The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, December 19, 1947, Image 4

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Dramatists Seek
Future Authors
The thirteenth annual compe
tition for awards in dramatic
writing has been announced by
the Dramatists' Alliance of Stan
ford University. All persons.
whatever their training, experi
ence, or residence. are eligible to
compete in the contests, which
close Februav 15. Entries are to
be mailed to Dramatists' Alli
ance, Box 201) Z. Stanford Uni
versity, California.
The purpose of the competition
and awards is to discover new
and striving authors, and to
recommend the best plays to
community and college theaters
and to established periodicals.
Those entering the best work
may, for a special fee to cover
clerical and editorial expenses,
submit their entries to a discus
sion by the annual Dramatists'
Assembly of 1948.
Information about registra
tion papers, fees, and special
services can be obtained from
the above address. The Dramatics
Alliance advises that those en
tering the contest send for full
(Continued from page one)
Union of Students, student hous
ing, educational opportunity dis
crimination, and student govern_
ments and constitutions.
Penn State delegates to the re
gional convention include Har
ris Gilbert. Robert Troxell. John
Keller. and Allan Ostar, seniors;
Abram Hosier, Emory Brown,
Jane Fouracre and Jo Fox. jun
iors; Ted Allen. Harold Brown.
Harold Fahringer, and William
Meek, sophomores.
Delegates to the Student Gov
ernments Clinic from the College
are Thomas Lannen, host dele
gate, Willard Agnew, Jean Hax
ton, Virginia Higgins, James
Lotz, Suzanne Romig, and Selma
Juba Seeks Tree
(Continued from page one)
mas tree wandering around
campus, please report it to the
police department sa as to bring
their files of "unsolved" cases up
to date.
Kappa Kappa Gamma
At a recent meeting, the pledge
class of Kappa Kappa Gamma
elected as its officers, president,
Dottie Werlinich; secretary-treas
urer, Irene Dopfeld.
. such a little expression to
mean so much to everyone. It
can mean a lot more if we will but
stop a moment to think of the other
fellow. It doesn't take much to make a
Christmas merry . .. just a little thought,
' ,o a litle kindness and a bright smile ... your own
cheerful symbol of that wonderful, intangible,
Christmas spirit. May this not be for just these few
days, but your own personal "spirit" throughout the
year, and may this
40 slat
.4011111 season be your .
A i lli Mili brightest, happiest, ! glie .
...> , ; - , -440. and best one ever!
Sorority Residents I
Mrs. Cordelia L. Hibbs. as
sistant to the Dean of Women.
requests that all sororities place
with her before tomorrow lists
of girls who will be , living in
their houses and suites next se
Hal Societies Council
Receives Charter Grant;
Constitution Approval
The Hat Societies Council con
stitution was approved and the
organization granted a charter
last week by the Senate Student
Welfare Committee. said Law
rence Foster. president of the
council. today.
The council functioning in pre
vious years. has never been char
Composed of the four male hat
societies. Skull and Bones. Druids.
Parmi Nous. and Blue Key. and
the two women's hat societies.
Junior Service Board and Cwens.
purposes of the council are to
guide and coordinate functions of
the hat societies for the best in
terests of the College and the stu
dent body.
The twelve members of the Hat
Societies Council include the
president and secretary-treasurer.
or equivalents. from each of the
six societies.
Present menu' ers are Lawrence
Foster. president. Robert McGre
gor. vice-president. and Nancy
Ault. secretary.
Barbara J. Atkins. Junior Serv
ice Board: Sally E. Henry. Cwens;
John E. Benglian. Druids: Gerald
T. Karver. Parmi Nous: Reginald
J. Kimble. Blue Key: Janet F.
Lyons. Cwens: George W. Schantz.
Druids: John P. Tighe. Skull and
Bones: and Robert W. Tomlinson.
Blue Key.
Among Hat Society Council ac
tivities of the semester are or
ganization of all pep rallies and
Paving for repair of the lion's
suit. The council is in charge of
plane for presentation of the Lim
bert Trophy.
May You Have Your Share of Health and Happiness and Find
That I n Your Cheerful, Unselfish Giving, It Is You Who Will
Receive The Most.
State College Hotel
Post-Gazette Runs
Story on Co-op
An article concerning the pro
posed cooperative store at the
College was published in the De
cember 18 issue of the Pitts
burgh Post-Gazette.
The paper explained that the
College chapter of American
Veterans Committee had written
to the Post-Gazette, telling that
93 percent of the student body
had voted to have the coopera
tive. The article also pointed out
the Board of Trustees' reason for
disapproving the student petition.
In the Post-Gazette it was em
phasized that the students' desire
to have a cooperative was to aid
the entire student body, and
especially the veterans who are
attempting to live on $65 and $9O
a month.
All classified advertisements
must be in by 4:30 p.m day
preceding issue. Prices are: 40c
for one insertion: $l.OO, three
insertions: 17 words or less.
Call Collegian, 711.
SCHAFFER gold ball point pen
Tuesday morning between
Sparks and Beaver Ave. If found
call Monaghan. 4969.
ONE heavy fur-lined leather
glove, right hand.. Requisitioned
while in Germany. Reward. Bob
White, 3250.
K&E log log slide rule, name in
side case. Please call 3995, Ed.
LADY'S Hamilton wrist watch;
distinctive design of dial,
bracelet readily identified. Sen
timental value. Reward. Call 219
PAIR of maroon and gray Nor
wegian mittens, 124 Sparks,
Friday afternoon after 2 p.m.
Please call Betty, 164 Ath.
MONDAY: Lady's white gold
Bulova wrist watch, in State
College business district. Senti
mental value. Reward. Dial 6438.
18-FT. Silver Dome house trailer,
like new. Chester Musser 1221
W. College Ave. Phone 3396 or
SCOTT ABO receiver. like new,
$l5O, with speaker. Call 711
Ext. 70-J or Boalshurg 3045.
COEDS: Don't know what to
give the girl friends for Xmas?
Give Endorjm Nylons! See Betty
Brennan, 352 E. College Ave.,
any afternoon.
B&B deluxe car heater, very pow
erful, good condition, used one
month. Call Mrs. Burt, College
1928 CHEVY sedan, 4-cylinder
engine overhauled, body ex
cellent, tires good; $175. Call
6661, ask for Danny.
25-FT. 1946 Universal house
trailer, used' 4 months, fuel oil
heat, ice refrigerator, gasoline
stove. Phone Bellefonte 6342.
COEDS—At last you can get
more of those 15 denier super
sheer Endorun nylon irregulars.
Lovely gunmetal shade, $1.35 pr.
See Betty Brennan, 352 E. Col
lege avenue any afternoon.
REGISTERED pure bred Boxer
pup. The perfect Christmas gift
for youngsters 6-60. Pine Hall
Kennels, State College 2280.
GET your typing done reason
ably. Manuscripts, theses, etc.
Call State College 2864 after 6:30
52 GIFTS in 1!! For gift rate
subscriptions to Time, Life and
Fortune, call 3887.
extends to you a most cordial invitation to attend
. at the Reading Country Club
with Whitey Meisky and his Orchestra
Friday, December 26th Nineteen Forty-seven
Subscription, Six Dollars a Couple
Dancing 1,0 p. m. to 3 a. in. Supper at midnight
Reservations Must Be Made In Advance
Call NONNIE COOPER, Women's Bldg., 2nd West
MI - DAY, DECEMBER 19, 1947
2 RIDERS to Dallas. Have tieke'
for one. Share expenses; 1941
Plymouth. Call Bud, Bellefont(
TWO riders points south tc
Jacksonville, Fla. Phone 4271
aftcr 7 p.m., ask for Norton.
4 TICKETS to Cotton Bowl. Cal:
any time until 2 p.m. Saturday
Andy Marcinko, 4402.
RIDE, N.Y.C. or vicinity, for two
Leave any time Saturday m
Sunday, 21st. Phone Mrs. Uhler
4408, 1 to 7 p.m.
RIDE to Erie or vicinity, twc
adults, two children, Dec. 20 .
Heberlein, 413 Windcrest; phone
ONE-HALF double room; occu
pancy after Dec. 20. Inquire
222 West College Ave.; phone
GRADUATE and working girls
or married couples; board fox
single men. Cody Manor, 4171.
RIDERS wanted, Philadelphia
to Dallas. one way $lO, in 1948
Ford convertible. Ca 11 2535,
Johnny Benglian.
DESPERATE, must get four tick
ets for Cotton Bowl game. Call
F. T. Rodgers of Quaker Oats
Co., Altoona 21556, collect, after
Wedmsday morning or contact
Gay. 5051 Mac 3rd North.
NEED passenger to Dallas, $35
round trip. Plan to remain
there a few days. Call Kay
Koven. 3911 or 2537.
MUST have two tickets to Cot
i ton Bowl. Call John Hall, 4215.