The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 25, 1947, Image 4
-'AUE FOIJit Aittanymen Crack Stas ium Jinx HEY! LEGGOI Penn State stt 'eras beseige the goal post at Pitt Stadium Saturday afternoon after the Lions had won their ninth straight game, 29-0. Pitt students weren't too anxious about having Triumph Is 18th in Series 'NOW AT YOUR WARNER THEATER tittl A, 0 .. 41 '=- 4 1. .. b on, , :7, I ds .910 1 .910 1 st porAT Robert Oi 0 .. VA° OSOOt . -- - ii t: 7..; • Itc alsV. 3 0 1%0 143 00 2 . 1 Ge otg' io it‘e • i ' Ott IVII WU° , 4 4 s o thi , w ett. a' 3 0 10 13.1. 1aq . lik°'°ei tt OV a" le Vi a° Vti e ^ • 11iL To the DEttany Lions T - r CI ( Or R. A. ` IA A I Lij i 1 14 A sp2; - .;:a1 dCu::e roar for the great Penn State footbal team which really outdid Itself in malc 4 np THIS the YE..\.R. C'l - ..e.a's for everyone on the .squa... and for Bob ll:gg'ins an :1 h:s coacLlrw, staff. ei Penn ra oclo aop the Lions take over. Twelve Seniors Bow Out of Regular Competition In Smoky City Conquest (Continued from page one) returned a Pitt punt 11 yards to the State 45, the Hig's henchmen racked up four first downs to reach the Pitt 4. ,Williams, full back Joe Colone and wingback Jeff Durkota shared ball carrying in this drive, with the irrepres -ible Durkota reeling off 11- and 1 2-yard gains on reverse plays. From the 4-yard stripe, Williams - 'ammed at left tackle, then at inht guard for the TD. In the second period. State's at tack stalled momentarily on the Pitt 13.. but after Bill Hardisty Pitt nunter. booted the ball out on Pitt's 29, the Lions roared again. Co'one nicked up nine - - ards on a delayed buck. then, -fter an rffside penalty on State Larry Joe, gazelle-like Lion -, slined through \vide holes in PanthPr defens-s hree tin--s to place the pigskir Pitt's 6- l ine. Williams later tallied his fourth ouchdown of th" year by erish -Ing over from the 5-x-crd linr Plaec-ki - ker Ed Czelcai made good Ito extra ooint arr-t ROGEL'S PERFORMANCE A 78-,yard third quarter r-a featured Frcr.?is "Purrhy" Roge' c.ockdologer fullback. ctllminaterl 'n a 40-yard scorin!-! thrust in which Roq,el Wowed 20 vard , the Panther 20, then latera l led to ton - ac' , ' P , A. , thel Pet- THE DAILY COLLLGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA SECOND 'lD—Bobby Williams, fleet Penn State tailback, plunging over from the three-yard .ne in the second quarter of the game Saturday at Pitt Stadium.►. It was also his second touchdown in the first half. and helped the Nittany Lions subdue a tame University of Pittsburgh Panther. 29-0, to end Penn State's first unbeaten, untied season since 1912. Approximately 53.000 fans wit nessed the 47th renewal of State's oldest rivalry, setting a new attendance record for the series. The victory marked the third time in the_ past 22 years that the Blue and White have emerged victorious over the Panthers on their home field. ^hel scampered to pay dirt for hi• `bird TD of the season and :zekaj again added the extra - lint by placement. Nittany end Dennis Hoggard rabbed a Pitt fumble in mid-air and raced 20 yards unmolested to 'halk up the final Lion score 1.- , ' • '-' '''''s ;5 '4- - ~...,' '' .„, ;t O4: , • ' 4.;'),, 3 ff 31 1 ". .! o 4 • • ';'''' ''.'• .. 4 ', ... ~,;;-.. 4T-'.... t....,-.:•: , , , , . .., .- .....:::At. Agrc , ),; - * . - :,:... , i ,,, y4,:.,* -,- • • ) 4 . , . 4 *" . :,0•A : 4 . ' ''•. 44, , r r t , .1( - , •,,, .. . :a) DURKOTA aj's placement attempt was wide and gave him an all-season rr rk of 32 conversions in 46 tries. Cz:ltari hooted a 21-yard field cal, his first of tle year, late in 'l , l. contest to fix the count at "9-0. Hopelessly outclased by State' iuggcrnaut. Pitt's rilue and Gold hardly mustered a ''rea. throl.gl7-ut the rout and atly:n^e , l further than the n 10-str're. It was th' seventh ;rn , in ei , tht names that the Pitt_ " , en were m-rhand l r 4 any was el:emnlified in the ~ -11ole tail was rucl•-• 'v trrn - Ele%-c,! r;.n -riclrl,- . .• n 0' nn t'rm. dor' rl rl te-tc r thri+• t-- arm--.rnn-- n a r. r .1 an e-r'"ct c rf riot stay o- be ^rise ^f coleointe 'les. tl• nlaN'er< ra- 1 — +l,i- . "lr: S..eve S.•-112v, ` l (lF_-'l•'nri ctunra om Ca• - e^rvir N.Y.: John ••••• " " y. n•ir ^fP trot ,- "rl3• - er. .1 -3 ^ • J^hn F"nt•cl - • ••• •Po - on - in 1 ^ '- nourrl end from Pq.: 7, hn ~ r n`e.•f •rm Brrs,.vn ;ll-• on-n01 , r4 en ;* Dot n, "it!sburgh; Bill KA , I" D—nci •'• 'ittsh•+rnh vnhn Misiewicz, 100-pound cen- College of Pitt BELL SErIOR GIUDD7MS The Nitiany Lions retained fifth place in the latest Asso ciated Press football poll, re ceiving 1109 points. The five leaders, finishing in the same order as last week, are Notre Dame. 1798 points; Michigan, 1768; Southern Methodist, 1365; Southern California, 1227; Penn ";ate, 1109. Next highest in the poll are Alabama, Texas, Pennsylva nia, Georgia Tech, and North Carolina, in that order. ' ler from Charleroi, Pa.; Fred Bell, 201-pound end from Erie, Pa.; Bill LaFleur, 200-pound ,uarelb — ' - f-r.' nhio. STATE'S DEFENSE Most starling face revea.ed by 3tatisti•cs was that Pitt's rushing attack was held to minus 23 yards by the rock-ribbed State defense, virtually unassailable all - :r-ason via the ground route. In total defense, the Nittany en only 43 yards to the `anthers by ground and air. This "pure, who compiled with Vi als for the Mrst eight tilts, gives - tate an unofficial sesason mark of 76.8 yards given up per game to the opposition, by far the best - efensive record of current col elev-ns across the nation. Penn State's gridiron victims 'n the h-nner 1947 ^qmnaign have been Washington State (13-6), 'ucknell (54-0), Fordham (75-0). c'vrr-use (40-0). West Virginia (21- 1 4), Colgate (46-0), Temple 7-0). Navy (20-7). and Pitt (29-0). PS Pitt To'al first downs 16 5 "et yards rushing 296 -23 Pcss.: , s Attempted '4lMniete4 Passe, had intercepted 2 4 Yard, ;lined passim 10 66 4.v0. distance punts 12 38.6 var& P 'nt returns 73 12 Yare - "a'red. kickoff 26 50 7uml - lzs 1 3 Ins' on "urn. les 0 2 ^erall is Yards lost peralt!es 35 15 Yards naincd intercepted Ifll Pos. Pitt Penn St:.te I"P S' ladanY Tamburo LT—':orsythe Kyle T.,G—Burkouskie J. Drazenovich C• —Ward Wolosky RC—Sump ter Suhey 11T—Boldin Nolan RE—`.7cPeak Potsklan QE —Cummins C. Drazenovith LH—DiMatteo Williams RH—DePasciva Durkota Fl3—Bruno Triplett Penn State Touchdowns—Wa- TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1047 Pittsburgh Sun-Telegra STEVE SUHEY Suhey Named on AP All-Eastern Eleven Steve Suhey, rugged Nittany Lion guard, was selected on the Associated Pres s All-Eastern College football team, it was announced today. Jeff Durkota was named on the second team and John Potsklan, John Nolan, Negley Norton, Joe Colcne and Elwood Petchel received honorable men tion. The first team: Pos. Player L£—Swiacki LT—Shumshak LG—Steffy C —Bednarik RG—Suhey RT—Lilienthal RE—Tannicelli C.lB—Mini-; T..H—Ror I es TM—Rowan FB—Burns STILL BATTLING 9 22 2 5 Bill Jeffrey, veteran Penn State ;occer coach, is again in the fore front of a movement to promote Olympic tryouts for collegiate 'iooters. Hams 2: Petchel. Hcggard. Con versions—Czekaj 2. Field goal-- 7zekai. Pitt substitutions Ends: Ca nano: tackles: Karanovich, Had dad. DeLong: guards: Coury; cen 'er: Fisher: backs: Hardisty. Robinson. Becker. Fuderieh. rtickards. Laura. Smodic. Penn State substitutions—Ends: '7zeckai. Bell. Hicks. Hoggard. James. Kline: tackles: Finley. Murr a y. Cullings. Erickson; 'wards: Simon. Ross. Kelly. Smith: centers: Beatty. Misiewicz: backs: Colone. Rogel. Larry Joe, LaFleur. Palmer. Cooney. Hum mel. Petchel. Ulinski, Luther. Gorinski. Chuckran. 62 31 School Columbia Navy Army Penn Penn State Villanova F&M Penn Columbia Army Rutgers