of Miss Suz anne Kirshner, of Haverton, Pa., to Frederick P. Herold, of Phila delphia, was announced at her home Sunday. Miss Kirshner is a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma and is a mathematics major. Her- Remember Mother She Never Forgets Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere NO SUMMER OR WINTER CHANGE If short on cash right now, BILL McMULLEN will open a CHARGE ACCOUNT for You. BILL Vies rw-r, 4'6o° S. 14 . 4 ' 1 1111 ALLEN DIAL 4994 STATE COLLEGE TitURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1948 Placement Service (Continued from page two 9 from Home Ec, Med Tech, Bac teriology, Botany, Chem., Zoo ology, Entomology, Pre - Med, Commercial Chem, Science, Ag, Bio Chem. American Brake Shoe Com pany, May 3, eighth semester men from Metallurgy. Chemical Plants Division at Blaw-Knox Company, May 4, eighth semester men and gradu ate students from Architecture, Civil Eng, EE. ME, Chem Eng. E. I .du Pont de , Nemours and Company, Inc., May 3, summer employment, men from Chem and Chem Eng who will receive BS, MS, PhD degrees in 1949. Armstrong Cork Company, April SO and May 1, eighth se mester me n from rE, ME, Chem, Busirkess Administration, Chean Eng, Physics. Journalism. Talon, Incorporated, April 30, eighth semester men from EE, IE, ME, Chesn Eng. Atlas Power Company, April 30, eighth semester men wibth 8.5., or Ph.D. from Chem, Chem Eng„lCommercial Eng. Also Civil and Mining Engineering. old, wino is majoring in psychol ogy, is a member of Pi Kappa Phi.
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