The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, April 28, 1948, Image 4
PAGE POUR Senior Men Elect -I (Continued from page one) All-College Cabinet; chairman, Inter-Class finance committee; Agriculture Student Council; Stu dent Union Committee; ISC; Stu dent Tribunal; College Senate Committee on Academic Stan dards. Hack All-College Cabinet, Lion's Paw, Fermi Nous, vice president, Druids, Delta Sigma Pi, IFC; vice-president of Sigma Al )ha Egssikai; member of the golf earn. Karver—Captain of th e track Ind cross-country teams; secre ary-treasurer of Parmi Nous; ecretary, Theta Chi; member of lot Societies council; Druids; secretary-treasurer, Athletic As ociation; indoor and outdoor 04A mile champion; NCAA mile hampion; NAAU 1500-m e ter 'tampion. Lannon—All-College president; temiber of Pi Kappa Alpha, CLASSIFIEDS classified advertisements mast be - log /2 MI P.m. day Preceding issue. Hess are 40c one insertion ; 11.00. .tires insertions; 17 words or less. Call 0011006 in 6711. FOR BALL 16 FOOT ROYAL TRAILER Bargain at 500. Contact, Alfred C. Oyler 5388 Winderest. 1933 CHEVROLET—Not much for looks, but good engine and tires. Evergreen Station one mile east on Bellefonte highway. REBUILT Underwood standard type writer 1183848. 360.00. Motorola Auto Radio with separate speaker unit, like new, $B6. Colt Frontier model. side-ejector .46 calibre revolver. $40.00. Long single barrel 12-gauge shot gun, $lO.OO. State College 6218. wzßerra unabridged Dictionary $15.00 New Nature Library, ten volumes $25.00. Par Baby Walker. Used little $4.00. State College 6218. POOL TABLE, cues and balls. Recently rebuilt. Reasonably priced. Call 2220. AERONCA CHAMPION. Flown 160 hours. Reconditioned propeller, all bulletins complied with. Call Wald 4819. FOR RENT DOUBLE BOOM with adjoining studs , — tYliewriter and desk. Suitable for young martial couple or two girls. Call Mrs. Wallow, Boalsburg 2361. WANTED STUDENT and wife desire 3-room apart ment or bungalow furnished. Occupancy beginning Sept. 1948. Leave message at Collegian office. RIDE TO NEW YORK City foe two Leaving either Friday or Saturday. Cal Mike 1672. RIDE TO SYRACUSE, N.Y.—Friday April 30, p.m., and return Sunday, May 2. For one or three people. Call 4835. RIDE FOR TWO to New York Friday, April 30, noon. Call Sid Simon, 4409. TUX OR TAILS--size 88L or 39, °all Joe 4961. YOUNG MARRIED COUPLE desires trailer for sumer. Write Bill Laird, Wert Park Street. Williamsburg. Pa. WILL PERSON who picked up my gab ardine topcoat at Sigma Pi April 17, call A Idinger. BLACK COSMETIC case containing key, Sat. night, between S. Allen and College Diner. Call Margie, 440 Ath. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Cyclists Warned Chief of Police John R. Juba Yesterday warned cyclists that Friday is the last day they may display 1947 license plates on their bicycles. Lion's Paw, Scarab, Druids, Skull and Bones; president, sophomore class; All-College Cabinet. Nolan—Co-captain of the 194'7 football team; captain of the la crosse team. Ostar—Bditor. Daily Collegian; chairman, board of publications; Lion's Paw, Skull and Bones, Sig ma Delta Chi; All-College Cab inet; managing editor, Froth; Ath letic Advisory Board; Student Union board; associate editor, La Vie; delegate to National Student Association. Tighe—Captain of boxing team; Delta Upsilon fraternity; member of Lion's Paw, All-College Cab inet, Student Union Committee, Athletic Advisory Board; presi dent, Athletic Association; secre tary-treasurer, 'Skull and Bones; vine-president, Phi Epsilon Kap pa; past president, Druids; 165- lb. ELBA champion 1947. Troxell All - College vice president; Penn State Delegate to NSA Convention; member of Blue Band, College Symphony, IFC; president, Acacia; vice president, Penna. Region of U. S. National Student Association. L e e taa . . , -,-------- . - ..... .. 0, a r ....G_: -.---4--- "'",, ......-. ___,.....„ _ ..... 4,4 .........., , ......... ....„-- ..... _......... ... ~..... PHILIP MORRIS is so much better to smoke! PHILIP MORRIS offers the smoker an benefit found in no other cigarette. For P_ nr.IP MORRIS is the ONE, the ONLY cigarette recog nized by leading nose and throat specialists as definitely less irritating. Remember: Less irritation means smoking enjoyment for you. Yes! If every smoker knew what PHILIP MORRIS smokers know, they'd all change to PHILIP MORRIS. CALL Du FOR H engagementi Little - Hough Announcement was made over the weekend of the engagement of Miss Jinx Hough of Pittsfield, Mass., to Richard Little of Clarks Summit. Little, a member of Phi Gamma Delta, is a senior in pre medical at the College, while Miss Hough is attending Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs, N.Y. Griffiths - Brown Meryl Brown of Silver Spring, Md., and Frederick R. Griffiths of . Canonsburg became engaged in State College Friday, April 23. Miss Brown is a senior majoring in journalism. Griffiths, a junior in industrial engineering, is presi dent of the Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity. Williams - Harclerode The engagement of Dorlene Harclerode of Bedford to Donald B. Williams of Everett was re cently announced. Williams is a sophomore in civil engineering at the College and Miss Harele rode is employed at the Hartley National Bank in Bedford. Cottrell - Charles The engagement of Joan Charles of Sharon Hills to Leon TRY A PACK ... ILQPAY Coeds Win Awards In Design Contest Five Penn State coeds won hon orable mention spots in a recent teen-age dress design contest given by the Pittsburgh Press. Sunday's edition of the Press car ried the names of the winners of the contest which ended March 31. Honorable mention awards were given to 38 persons, The fortunate girls were Nancy Mast. member of Aloha Chi Omega, and Patricia Ann MeilY. of Kappa Kappa Gamma, both senior art majors in Liberal Arts; Mrs. Betty E. Goss and Mrs. Caro lyn Gehris. both wives of veter ans and special art students; and Mrs. Charmain Reynolds Carl. who resides at 106 E. College avenue. • Alpha Lambda Delta Lois Dickson wa s recently elected secretary of Aloha Lambda Delta. Cottrell of Asbury Park, N.J., has been announced. Miss Charles is a member of Alpha Xi Delta and a senior in Arts. and Letters. Cottrell ,a junior in chemical en gineering, is a member of Phi Lambda Upsilon. WIDIYNIRSDAY, APRIL 28, 1117411 co-cilia Alpha Xi Delta Janice Lytle and Joyce Shuey were initiated Monday by Alpha Xi Delta. Mrs. John H. Parker, national officer of Alpha Xi Del ta, attended the meeting. Plans for a cabin party May 15 to honor the new initiates were completed. Phi Epsilon Pi Alumni of Phi Epsilon Pi will be honoredtat a banquet in the State Cone& Hotel Saturday as part of the fraternity's alumni weekend. Sigma Alpha Epsilon James M. Christmas, Forrest D. Genger, Edwin L. Hoffman, Dan iel E. Kline, David W. Knobel, Robert Laing, Warren E. Latimer, Harry B. McCarty, John A. Mur ray, Jr., Charles R. Powell, Merle K. Sieber, and Calvin E. Swayze, Jr., were initiated by the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity Sunday. Theta Xi William Dudeck, Austin Fox and William Stauffer were re centy pledged by Theta Xi.