The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, February 10, 1948, Image 2

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"Looks like they finally got Simon P
By Ben French
Fbineas T. Glockenspiel, Collegian’s feline political analyst, was
pHn oongdaiining about the weather when we ran into him yesterday,
carrying in a load of coeL
•TJhis weather will be the death of me yet,” Glocfcy griped. “Only
good frwT'g about it is that we'll be in condition tor the Russian front!”
“Yes. tbafs true.” we chuckled
as ire lit our pipe. "TeU us,
Gladky. what do you think of the
College Actainistration’s policy of
barite* student political groups
from im »"g campus facilities?”
"I don't agree with it at all.”
Ptusees meowed. “With only
about 40 per cent of the regis
tered voters participating in na
tional elections, it would seem
that one of the duties af the Col
lege would be to encourage more
interest in politics. So what does
the College do? They prohibit
meetings of poMttcsd-minded stu
dent* on campus.
“Sam, 1 understand the Ad
ministration's viewpoint. It’s
»m of the reaction in Harris
bung when it is learned that a
‘Students far Janies PetriHo’ or
soma other group is meeting at
this state institution. But what
would be tee harm? The health
iest tefaff I can imagine would be
Republican. Democrat. Wallace,
"Vw Inlint »««d dl the other clubs
meeting on campus, talking over
the issues of the coming campaign.
Twirrfny. February 10 Marines meeting, 200 Eng E, 7:30
T-A Vine Jr. Edit Board meeting, COED Coordinating Committee
old Main, 4 p.m. meeting, Mrs. Furst’s office, Ath
MEN'S Bridge Club meeting, Hall, 6:15 p.m.
208 7:30 pan. ROA meeting, 3 Carnegie Hall,
NEWMAN Club Discussion 7 p.m.
Q*ot«> meeting, 104 Tern, 7 pm. FIRST Aid Class meeting, 1
MARINE Reserves and ex- Sparks, 7 p.m.
Student Sportsmen
To promote a better understanding between
local and student sportsmen, you are invited
to visit and join the
Nittany Sportsmen's Club
• Friendly, Informal Meetings •
• Association With Leading Outdoorsmen •
• Outstanding Speakers •
• Promotion of Progressive Legislation •
• Cooperation With Fanners and Landowners •
Meetings Third Thursday of Each Month
on Sale
1948 Membership Cards
For Better Hunting and Fishing
Mi. Nittany Sportsmen's Club
HerVeeeg Mee
and developing interest that
would turn out a large vote at
the next election.
"Certainly, if the 'Students
for Wallace* group were allowed
on campus, the Republicans and
Democrats would soon follow
with requests for their own
groups. Would that be bad? I
don't think so.
"The College’s answer to this
problem is ‘if youre interested in
politics, why not go out for stu
dent politics! Now student gov
ernment is a worthy thing. All-
College Cabinet is an indispen
sable organization with many
worthwhile projects such as NSA,
the Co-op and Student Union but
there are those whose vision lies
further than these Nittany hills.
They should have a chance too.
"Besides, those groups would
be the ideal laboratory periods
for the political science classes,*'
P.T. mused. "But I guess that
students tike children should be
seen and not heard," he added
as h« crawled away in search
of a mouse.
Needless Restriction
TO THE EDITOR: An open let
ter to the Dean ol Women —This
letter is in protest to your regu
lation requiring women under
graduate students to be in at 10
o’clock during between-semesters
To require a woman student, of
legal voting age, in State College
early due to transportation diffi
culties. to be in her room at 10
pjn. when college is not in ses
sion, and studies are not 'bring
considered, is certainly inconsist
ent in an educational center which
in other phases is handled in an
adult and progressive manner. .
Such a rule seems to be need
less restriction. Needless restric
tion is often conducive to non
—(Nama Withheld.)
• Official College policy, ac
cording to Dean Weston, is that
girls are not supposed to be in the
dormitories during vacation peri
ods. In exceptional oases permis
sion is granted to students to use
thrir rooms during vacation. This
necessitates a hostess (who is also
on vacation) to remain on duty
until the girl comes in. The 10
p.m. limit was set “for the girls’
own safety as well as considera
tion of the hostess involved.”
Odd Facts Dept.
TO THE EDITOR: As of gen
eral interest about Jan. 20th\s
“Twisted Tale” the answer to the
question—“ What was your last
position, sir?” —Should have read:
Folding large pieces of paper, in
1 half, in half, in half, in half, in
1 half, in half, in half. You can fold
a piece of paper in half only seven
• times and still maintain a smooth
• crease. It cannot go on inedfi
• nitely. Try it!
r —Bob Gerber.
• Engineer Gerber is right.
1 We tried it!
Successor to the Free Lance, est IBTi
Publfahed Tuesday through Saturday
mornings during the College year by
the staff ot the Dally Collegian of the
Pennsylvania State College. Entered as
second class matter July 5, 1934, at the
State College, Pa.. Post Office under tha
act of March 3, 1879. $2.50 a semester:
$4.25 the school year.
Allan W. Ostar - - -
Donald W Ellia * - Bus. Mgr.
Man. Ed*, Ben 1. French, Jr.: Newo
Ed.. Roberta Hutchison; Sports Ed., Ted
Rubin ; Asa’t. Sport* Ed., Dave Adelman;
Feature Ed., Eleanor Fehnel; Woman's
Ed., Marjorie Mousley.
Managing Editor Lois Bloomqutßt
Assistant John Bonnell
New* Editor France* Keeney
Assistant Barbara Brown
Elliot Shapiro
Commie Keller
Copy Editor-
Advertising Manager _
Assistant -
Is Coming to Town!
Where’s It Docking ?
Watch Tomorrow’s
Your doctor pounds your bent knee with bis little
mallet and your loot is supposed to give a hefty kick.
V / W Just to prove you have nerves. And there are some who
say getting riproaring furious proves you have feelings. Your blood
courses through your veins, your temperature soars, there s color in
face "you’re very much alive and kicking. When your
are pinched, pricked or trod on ... they react.
I'll go along with that...and a bit farther. If you never get road
you’re a very placid cow. Nothing disturbs you...nothing ruffles you
y ...nothing mLes you see red. Which is plenty dull. Gettmg a good
mad on does relieve the monotony.
You can let off streams of steam. Splutter words that resound and
reverberate. You can flail your arms, break dance records, throw
books, slam doors. You cun blow your top !
If you’d just explode and get H over with! But those brooding
ire. are something else again. They consume your good nature, gnaw
away at your good sportsmanship, dark-cloud your fun...they last oo
long. They turn into grudges and prompt you to spiteful tricks and
malicious remarks.
It’s more refreshing to volcano and forgive. But even that will
lose its effect if you seethe over every little thing, lour boyfriend
might have danced more than you think necessary with that raven
haired vixen. The girls might have left you ont when they planned
that big weekend. Maybe the boys had something to offer your steady
more intriguing than dates with you three Saturday nights In a row.
Maybe your roommate did borrow your uew dress without asking you
for it. Commotion-causers all of these...but nothing to inciuerate over!
Save your righteous fury for big moments...and make them count.
If you spill it out in frequent small’ll get a rep for being
just plain disagreeable. Stifle your petty hurts and resentments
until something really big comes along. Then hand out free
tickets to watch your fireworks.
„Mimi Pomerine
George Latzo
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