The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 25, 1947, Image 8
PAGE EIGHT Wernermen Win NCAA Crown (Continued from page one) wrong turn and got off the course. It was Karver's best run in the NCAA event. Last year he placed seventh. Fred Lennox finished 17th for the Lions in 21:49, and Mitch Williams came in 26th and 21:56. WERNER ASHENFELTER Don Longenecker was 32nd in 22:11 and Johnny Bates came in 52nd in 22:38; Bob Auman fin ished 53rd in 22:40. It was the exceptional running of Lennox and Williams, plus the steady work of Longenecker which gave the Lions the team title. In the team placements, Lennox's position was 13th, Wil liams' 21st, and Longenecker 27th. LIONS GET TROPHIES Coach Werner was presented with two trophies after the meet by George Riner. chairman of the executive committee. The Lions received the NCAA team trophy and the Billy Hayes Memorial Award. The last time the Lions won the team trophy was in 1942 when they tied with Indiana for first place. They finished second to Rhode Island in 1941, and third to Drake and NYU last year. Texas' mig h t y mite, Jerry Thompson, finished f our t h in 20:50 and Bob Karnes, Kansas U. dark horse came in fifth in CLASSIFIEDS All classified athertisements must be in by 4:30 p.m day preceding issue. Prices are: 40c for one insertion; $l.OO, three insertions; 17 words or less. Call Collegian, 711. FOR SALE 1940 BUICK sedan super, 2-tone blue and gray, radio and heat er, good condition. Phone Richard Wertz, 4969. SMALL house trailer, $6OO. All conveniences. Available about Dec. 3. Call at 332-B Winderest. 1941 FORD V-8 coach, fully equipped. Call 851 and ask for Bonacci. SAVE ON CIGARETTES. All popular brands $1.60 per car ton, postage prepaid. Minimum order three cartons. Freshness and delivery guaranteed. Send remittance to Kasso Mail Order, Paulsboro, N. J. EIGHT adorable puppies, 6- weeks old. German Shepherd and Chow. Name own price. Call 3512. ROOM AND BOARD F 0 U R vacancies immediately, room and board; block from campus. First callers get them. Call Lou, 2084. WANTED RIDE to vicinity of Indianapolis on Nov. 26th. Call Steve, 3251. A PIANO. Apply box 403 State College. LOST WOULD the person who bor rowed grey covert topcoat, label A. B. Wycoff, from Sparks basement return to Price, 4969. BOTTOM half of Eversharp foun tain pen. Call Frank Fekete. Phone 3191. MISCELLANEOUS DURING Thanksgiving vacation board your cat or dog. Dr. Dunahoe's Veterinary Hospital, 123 N. Barnard street; 4021. WIN CASH PRIZES talented students enter All-College tal ent show. Sign up at Student Union now. GET YOUR TYPING done rea- sonably. Manuscripts, theses, etc. Call State College 2864 after 6:30 p.m. ONE-HALF room for male stu- Stone Captur Curtis Stone, former Nittany Lion distance runner and holder of four major titles, tuned up for next week-end's National AA U Championship run by winning the Middle Atlantic AAU Cross-Country race over a 10,000 meters (6 1 / 4 mile) course at Phil idelphia yesterday afternoon. Stone, who is now circulation manager of the Centre Daily Times, ran the distance in 32:- 35. George Thompson of Vil lanova College was second five yards back and Herman Goff )erg another former Penn Stater placed third. Stone, Thompson and Goffberg were the leaders after the 3/4 mile mark and were still running together with a half mile to go when Stone and Thompson pulled away. The former Lion ace led the the Shanahan Club of Philadel phia to the Middle Atlantic team 20:52. Karver was sixth in 21:03, followed by Black 21:07; How ard Johnson of Drake, Mike Sta vole of Syracuse and Neil Pratt of Syracuse. CALLDu FOR I H THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA s AAU Title title as it placed 5 men in the first nine for 28 points. Villanova Col lege was a close second with 30 points. Both Stone and Goffberg, who is now a laW student at Penn, will compete for Shanahan in the Na tional AAU Title Run to •be staged over the rugged Van Cordtland Park course next Sat urday. Acquiring the Middle Atlantic AAU individual title gave Stone another title to add to the NAAU three-mile and 5,000 meter crowns and IC4A indoor and out door 2-mile championships al ready won this year. Opponents' Scores Washington State 0, Wash ngton 20 Bucknell 0, Muhlenberg 39 Fordham 0, Holy Cross 48 Syracuse 8, Columbia 28 West Virginia 21, Temple Q Colgate 14, Boston U. 20 TRY A PACK .. . TODAY e Recount Alters M A margin of 66 votes decided the Sunday movie issue in State College, according to a recount of votes held at the county court house last Friday morning. As the result of a petition filed by a group of State College vo ters, the Court of Common Pleas ordered a recount of the votes cast on November 4 to be super- NOTICE CHANGE IN GREYHOUND SCHEDULE CHARTERED BUSES . WILL LEAVE THE POST HOUSE at . 12:45 P.M. TODAY —Regular Schedules Also in Effect— ALL TICKETS MUST BE PURCHASED IN ADVANCE PHILIP monnis offers the smoker an extra benefit found in no other cigarette. For PHILIP MORRIS is the ONE, the ONLY cigarette recog nized by leading nose and throat specialists as definitely less irritating. Remember: Les smoking enjoyment for you. Yes! If every smoker knew what PHILIP MORRIS 'smokers know, they'd all change to PHILIP MORRIS. 111111 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25. 1947 vie Vole Slightly wised by Judge Ivan Walker. The recount showed a total o 1,383 "no" votes to 1,297 "yes' votes as contrasted with the orig inal count of 1,384 "no" to 1, 299 "ves." If you are missing what you had Just place a Collegian Classified Ad. irritation means ~:W+-- more