The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 21, 1947, Image 8
PAGE EIGHT CLASSIFIEDS All classified ath ertisements must be in by 4:30 p.m day preceding issue. Prices are: 40c for one insertion; $l.OO, three insertions; 17 words or less. Call Collegian, 711. FOR SALE 1941 DODGE business coupe, good condition, good tire s, heater. Call 3204 between 5: 30- 6:30. 1941 FORD V-8 coach, fully equipped. Call 851 and ask for Bonacci. SAVE ON CIGARETTES. All popular brands $1.60 per car ton, postage prepaid. Minimum order three cartons. Freshness and delivery guaranteed. Send remittance to Kasso Mail Order, Paulsboro, N. J. EIGHT adorable puppies, 6- weeks old. German Shepherd and Chow. Name own price. Call 3512. ROOM AND BOARD F 0 U R vacancies immediately, room and board; block from campus. First callers get them. Call Lou, 2084. WANTED RIDE to Olean, N. Y., or vicinity for Thanksgiving. Call Fine, 3989. A PIANO. Apply box 403 State College. RIDE to Chicago for Thanksgiv ing vacation; share expenses and driving. Phone McMichael, 3987. BETWEEN Keeler's and Electri cal Engineering, man's brown wallet containing valuables. Re ward. Call 2450. WOULD the person who picked up grey covert topcoat outside 10 Spatks Nov. 15 please call Laughner. 6914. Have yours. BOTTOM half of Eversharp foun tain pen. Call Frank Fekete Phone 3191. PERSON exchanging Covert top coat 2nd Sparks call Howard 4332. Contained car keys, London Ohio, label. Have yours. MISCELLANEOUS DURING Thanksgiving vacation board your cat or dog. Dr. Donahoe' Veterinary Hospital, 123 N. Barnard street; 4021. WIN CASH PRIZES talented students enter All-College tal ent show. Sign up at Student Union now. EiEY, Quick! Pressing while you wait. Expert alteration and re pair work. Quick Press Shop, Dry Cleaners. CLOSING Notice. Get your shoes repaired before you go home for the recess. The shoe repair shops of Kline & Hartsock, 113 S. Pugh street, and L E. Kline, 153 S. Allen street, will be closed when you return. (Closed from November 29 until December 15.- GET YOUR TYPING done rea sonably. Manuscripts, theses, etc. Call State College 2864 after 6:30 p.m. ONE-HALF room for male stu dent. 214 W. College. fli,•!?,:',-;::,77,----vt:Z ;:;177i1E0Pw' a,..:',/ - r -.•,-.4:,....0- A 7 lIA L,, - Just Arrived Un: .., our new 85c lb. f, a '60.4 CANDY VIA 1 crunchy and A chocolate covered t" Take Home . . . THANKSGIVING MIX 0, Turkey Butter Creams 1 !#. We Mail Everywhere the ti AM 6Vi 61 al` of' '. tk iwi 6 w d ie,dflir 1 t ..f.:,r VA cane OA OA .0',A)111 -41NINW Dello, Sig Leads Lion Suit Drive A total of $57.40 has been col lected toward a new suit for the Lion. Delta Sigma Phi still leads with a contribution of $7.40. An estimated $5OO i s needed for a oew suit. Donations are needed if stu dents are to see the Lion cavort ing around the football field next year. said John I 3 engalian, pres ident of Druids, which is spon soring the drive. All ctudents are urged to drop Pennies. nickels. and dimes in the contribution boxes as they Pass. added Benglian. This is in addi tion to regular contributions from organized groups. Boxes are now in the Pollock Circle and Nittany Dorm Dining Commons. Student Union. Wind crest Co-op and launries, Ather ton Hall. Grange. Watts Hall. Ir vin Hall. Jordan Hall, Cody Ma nor. Locust Lane Lodge, New College Diner. Cook's, the Corner Room, and Graham's. SANTA SAYS .. everything, or under Your ChrbirrtaJ sree CAN BE PURCHASED STATE COLLEGE so STUDENTS Cl 4 4 , CONSULT "THE DAILY COLLEGIAN" ADVERTISING COLUMNS EVERY DAY AND SEE THE NUMEROUS ARTICLES •• J • Foreign Students Engage In International Festival The first International Festival on campus will be held in 304 Old Main from 3-5 p.m. Sunday un der the sponsorship of Commis sion I of the Penn State Christian Association. Active participants in the af fair will be 'students from Alba nia. Bolivia. China. Hungary, In dia. and South America. said William Niering and Dorothy Park. commission co-chatirMen. William Stumpf will be master of ceremonies. Features of the program are skiU. displays. and songs by the foreign students. Refreshments will also be served. Miss Park said that the pri mary purpose of the festival is to afford the students a chance to bevoine better acquainted with these unofficial ambassadors. What they take back home, she added. will be the impressions from contacts •made here. Although it is unfortunate the Program has to be this weekend. she went on to say, it will give those students remaining at school something to do. IN FRIENDLY OFFERED TO YOU BY THE STATE COLLEGE MERCHANTS COMING SOON- A SHOPPERS' GUIDE State Party— (Continued from Page one) 3000 sophomores cast ballots. No violations of the elections code were reprted. President-elect Allen will be installed at the All-College Cab inet meeting which follows the Thanksgiving vacation. He will represent the sophomore class for the remaiqnder of the fall semes ter, and 'the entire spring semes ter. Vice-president Nancy Cray will I cast the sophomore vote at Cabi net meetings in case of the pres ident's absence. Allen will call and preside over all sophomore class metings. He will receive $lOO compensation. Charles Beatty Jr.. secretary treasurer. automatically becomes a iinember. of Inter -Class Finance Board. This group handles • all class funds. Beatty will receive $5O for his services. Radio Station WMAJ IN COOPERATION WITH The Atlantic Refining Co. ANNOUNCES THIS LIST OF NEARBY STATIONS CARRYING THE FOOTBALL BROADCAST OF THE Pitt-Penn State Game FROM THE PITT STADIUM Sat. Afternoon KDKA WCHA WJSW WMRF WHGB Pittsburgh Chambersburg Altoona Lewistown Harrisburg WMAJ has published this list of stations as a service to the many listeners who would ordi narily hear the play-by-play broadcast of the game at 1450 on their radio dials. The station is genuinely sorry it can't help chronicle this history-making football battle, but hopes that you will enjoy good listening elsewhere on your radio dial when the Lion and Panther clash at Pitt Stadium tomorow afternoon. Radio Station WMAJ TRANSPORTATION ANNOUNCEMENT PENN STATE - PITT GAME In order that Greyhound Lines can furnish the necessary transportation facilities to Pitts burgh, Penna., for the game, reservations should be made with the purchase of your tickets on all schedules leaving State College Nov. 21 and 22. Reservations must be made not later than 10 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 20. Ruses leave State College far Pittsburgh 1:08 A.M. 1:33 P.M. 6:38 A.M. 6:48 P.M. All buses will leave from the Greyhound Post House 146 N. Atherton St. FRIDAY, 107VIEMCBORR 91, le College Official Dies Suddenly Fred S. Hanson Jr.. coordinate of building maintenance and r , pair at the College. was foul dead at his apartment yesterdE morning. Mr. Hanson became ill at wol Wednesday and was assisted hat . by fellow workers. He was four 1-'•y John D. Hart. the landlord I the apartment. A graduate of Dartmouth Co lege. Hanson first began work i the College's department grounds and buildings in lNe. Besides working for the Civ Works Administration in the Cen tral Pennsylvania area, he wz employed in Massaehusetts. Geoi gia and the Panama Canal Zon in the construction and surveyin field. IMPORTANT Phone 4181 145 On Your Dial at 1020 800 650 1490 1400