PAGE FOUR CLASSIFIEDS LADY'S Hamilton wrist watch; distinctive design of dial, bracelet readily identified. Sen timental value. Reward. Call 219 Ath. PAIR of maroon and gray Nor- wegian mittens, 124 Sparks, Friday afternoon after 2 p.m. Please call Betty, 164 Ath. MONDAY: Lady's white gold Bulova wrist watch, in State College business district. Senti mental value. Reward. Dial 6438. KNOW whose vanity case you got by mistake at Kappa Sigma Saturday night? It was the large flat gold case and most valuable to my date. Call Martin, 2044. FRIDAY—S ilver Mido wrist watch with metal band. Finder please call Cunningham, 4957. Reward. WATERMAN pen, blue and gold, 110 EE, last Wednesday. Re ward. Finder call 4939. FOR SALE ONE 16-ft. house trailer; occu pancy end of semester. Call at 351 Windcrest. AT PENN STATE MARGRET STRIDING • ER smokes CHESTERFIELDS Margret says: "I smoke Chesterfields be cause they never irritate my throat. I also like the way they're packed—not too tight or too loose." A nation-wide survey shows that Chesterfields are TOPS with College students from coast-to coast. BOXING-MICHIGAN STATE WRESTLING-CORNELL COEDS: Don't know what to give the girl friends for Xmas? Give Endonm Nylons! See Betty Brennan, 352 E. College Ave., any afternoon. B&B deluxe car heater, very pow erful, good condition, used one month. Call Mrs. Burt, College Hospital. 1928 CHEVY sedan, 4-cylinder engine overhauled, body ex cellent, tires good; $175. Call 6661, ask for Danny. 25-FT. 1946 Universal house trailer, use 4 months, fuel oil heat, ice r rigerator, gasoline • ove. Phone Bellefonte 6342. COEDS—At last you can get more of those 15 denier super sheer Endorun nylon irregulars. Lovely gunmetal shade, $1.35 pr. See Betty Brennan, 352 E. Col lege avenue any afternoon. REGISTERED pure bred Boxer pup. The perfect Christmas gift for youngsters 6-60. Pine Hall Kennels, State College 2280. Important Announcement Christmas Recess Greyhound Lines Greyhound lines will operate special buses from the parking lot south of Rec. Hall, Sat., Dec. - 20, departure 12:45 p. m. Re servations will be made with the purchase of your ticket and must be made before 10 p. m. of Dec. Is. Students using the regular service are also requested to pur chase their tickets at least 10 hours in advance of their in. teased departure time. For tickets and information call the Greyhound Post House 146 N. Atherton Street. Phone 4181. THE SOPH HOP THE DAILY COLL?GTM, STATE COLLEGE, SWISS watches, known makes, brought back by X-GI from Switzerland; priced low. Suitable for Xmas gifts. Call Mort, 3202. after 7 p.m. DO This BEFORE JAN. Ist! NEXT YEAR MAY BE TOO LATE! GET YOUR DATE WHILE YOU'RE HOME- Featuring The Music Of AMERICA'S NEWEST BAND SENSATION Randy Brooks THAT SAME WEEKEND COTTON Bowl tickets. Call Hal Sadwick, 6910. FOUND SMALL black dog with brown markings and four white legs. Owner may have same by pay ing for ad and calling 6914. Ask for Bob. ROOM AND BOARD GRADUATE and working girls or married couples; board for single men. Cody Manor, 4171. ROOM and board for two cou ples, available Jan. 5. Marilyn Hall, 317 East Beaver avenue. WANTED 4 TICKETS to Cotton Bowl. Call any time until 2 p.m. Saturday. Andy Marcinko, 4402. -f o r FEBRUARY 27th YOUR FIRST BIG DATE IN FORTY-EIGHT! -iliS(l--. RIDE to Philadelphia Christmas Eve. Call Fred, 2985, leave SALLY'S FRESH CANS OF PRETZELS AND POTATO CHIPS ' PARTY PUNCH Phone 2373 THURSDAY, message. Other Classifieds on Pages 2 an GYMNASTICS BASKETBALL 18, 19 NAVY COLGATE