PAGE TWO Hup, Tup Treep Fourp Don't get hysterical fellows—maybe Truman is only kidding. The President's message to Congress yesterday has had many repercussions on campus. On the Mall, in the dorms and fraternities, and in the classrooms little groups of people have been gathering to speculate on the date of war. Unfortunately President Truman didn't consider Penn State students in his timing of his address to Congress. Why did be have to make it right before Easter when everyone is busy trying to study for bluebooks. It's down right demoralizing. To become less whimsical for a moment, a mild form of war hysteria is at the moment sweeping the campus, and the first to have noticed it are the professors who are pre paring to administer bluebooks. They see a repetition of the situation at the outbreak of Word War II when about 80 per cent of the male students developed a "don't give a damn attitude." As a result of this attitude grades took a general nosedive. According to most authorities there is no immediate danger of war. The War Department has stated that vet erans will not be included in Universal Military Training. As far as national politics are concerned, Marshall's statement several days ago regarding the gravity of the world situation could very well have been used to rusth his European Recovery Program through Congress without crippling amendments as proposed by some Congressmen. As a result of President Truman's message yesterday the House Republican leadership has agreed to push the ERP bill which has already been approved by the Senate. An other result of the message is that the Senate Armed Serv ices Committee announced hearings on both Truman's draft and UMT requests. While the folks down in Washington continue to go on with their maneuvering, let us not allow ourselves to be c.arried away by emotion. CAMPUS CALENDAR Thursday, March 18 PSCA Dance Class, 405 Old tin. 8 p.m. MASQUBRIA .1"E Club, Gamma hi Beta suite, Woman's Bldg.. •' 5 p.m. LA Student Council, 18 Sparks, 10 p.m. WSSF Planning Committee, 304 H Main, 7:30 p.m. YPCA, 41'7 Old Main, 7:30 p.m. DAIRY Science Club. 117 DairY, NE lounge, Ath Hall, 7:30 ATHA Beginners Bowling Club, H, 6:15 p.m.: Swimming Club. 7 m.: Fencing Club. 7 p.m. At the Movies CATHAUIVI—A Woman's Ven seance. STATE—SIeep My Love. NITTANY Notorious Gentle nan. College Hospital Admitted Tuesday: Robert Mack. Lawrence Casey. Mary I\lc- Laughlin. Discharged Tuesday: Herman Aion. Admitted Wednesday: William Pile. Claire Hillstrom, Gloria Ter .izzi, Marion Schwimirner. Discharged Wednesday: Joan ox. Jean Bartholomew. Spring • • Frolic - THIS SATURDAY at the TUB KEY ... BUB "Greet the Spring at the TUB" Yes as spring dances across the campus you can dance across the floor, enjoying every minute of this gay informal dance. You can't afford to miss the SPRING FROLIC this Saturday. $1.20 PER COUPLE INFORMAL Tax Included $.12 THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA Placement Service United Engineers and Cor..- structors. Inc.. March* 24, eighth semester men from CE, E.E. ME. American Chain and Cable Co., March 23, eighth semester men from ME, Metallurgy. General Electric Co., March 22-24. eighth semester men with 8.5., M.S.. or Ph.D. degrees. in EE. ME. LE. Chem. Eng.. Chem. The Texas Cc., March 22. eighth semester men from CE. EE. ME, Chem. Eng.. Physics. Atlantic Refining Co.. March 18. 19. eighth semester men from Chem. Eng.. Chem. Merck and Co.. _lnc.. Man - in 19. eighth semester men from Bact Ag and Bio Chem.. Chem. Eng.. Chem. United Engineers and Construc tors Inc.. March 24. eighth semes ter men from CE. EE. ME. American Chain and Cable Co.. March 23. eighth semester men from ME. Metallurgy. General Electric Co., March 22- 24. eighth semester men witi . 8.5., M.S.. or Ph.D. degrees in EE, ME. lE. Chem. Eng.. Chem. Procter and Gar able Company. March 23. 24. eighth semester men from CE. EE. lE. ME. Chem. Eng.. Chem Metallurgy. The Texas Co.. March 2(2. eighth semester men from CE. EE. ME, Chem. Eng.. Chem.. Physics. Editor's Mail call t Came as a Surprise TO THE EDITOR Elections for clique officers were held by the Lion Party last Sunday, March 14, in 121 Sparks. It came as a shock to some of us who are interested in better government, when Eugene Fulmer, temporary chairman, stated that eighth se mester students are denied the right to vote in a party they are so anxious to support. At the initial call for members of the party, everyone interested in better and progressive student government was asked to par participate. We realize the elec tion code of the All-College Elec tions states that eighth semester students are ineligible to vote— which is understandable. How ever, this should not concern the cliques themselves. As graduating students inter ested. in the promulgating of a greater Penn State Student Gov ernment, and as graduating stu dents interested enough to par ticipate actively in the forma tion of this new party, we feel deeply hurt that we bave no vote whatsoever in the policies which we are so anxious to fur ther Name Withheld No Webbed Feet TO THE EDITOR: Every now and then I see articles in the edi torial section of the Daily Col legian written by individuals and organizations that would make the gang at the Kremlin 11:11 1 1)Y. These articles are followed by accusations, denials, etc. Some of these organizations have been called fronts by Pegler and Fisch of the Post-Gazette. That is not my purpose—to call n ames. It so much easier to deny than to prove anything. Just remember that if a man walks like a duck, looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, he prol - ably is a duck. The same applies to cer tain parties—we have a flock of ducks. —Not a Duck. Hypocrites? TO THE EDITOR: Referring to the editorial "It's No Longer Local" which appeared in Fri day's Collegian, I too, wish to ask, 'When shall we cease being hypocrits?" Donald Reist IMPORTANT TRANSPORTATION ANNOUNCEMENT SPRING RECESS GREYHOUND LINES WILL OPERATE SPECIAL BUSES frown the Parking Lot south of Recreation Hall. departure time. 12:45 P. M.. MARCH 25. RESERVATIONS will be made with the purchase of your ticket and must be made before 10 P.M. of MARCH 24th. IN ORDER TO IMPROVE OUR SERVICE TO THE STUDENTS on the return movement, Special Buses will be provided and leave Pittsburgh at 11:30 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. TUESDAY. MARCH 30th. 1948. FOR TICKETS and Information, call at GREYHOUND POST HOUSE, 148 N. ATHERTON STREET PHONE 4181 No Termites To THE EDrPOR: Low cost housing does not mean cheap, temporary, termite-ridden hous ing. The low cost housing, which I called for on the AVC program, is low rental housing made avail able to low income groups who would ordinarily not obtain prop er living quarters. The govern ment will undertake to supply these proper quarters when pri vate builders can not. The gov ernment is able to do this through tne use of subsidies. through its light of eminent domain in ob taining land, because it does not Pay property taxes, and because there is no profit to be earned. At the present time. builders are not able to build for these low inoorne groups because of high costs of materials and labor as well as other factors. For this reason. AVC supports action by the government as called fa.: the Taft-Ellender-Wagner EU to supply such housing. —Robert Kagan. Councils Not Responsible TO THE EDITOR: Because of the coming political campaigns, we feel that a statement be made clarifying the position of the Pol lock Circle and Nittany Dormi tory Council regarding politics. These councils are governing bodies of their respective units and are completely detached from any political groups. Any political carnmitments by mem bers of these councils are made by these members as individuals. —Nicholas Supron, Pres., Nittany Dorm. Council. —Edmund M. Walacavage, Pres., Pollock Circle Council. SPECIAL . . . THIS WEEK ONLY ORCHIDS $1.50 and up I Li. tI 11 SUILA rtl itAltV PHONE 4994 THURSDAY, 'MARCH 18, 1948 Messiah' Features 3 So lokts Three student soloists will par ticipate iri Chapel Choir's per formances of slections from Parts Two and Three of Handers "The Messiah" in Schwab Auditorium at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. Sunday. Soloists are Jacqueline Heck ert, soprano; Maynard Hill, ten or; and Thaddeus Komorowskl, bass. At both services the Choir, di rected by Prof. Willa W. Taylor, will be accompanied by Prof. George Ceiga at the chapel *or gan, and by members of the Sym phony Orchestra, under Professor Taylor. Miss Heckert, winner of the All-College Talent Show, will sing the soprano solo, "I Know that My Redeemer Liveth." Mr. Hill will perform three tenor recitatives: "Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart," "Be hold, and See If There Be Any Sorrow," and "He Was Cut Off out of the Land of the Living." The air for tenor, "But Thou Didst Not Leave His. Soul in Hell," will also be sung by Mr. Hill. At the afternoon service only, Mr. Komorowski will sing the bass recitative "Behold, I Tell You a Mystery," and the air, "The Trumpet Shall Sound." The "Hallelujah Chorus," play ed by Professor Ceiga, will con clude both performances. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN su...or to the Free Lance. eet MI Published Tuesday through Saturday mornings during the College year by the staff of the Daily Collegian of the Pennsylyar.M State College. Entered as second class matter July 5, 1934. at the State College, Pa.. Post Office under the act of March 3, 1879. 92.3 0 • liernesteri $4.25 the school year. Allan W. Ostar Donald W Ellis Man. Ed., Ben 1. French, Jr.: News Ed.. Roberta Hutchison; Sparta Ed., Ted Rubin; Ain't. Sports Ed., Dave Adelina*: Feature Ed., Eleanor Tshned: Woman's Ed., Marjorie Mousier. Photo Ed.. Bennett Fairorth; Wire Ed.. Howard Back ; Senior Board, Janet Adler. Helen Lewis, Helen Reed. Richard Serge. J. Arthur Stober, Peter Worker. STAFF THIS ISSUZ Managing Editor --- Mae Wisite Assistant_--- Ray Beater News Edit or --_-- Barbara Brawn Assistant— George Vadass Copy Edit or Lois Blocunquist ; Advertising Manager _—_ Robert Drucker -41€3*.. WANT A HOP NOME for EASTER'? try the COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIED COLUMNS NOW CO 6711 Collegian Office - Zdital • Bus. Mgr.