The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, April 17, 1948, Image 4
PAGE FOUR Dean Urges Coed Tidiness In Dining Common Dress Coeds are urged to be more careful in their dress for the dining commons according to a recent letter to all women students from Pearl 0. Weston, Dean of Women. The letter stressed the fact that neatness and cleanliness should be the keynote of the coeds' appearance at all times. Dean Weston also asked the co-operation of the coeds in never appearing in the dining room in raincoats, jeans, shirts hanging out, kerchiefs on the head, bedroom slippers, pajamas, bathrobes, any night clothes, shorts, or halter-style dresses In answer to inquiry on the problem of coeds who have swim ming class before meals, Dean Weston said that a neat turban over the hair would be permitted in case of emergency. She also stated that there is no objection to coeds wearing slacks to break fast or lunch. Beginning Monday hostesses will remind girls who do not comply to Dean Weston's request. There will be no penalty and the coeds will be allowed to have their meal at the dining common. Suzanne Romig, President of WSGA, reminded the coeds that blackmarks will only be given for slacks or jeans worn at dinner and that the present suggestions of Dean Weston carry no penalties unless this is decided at a future Senate meeting. (ORE Continues- (Continued from page one) ican Veterans Committee is nego tiating with Franklin D. Roose velt. Jr., member of the AVC Na tional Planning Committee, to find cut if there is any possibility of legal action against Smith's bar ber shop, because of the ejection of a student patron from the shop on Thursday. Ernest H. Millard. a member c the AVC, was the student ejected. The dispute started when Mil lard attempted to discuss the racial discrimination question with barber Russell Covenhaver, Millard said that he was ordered off the chair before his haircut was completed by the barber, and after paying for the haircut. started to leave the shop. Copen haver took his arm and led him to the door, when Millard re sisted. A tussle followed and sev //e/d) agoe , &bap •fteie.egke Raw/ ..., , ,4§y-4 3 ~,, , , 3 01 ~,‘,<-,., ..z, ...,:.-' s, 't.-- , .:. .e ,,, 5), 5-,, '', ':, ~..., ,, ...1-, ~••• r0,:c..,:,?, . *Adm .,. .'",,'3,,,c''' • :..... 'i,: , ',-' r 11?: 1 ' A .1.3 t k , , ; ‘ , , ; 4 ; , i ,k ~,, • • 1:c•-• c,4,11 kd \, . .J f t f:4 • <4 gattiewd eral chairs and a coatrack were unset. According to Copenhaver. he told Millard he didn't care to dis cuss the question any further. but the student kept it up. The bar ber said that it got to the point where he could take it no longer. and asked Millard to leave. One of AVC's state lawyers has also been contacted in relation to the trouble occurring in the bar ber shop. If grounds are sufficient .o file suit, it is probable that Mr. Roose velt will be engaged as the at torney for AVC. according to Katinsky. CLASSIFIEDS All classified advertisements must be in by 12:00 p.m. day preceding issue. 1 rices are 40c one insertion: $l.OO, three insertions: 17 words or less Call Collegian 6711. 936 INDIAN motorcycle--4 cylinder. New •overhaul and paint. Completely recondi tioned. Call B. Peterson, 3181 or 6412. 1937 PLYMOUTH COUPE. good condi tion, heater. Call Bill Kyle between 5 and 6:30-3976. DOCTOR'S silk academic costume. Also tuxedo and dress suit. all in good condi tion. Moderately Priced. Phone 4669. ORCHIDS 82.00 each! through April 11 18. Your alumni florist Jimmy Wolfe '3O. Manager Woodring's Floral Gardens. MISCELLANEOUS THESES and TERM PAPERS typed at 20c per page. Papers done carefully. Call 6695. ROOM AND BOARD ROOM and BOARD available immediately for married couple. Call Joe Zaslow at 3936 after 6 p.m. DO YOU KNOW the words to "Flow, River, Flow? They're needed for "Years Ago." Call Mr. Reifanider, Ex. 362. SOMBONE to demonstrate Maxixe dance gS iii 11_11 '511149 V A SIGNATURE RECORD RELEASE THE DAILY COLLEGIAN; STATE COLLIDOE, PENIISYLVARIA FOR SALE WANTED Little Connie Haines, the smooth -singing phono-fan favorite, does $O favorite tricky purring on her new click disk. And another favorite with a great record among cigarette smokers is cool, mild, flavorful C.amels. Why? The answer is in your "T-Zone" --T for Taste, T for Throat. Ist Discover for yourself why, with Connie pokers who have tried and -rience." I 1/Ve z7B, Wom. 1 By Marjorie Mouslay A recent letter from Dean Weston to all coeds concerning the appearance of the coeds in the dining commons has stirred up many new bull sessions in the dormitories. The idea itself seems to be agreeable to most coeds. It's the method of presentation that both ers them. Although approximate ly 95 percent of the coeds dress as they are expected to, they un derstand that there are some of fenders who' could improve their dress. Some of the details of the new suggestion have caused comment, such as the one on no kerchiefs on the head, but since Dean Wes ton has explained that In case of emergency a neat turban may be worn, this difficulty has been tak en care of. The fact that the suggestion came from the Dean of Women and not from the Women's Stu dent Government Associataion, which is supposed to make all rules and regulations governing women, is the topic of the bull. sessions. Senate members were just as much surprised as the other co eds to see the letter, but they do agree with the idea behind it. Perhaps in the future the coeds would be more satisfied if such regulations and suggestions came from the group they elected to govern themselves. Penn State Club Members of the Penn State Club and their dates will meet at the clubroom, 321 Old Main, at 7:30 o'clock tonight to leave for the bowling party. of 1916 for cast of Player's Show,. Years Ago." Call 362. STUDENT washing done at my home. Bring and call for at 1103 W. Beaver Avenue. MICROPHONE to public address system. small white box containing band lights and extension cord, at Phi Kappa Psi. Please return to Paul Grove, 4048, or DU House. Reward. LOG-LOG Deeitrig K & E Slide Rule. Call Chance Howard, 4078. Reward. SLIDE RULE log-log duplex decitrig. Call Jake 6789 anytime. 10 O'clock Rule Lifted For Campus Politicians Student political candidates will be allowed to campaign in Atherton Hall and Grange Dormitory after 10 o'clock by special per mission granted at a recent WSGA Senate meeting. All coeds in these dormitories will have an opportunity to meet and talk to the candi dates at the following times: Lion Party will visit Grange Dormitory from 10 to 10:10 p.m. Sunday night and Atherton Hall from 10 to 10:10 p.m. on Monday night. State Party will follow the Lion Party at each dormitory for the next ten minutes. Their candidates will be at Grange from 10:10 to 10:20 p.m. on Sunday night and at Atherton Hall from 10:10 to 10:20 p.m. on Monday night. Senate also approved 2 o'clock late permissions for the IFC- Panhel dance last night. After a discussion on the incon sistencies of hostesses regarding the drinking problem it was de cided that the hostesses would be invited to a joint meeting with Senate to reach a decision on the matter. Newi Briefs State Party Final clique meeting of the State Party will be held in 124 Sparks at 7:310 o'clock tomorrow night. Candidates and committee members are especially urged to come. Engineering Forum Prof. 'Robert E. Stiemke, of the civil engineering department, will speak on "The Status of Stream Pollution Activities in Pennsyl vania" in 1 Main Engineering at 4:1i0 p.m. Monday. Mechanical Engineers The student branch of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers will meet in 107 Main Engineering at 7 pan. Tuesday to nominate and elect ocicers. Nomi- TIP FOR YOUR CAREER. • Top your college education with Gibbs secretarial training and be pre pared to "go places' in busi ness. Four-city place ment. Write College Course Dean. KATHARINE GIBBS NEW YORK 17 230 Park Ave. BOSTON 16 SO Marlborough St. CHICAGO 11 . 51 East Superior St. PROVIDENCE 6 155 Angell St. sinoving SATURDAY, APRIL 17, UM nations Okay be left for the nomi nating committee in the office on the second floor of Engineer ing D. MURPHY'S NOW HAVE IT I KIWI SHOE POLISH ~. , ,,,,:, : ; - ,,.. .2 .. , . .., ,K :11:;-,ii;;i:::- . 13M;!;:g. - ....,•::.1.7: - . ::`, .'j'X...e: f -1.....A1:'.;:• • • , :',.:;..;:.:'.•,, , ; . :: , - . ' :1 , ..i'• ) .. i , ',,, , , .t.....,...?.?.A . ..5 .. . , : , c,...1..,......-A:....',/ - •,----..;,,?,...i.v.,:.....,