The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, February 21, 1948, Image 3
SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 21. 1948 Unpredictables Meet When ... Lions Descend on Templars, Pin Hopes on Bottling Bobb “Stop Nelson Bobb,” will be the orders of the day when Coach John Lawther’s basket ball team moves into Convention Hall tonight to try to increase the Temple cagers’ losing streak by one more game. The Templars, who are sport ing an unimpressive record of 11 wins and 8 losses, dropped a one point decision to NYU, a 27-point landslide to Holy Cross, an 81-75 loss to West Virginia U. and Tuesday night lost an intra-city contest to St. Joseph’s by a 59-64 count. Although the Owls aren’t head ed for post-season encount ers, their highscorlng ace Bobb, has already surpassed the prev ious high for a Temple playei and is aiming at a berth on the 1948 All-American team. OTHER ACES The Lions will nave not only Bobb to contend with but also hi set shot twin, Eddie Lerner, ana tall .rugged Ike Borsavage. Wail., Haikevich, who won a starting berth on the Temple team at the beginning of the season, injured his back a few weeks ago and will not see any further action this season. This battle will mark the last home fray for Coach Josh Cody’s team and with tough battles lined up for the following four con tests, he will be especially anx- Riflemen Drop 11 Out of 12 Meets Suffering its worst scries of defeats in many years, the varsity riile team was defeated in 11 out of 12 encounters recently. Postal matches held the week of February 14 saw Coacr, . Yount’s men lose to Michigan State, Washington University Marine Barracks, Philadelphia, and Ohio University The Lions downed Clemson Agricultural College for their lone victory Prioi to that the riflemen fell victims to the University oj Wyoming, University of Nevada, United States Coast Guaro Academy, West Virginia University, State University ot lowa and Colorado School of Mines Gerald Prange paced both matches with scores ot 279 and 281 respectively The season record of the Yountmen now shows vie tories and 11 defeats. CLASSIFIED SECTION All claHsifiixl advertisements must he in by 12:00 p.m. day preceding issue Prices are 40c one insertion : $l.OO, three insertions; 17 words or less Call Collegian 6711. HORN-RIMMED glasses in the vicinity of Engineering build ings. Call 4409. Dave Karp. Re ward. MISCELLANEOUS BAR-3 BOYS plus Hank Glass, for stag or drag affairs. Open for Call 389 “ask for Al, the bookie.” DR. ADAMS’ article “Are Under graduate marriages success ful?” is now on sale in Penn State Froth. TYPING OF theses, stencils, re ports, correspondence, by ex perienced secretary, AB in Eng lish, on new Remington standard. Call 4150. YOU’VE heard Jack Pfeil oyer WMAJ. Now read his article “Confused Courtesy” in Penn State Froth. On sale Tuesday. WANTED GRADUATE student, male, de sires part-time stenographic work. Stenotypist and typist. Ex perienced. Cali 2973. Leave mes sage for Jones. FOR SALE NEW Trailers, ¥1195 and up. Landola, tomorrow’s trailer to day; National, the nation’s finest; Trotwood, the economy trailer. Also good used trailers. Griil'ith Trailer Coach Sales. Inquire Don F. Yock, rep., Houserville, or dial State College 2973. K&E MIN USA drawing set. Good ious to end his home stand on a high note. In last year’s games, the Tem plars won on the Convention Hall court a short time after they had been soundly trounced by the Lions in Rec Hall. Coach Lawther will use the same lineup in tonight’s game as he used last*Wednesday against Navy. Captain Jack Biery and Milt Simon will form the attack ing wall, Willard Parkhill wili jump center, and John Kulp and Whitey McKown or Terry Ruhl man will have the job of stopping the high-scoring Owl forwards. Lions Race Irish In Last Indoor Race The shortest season for any Penn State athletic team will end mis afternoon when Coach Ch'•.•k iVerner’s track team vies against Notre Dame at South Bend. In aiana. Startma its dual meet season ,ast week, the team dropped a de c.sion to Armv and today it will end its season with a contest against the Irish. Horace Ashenieiter will take another crack at the mile chore in the beginning of the meet and will later compete in his usual two-mile stint. condition. Call Mark, after 7 p.m. 2463. ONE ’4B Ford convertible, all ac cessories, 5.000 miles Contact Rill Dohl, 6412. ONE ’4l Chevrolet convertible new top and accessories Con tact Clyde Wilson 3181. 1938 Plymouth 4-door sedan, ex cellent condition, fully equip ped. Call 6021 after 6 p.m Ask for White. MINUSA drawing set. Brand new, reasonable. Call Jack Wil liams, 3915 or 4702. LEICA camera f 2 lens, in excel lent condition. Contact Martin room 203 Mineral Industries Building. TUESDAY IS FROTH DAY! HERE’S YOUR CHANCE. FEL LOWS. BRING FIVE TIES, PLUS $l.OO TO HUR’S DRY CLEANING AND CHOOSE FIVE DIFFERENT ONES. FOR RENT LARGE front room, 600 N. Allen Open for inspection, or call Mrs. Patten, Port Matilda 29R-12. HEY QUICK! Pressing While You Wait FAST SERVICE plus EXPERT ALTERATION AND REPAIR WORK QUICK PRESS SHOP DYEING & DRY CLEANERS :OBLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA IHE DAILi o Baseball Prospects Prospective varsity oaseball players who have not contact ed Coach Joe Bedenk may do so next week. He can be reached in Rec Hall or under the East stands of the football field, from 2 to 5 p.m. Speidelmen, Navy Tangle on Mats This afternoon, in Annapolis, a revamped’ Lion wrestling sciuad meets an undefeated Navy mat team in the erapplers’ bid for win number two. Coach Charlie Speidel has done some shifting in the heavier weights in order to give the team more balance in its quest to end the Middies’ streak of 43 straight dual meet victories, which stretch over a period of five years. Grant Dixon. EIWA 155-pound champion in 1946. will start foi the first time this season today, while Wallv Chambers is back at the heavyweight oost alter a four weeks' absence. .Spider Corman has dropped down a weight to the 165-pound class, replacing Earl Long. who. ;n turn, has moved up to the 175- oound division. The other Blue and White starters will be Georgie Schautz, 121 pounds: A 1 Vigilante. 128 pounds: Don Arbuckle. 136 pounds, and Jim Maurey 145 pounds. Jfiarcy Fencers Seek Seas oil's First Triumph The Nittany Lion fencing, squad will be seeking its first win of ihe season when it engages the Philalelphia Fencer’s club in Rec Hall at 3 o’clock today. The meet has been moved up an hour from its previously scheduled ime. Coach Arthur Meyer, whose Lions dropped close matches to Army and Temple and were completely routed by NYU, will probably start Dave Ozarow, Tarry McCarty and Robert Hol is at foil. At epee will be Rolf Wald, Ar thur Ward and Floyd Eberts, while Robert Thompson, Paul Younkin and James Stewart will handle the sabres. -fibers Upsel Berlsfics Miners defeated the previously ■nbeaten Berletics 14-12 and Delta Upsilon annexed the fra ternity league “D” crown by downing Theta Chi 18-13 in IM "age competition. Othci scores were: Lutheran Students 30, Brother Rats 7' Ath Hall 21 Marauders 19: Beel ers 16, I.T.K. 12: Coai Cracker: 24, Penn Haven 8: Dorm 5, 23 Red Flashed 19; Cody Comets 43. Dorm 6. 9; Murgas 26. Anony mous Five 6; Newman Club 29 Eagles 12. Monday night’s schedule: 8:45 Pi Kappa Alpha - Sigma Chi (1), Phi Epsilon Pi - Alpha Phi Alpha (2), Sigma Pi-Chi Phi (3). 9:25 Pi Kappa Phi-PhiDelta YOUR WILL POP YOUR WILL WATER WHAT’S ON THE HOUSE? ••• • t • MEXI - HOTS See TUESDAY'S COLLEGIAN Benglian, Tighe Lead Ringmen Against Supercharged Badgers Heading the list of boxers who made the trek to Wisconsin are John Benglian and Jack Tighe. Benglian, with a three won and one lied record, battled Paul Kotrodimos, a two-year ring veteran, in one cl the feature bouts at Madison last night. Captain Tighe also had a tough assignment on his hands, being JOHNNY BENGLIAN Gymnasts Meet Cadets Penn . State’s high-flying gym nasts. only current Lion team sporting an undefeated record, encounter their toughest foe so far when they take on Army today at West Point. The West Pointers also boast a spotless slate to date, victims in cluding Minnesota. West Ch-ster State Teachers. Lock Haven State Teachers. Syracuse and Jersey City Recreation Center. The last- named team is an Amateur Ath letic Union outfit. Although the Cadets had little difficulty trouncing other foes, the Gopher meet resulted in a tight 57-56 verdict. This is in contrast to an impressive 71 1 /o-40V£ lacfng administered to the Minnesota team. Big Nine champ, by the Nit tany gymnasts. Coach Gene Wettstone’s squad will face the Cadets with virtually the same lineup that defeated Syracuse. However. Pete Hown chyn may displace Byron Emery in the tumbling event and Don Stogoski may supplant Wendell Lomady in the rope climb. Theta (1), Sigma Phi Alpha-Kap pa Delta Rho (2), Phi Gamma Delta - Delta Chi (3). 10:05 Phi Kappa Sigma - Alpha Phi Delta (1), Alpha Tau Omega - Zeta Beta Tau (2), Sigma Alpha Epsilon - Delta Tau Delta (3). PAGE THREE pitted against Dwaine Dickinson, runner-up in the NCAA finals last year. The Badger ring artists have won 77 dual meets while losing but seven and tying six over a fifteen year period. Again tihiis year, Wisconsin sports a team that is powerful enough to cause con sternation among the staunchest Lion boxing optimists. Since the meet did not com mence until 9 o'clock central standard time. Daily Collegian was unable to obtain the results prior to press time. Complete summaries will appear in Tues day's issue. In the 165 pound contest, Hal Howard faced Wisconsin’s ace slugger, John Lendenski. Lenden ski last season was unbeaten in. all of his matches and won the 165-pound national crown. Other Lion starters were two Smith lads—Fred, a 125-pound battler, and Paul, a 175-pounder. Curt Crooks again received the starting nod in the 135-pound di vision, whole Jack Sheehe was Coach Houck’s choice at 145- pounds. Chuck Drazenovich com peted in the unlimited weight class. Tankmen Take on Pill r In Quest ol Second Win Encouraged by a fine showing in the Dickinson meet, during which the Lion tankmen annexed their first victory. Coach Bill Gut teron’s swimmers will invade Pittsburgh today. AT PENN STATE CLAIRE J. LEE smokes CHESTERFIELDS Claire says: “I smoke Chesterfields be cause they are mild and don’t affect my throat when I smoke them semi-chain fashion.” A nation-wide survey shows Chesterfields are TOPS with College Students from coast to-coasl.