The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 25, 1947, Image 7
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1947 Meetings Discuss Sophomore Tests All sophomore men in Electri cal Engineering and lower divis ion are reauested to come to 121 Smirks at 7 p.m. on the dates list ed below to learn the results of the psychological. tests given dur ing sophomore orientation week. The tests. to be interpreted on lY if the students bring their daily class schedules with them, will be cHatussed according to the follow ing schedule: Monday, December 1, sopho more men in E.E. whose last names begin with "A" through "L." Tuesday. December 2, sopho- More men in lower division, "A" through "K." Wednesday. December 3, soph omore men in E.E.. "M" through Thursday. December 4, soph omore men in lower division. "L" through "Z." Meetings will last about one or one and a half hours. No charge is made for this service. WSGA To Study Coed Permissions WSGA. senate at Its meeting last Thursday night voted in favor of a further Investigation of coed blanket permission systems on other campuses. The system. if found advisable. may be set up on this campus in the near future. The investigating committee. headed by Senior Senator Virgin ia McCloskey, will include these representatives. Anna Keller. WB.A; Terry Klosterman, Owens; Eloise Rile. Panhellenic Council: Jean Room. PSCA: Jane Rosen thal, IWA: Lorrie Muntz. Junior Service Board. and Elaine Nelson, the Daily Collegian. A represent ative from Mortar Board will be appointed at . later date. The committee. Miss McClus key said today. will contact the nine colleges in our enrollment class as well as others. Blanket permissions, which the WSGA house of representatives voted in favor of last Tuesday night., would enable a coed to leave the campus at any time dur ing the semester if the dean of women had full written permis sion from the girl's parents. State (Continued from page one) One rooter, reportedly a Delta Chi, told a friend he could do better than the Panthers. The friend said "Okay, I'm the Pitt coach and I'm sending you in." In rushed the rooter without reporting to the officials and when the pile was uncovered the yel low-sweatered rooter was at the bottom, to the delight of the fans. Police led the impromptu grid star from the field, but he was released after the game. As the minutes sped on and the Penn State score rolled up, it be came apparent that the jubilant State students would make a try for the goal posts. As the game -ending whistle was sounded, hundreds of State fans made a mad dash for the nearest goal post and soon had it apart before they realized they had torn apart the Penn State posts. Pill Goal Goes Down Their forces bolstered by sev eral hundred, the goal post hungry students made a hundred yard flight to the Pitt goal. Police and an out-numbered group of Pitt students tried in vain to frustrate the attempt. By the time the second posts came down, an hour had passed, but few fans had left the stadium. Many agreed the post-game show was better than the one-sided game. Another group of students rush ed after Coach Higgins and raised him to their shoulders as the Blue Band started a victory parade. The "Hig" was visibly impressed as he had never expected the ceremony. The last time State students' spirit had been so high was in 1942 when the Lions went down to Philadelphia and defeated their Penn cousins. From the stadhun, the crowds Daily Collegian • Cenfre Daily Times Awards to the Outstanding PENN STATE LINEMAN and BACK My Choice For Lineman Is My Choice For Back Is Ballots should be mailed or taken to THE DAILY COLLE• GUN, Box 281. State College, or Carnegie Hall. or dropped in any convenient ballot box on campus or in State College. Watkins Schedules Dates Of First Phase Registration Student Breaks Leg After PM Victory PITTSBURGH. Nov. 241—V11— George Baldwin. 21. of Canton in Bradford county. a student at Pennsylvania State College. lay in a hospital bed today and re flected on the bad luck he suf fered in the wake of State's 29-0 gridiron victory over Pitt Satur day. Baldwin slipped on wet leaves and fell, breaking a leg. while leaving the football game. It was the second time he broke the leg in three months. moved to the downtown area where Pittsburghers became ac quainted with Penn State songs and cheers. "Fight On State," "The Victory Song," and "Nail to the Lion" echoed from every hotel room, restaurant, and bar. Parties DsPieta Ball Main feature on the formal bill of-fare for Saturday night was the Cabaret Ball on the 17th floor of the William Penn. The dancing thinned out as midnight drew near and the celebrants moved on to the hundreds of parties. The rumor of the invitation to the Cotton Bowl spread from narty to party as plans were made for a trek to Dallas and the popu lar "What Are You Doing New Years?" became the theme song. On into , the night the parties went with the Penn State fans celebrating their team's first un defeated season in 35 years. The 11th floor of the William Penn was made temporary headquar ters until the house detectives and city police took over and re stricted activities. Only reported casualty of the weekend was Donald Baldwin, WHEN YOU GO HOME FOR THANKSGIVING Ride The Boalsburg Auto Bus Line to Lewistown and save hours of time to Harrisburg, Philadelphia, New York, Baltimore and Washington STATE COLLEGE LEWISTOWN BOALSBURG AUTO BUS LINE. Inc. Effective September 28. 1947 State College, Pa . EASTERN STANDARD TIME Daily Daily Daily Daily Lv. State Collage 6:30 a.m 10:45 a. m. 4:30 p.m. 6:45 p.m Ar. Lewistown 7:35 a.m. 12:00 noon 5:35 p.m. 7:50 p.m Lv. Lewistown 8:55 a.m. 12:40 p. m. 6:05 p.m. 12:40 a.m Ar. State College 10:00 a.m. 1:50 p.m. 7:10 p.m. 1:50 a.m NOTE: Lv. Lewistown 8:05 p.m. FRIDAY AND Ar. State College 9:10 p.m. SUNDAY ONLY Make Direct Connections With East Bound Trains 7:51 a. m. 12:37 p. m. 5:59 p. m. 8:25 p m. West Bound Trains 8:52 a. t. 12:31 p. ra. (Week Days) 6:00 p m. 12:39 a.m Reservations Must Be in 24 Hours Before Departure at Ticket Office State College Hotel--Phone 733 First phase registration for the Spring semester will begin De cember 8, said Ray V. Watkins, College scheduling officer today. Time tables will be available at the scheduling office following the vacation, he added. First phase registration is the name adopted by the scheduling committee, Mr. Watkins explain ed. If no changes 'are made in a student's schedule after this per iod, this will be his official regis tration. It corresponds to what was known last semester as pre registration. Second phase registration, the filling out of the usual blanket form, will take place February 6 and 7. During the week December 8 to 13 students will meet with their advisers to fill out schedules for next semester. Class rosterF will be made up from the regis tration cards using a priority sys tem by semester. Graduate students who desire to schedule undergraduate courses should register during first phase registration in order to assure themselves a place on the class roster. The committee for first phase registration includes Dr. Lyman E. Jackson, dean of the school of agriculture, chairman; Dr. Ed ward Steidle, dean of the school of Mineral Industries; and Mr. Ray V. Watkins, scheduling of ficer for the College. who slipped on wet leaves while leaving the game and broke his leg for the second time in three months. Sunday afternoon found the Lions heading back for the moun tains with their "Beat Pitt" tags changed to "We Beat Pitt." Every one agreed it had been a wonder ful weekend but as one student said "Thank goodness we only play Pitt once a year." VARTA WSGA Senate Vetoes Move-up of Elections WSGA senate voted against moving the election period from April to February at their meeting in White Hall Thursday night. The change, which was primarily suggested so that the past president would be on campus one semester after being in office and could thus help the incoming president, was defeated because it would move the semester requirement for each senator back one semester. This would mean that the soph omore senator would only be starting her second semester on campus when she took office. It was the opinion of the senate that a girl who had been on campus such a short time would not be qualified for such a position. Duties of the sophomore senator are to be chairman of the Fresh man Council and be responsible for the council's organization within one month after the be ginning of college in the fall. As the WSGA constitution stands now, the sophomore senator is at least third semester when she takes office. However, Dean Pearl 0. Weston THE MAGAZINE COLLEGE MEN HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR IN THE DECEMBER ISSUE 2k AT YOUR BOOKSTORE SASKETMLL PREVIEW COLLEGE LIFE IN BRITAIN BULL SESSIONS AT AMHERST OWENS ON CAMPUS VARSITY VISITS THE U. OF MICHIGAN plus loads of SPORTS • STORIES • PHOTOS PIN-UPS • GAGS • HUMOR DATE CLINIC Chem-Physics Sophs Eleci Council Members Six sophomores were elected to the Chemistry-Physics Student Council yesterday. according to Robert Schock, president of the Council. They are George Herold and Harold Stetson. chemical engi neering: John Bruckner and Hans Schneider, ch e i gtry; Miller. physics; and Stanley Lev ick. pre-medical. stated, "The president told us that no freshman women will be ad mitted for many, many years." Flowers say . . . "Thank you for a perfect weekend." Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere BILL McMULLEN, Florist 130 S. ALLEN VARSITY'S the new word for a college man's reddint pleasure. An over the country. "flig Mm on Campus' are singing its praises and, NO WONDER I Every issue Is toilor•made to meet the tastes, needs and interests of college men. There's top-notch sports, fast-moving fiction, rib•' tickling humor, eye-catching pin-ups, hard-hitting tips on careers, dating, grooming, records, movies and everything else that's important to YOU. There's no other magazine quit* like VARSITY. If speaks YOUR language It's the magazine YOU hove been waiting for I LMAIL THIS COUPON TODAY I VARSITY, C.I I I 260 Fourth Ave., Now York 10, N. Y. I I Count me in on your introductory offer 1 to VARSITY I Het ell 51 for 6 Natio'. 1 NAME .ZONE.STATE ••••• PAGE SEVEN .....,,,,...,,... ... ~...1) ~'", .k , 1 07 . . - i ''.: