The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, December 02, 1947, Image 4

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Varsity Skiers Beg
Ten hopefuls turned out yester
day for the first organized prac
tice of the varsity ski team. Coach
Sherman Fogg announced that
new equipment has been ordered
and will be issued as soon as it
arrives. may still re
port. to Coach Fogg in Rec Hall
any afternoon at 4 o'clock.
The Lake Placid Invitation
meets will be the first test for the
Nittany skimen and four members
of the ski team will represent the
Lions in the biggest intercolle
giate meet in the East. This will
be held at Lake Placid, N. Y.
during the Christmas holidays.
Arm-in-Sling Sludenl
Asked fo Sign for Wire
Lawrence Goldberg can testify
to the unpredictability of human
Goldberg, his right arm in a
sling, and five other members of
the Zeta Beta Tau fraternity
were discussing current events
in front of the house one after
Suddenly the session was in
terrupted by a Western Union
messenger boy delivering a tele
gram to the house. Instantly five
men jumped to their feet, ready
to sign for the wire.
The messenger boy, however`,
blithely stepped up to the only
one who had not risen and po
litely asked him to sign for the
wire. Whom did he ask? That's
right—the only man unable to,
write. Lawrenc^ Goldberg.
--,la - b/2,1
A museum of art in miniature! Here are
the Christmas cards you've been reading
about . . . as fitting a decoration for your
friends' homes as the original paintings
are for the walls of important museums.
e./fmong the famous artists represented:
Rockwell Kent Thomas Benton Adolf Dehn
Charles Burchfield Arnold Blanch Doris Lee
Lauren Ford Gordon Grant William Gropper
Georges Schreiber Dale Nichols Paul Sample
Ernest Fiene Andrew Wyeth, K. W. Woiceske
Price 5 to 2.5 °eats
College Book Store
In Practice
Two dual meets are now plan
ned with the Staters meeting
Syracuse on January 10 and Col
gate on January 17. A tentative
meet with Cornell is still in the
planning stage.
Looking forward to a very
promising season, Mr. Fogg has
seven lettermen from last year's
squad returning to form the nu
cleus of this year's aggregation.
Returning lettermen are George
Musser, Henry Thurston, Jr.,
George Quimby, Clifford Carts,
Herb Wahl, Howard James and
Ted Holly.
Institute Traces
Fate of Penny
In Meter
What happens to the penny, or
the nickel, you drop into your
parking meter?
According to a survey con
ducted by Charles F. Lee Decker,
executive secretary of the Insti
tute of Local Government at the
College, slightly more than half
of the 149 Pennsylvania com
munities having meters maintain
special parking meter funds for
the deposit of receipts.
Ninety-five communities, the
survey indicated, transfer re
ceipts to the general fund and
therefore are not able to identify
specific purposes for the expendi
ture of the parking meter re
cei its.
In 3 Philly Contests
The unusual occurred in Phila
delphia when home teams emerg
ed victorious in all three of the
games played there last week, and
in each instance the score was
On Thanksgiving Day, the Uni
versity of Pennsylvania defeated
Cornell in the traditional Turkey
Day classic 21-0 before 78,000
fans at Franklin Field.
On Saturday, Army, the home
team, toppled Navy by the same
score, 21-0, before 102,000 spec
tators in Philadelphia's vast
Municipal Stadium.
Then on Sunday the Philadel
phia Eagles made it unanimous,
trouncing a crippled Pittsburgh
The 1947-48 Lion basketball team will open a 19 game schedule
with the Presidents from Washington and Jefferson on December
13. The schedule, with locations for play, follows; games lacking
)ocations will be played at home.
M'. RESIi,
NOW . .
You nodoubt have seen the excellent card display in
the main library at the College—you have liked it and
wanted like cards of your own. Here is your chance to
send the most delightful Christmas cards to your
friends.—Come in today and see our wide selection of
* Christmas Cards.
129 E. Beaver
Basketball Schedule
Hig Scouts SMU, Praises
All-American Doak Walker
Boxing Candidates
Candidates for the varsity
boxing team and managership'
are requested to report to the
ring at Rec Hall after 4 o'clock
any day this week, Leo Houck,
boxing mentor announced to
Steeler eleven •by the identical
three touchdowns and extra
markers, 21-0, in a National Pro
fessional Football League contest
at Shibe Park.
Washington and Jefferson
Bucknell University
Pitt, at Pittsburgh
American University
Colgate, at Hamilton, N. Y.
Syracuse, at Syracuse
West Virginia University
Carnegie Tech, at Pittsburgh
Bucknell, at Lewisburg
Pittsburgh University
...West Virginia, at Morgantown
Syracuse University
Georgetown. at Washington, D. C.
DePauw University
Navy, at Annapolis
Temple at Philadelphia
Colgate University
Georgetown University
.... Temple University
"Yes. Doak Walker is every
thing his newspaper clippings saY
he is." declared Penn State Coach
Bob Higgins in a forceful apprai
sal of the Southern me,hodist
star whose top-flight performance
carried the Mustangs to a 19-19
tie with Texas Christian Saturday
in Fort Worth.
Mentor Higgins, along with his
end coach. Earl Edwards, wit
nessed the storybook struggle in
which SMU stormed back with
only 20 seconds to play to knot
the score and stave off defeat.
The great Walker, who is an
outstanding 'candidate for any
body's all-American team, scam
pered 62 yards for his team's
t, 10,p, , 0 11 111lll '•
Penn State's contender for na
tional recogni-
tion, 'guard Steve
S uhey, was
named to th e
A l - American
team of the In
ternational News
Service. S u h e y
paired with Ar
my's captain Joe
Steffy in captur
ing the guard
Newspaper En-terprise Associa
tion (NEA) selected Suhey on its
second squad.
1111111111111111101111111111111111111111i11%1111 1 1111111111111121111111110110111i11111111 1 1111111111111111111
initial score, set the stage for the
second and then tallied it on a 3-
Yard romp, and started the tying
TD on its way with a sparkling
55-yard kickoff return in the fi
nal minute of play.
In a supreme effort to stymie
Walker's marvelous passing abil
ity. ICU's eleven moved into what
was virtually a four-seven defen
sive formation—four men on the
line and seven backers-up—var
ious times throughout the con
Marked by numerous passes
thrown by both teams. the SAW
TCU battle was typical of the
southwestern brand of gridiron
play and gave Penn State's Nit
tanymen an indication of what to
expect when they invade the Dal
las stronghold New Year's Day.
The deadlock with four-times
beaten Texas Christian dropped
the Mustangs from the nation's
royal circle of football jugger
nauts which still boast undefea
ted and untied seasons. Now only
Penn State. Notre Dame and
Southern California own spotless
records, and one of the latter two
is doomed to defeat Saturday
when they clash in Los Angeles.
In anticipation of Penn State's
second bowl engagement in his
tory. the Blue and White squad
will begin a 1500-mile railroad
junket to Dallas around Dec. 21.
It will be the first appearance for
,oth State and Coach Mattes Bell's
SMU crew in this bowl, although
the Bowl gridiron i s a second
home for the Southwestern Con
ference champs.
Southern Methodist this cam
paign has rolled up 169 points on
ten foes while yielding 71. Am o ng
their victims are: Santa Clara,
22-6; Missouri. 36-19; Oklahoma
A&M, 21-14; Rice. 14-0; UCLA,
7-0; Texas. 14-13; Texas A&M,
13-0; Arkansas. 14-6; Baylor, 10-
0; Texas Christian, 19-19.
Penn State will be the first
Eastern eleven to play in the
Cotton Bowl since Fordham bat
tled Texas A&M in 19441. More
than that, the Nittanymen will be
the first team with negro mem
bers ever to play against white
players in Texas.
Sports Shorts—
Attendance Record
State College, Pa., Dec.—Penn
State's unbeaten, untied football
team played before more than
200,000 this year, marking a new
high in modern grid annals. Home
attendance soared to more than
72,000, which also set a new Nit
tany Lion record.
High Scorer
State College, Pa., Dec.—High
scorer of the unbeaten, untied
Penn State football team was
Wingback Jeff Durkota, of Colver,
who tallied 60 points in nine
games. His ten touchdowns mark
ed a new high in modern Penn
State history.