The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 21, 1947, Image 6
PAGE SIX Lions, Pitt To Clash Before 50,000 Fans Fired by a lusty desire to remain one of the nation's grid royalty, the recloutable Nittany Lion leaves its lair to engage ,a crafty foe, Pitt's Panther, tomorrow at 2 p.m. in what shapes up as a fierce conflict. Under the reins of Coach Bob Higgins, the Lions will hie themselves off to .pittsburgh this evening in preparation for tomorrow's fray before more than 50,000 fans in Pitt Stadium. State fans received heartening news yesterday when triple-threat halfback Elwood Petchel was given the "go" sign by Dr. Alfred H. Griess, team physician, following the 145-pound fireball's recovery from a knee injury. Petchel will be available for action in tomorrow's fracas. Pitt's and State's gridiron paths this year have been anything but similar. While opponents, the Panthers hay strong midwestern teams, salvaging a single victory in seven games. The difference in won-lost col umns augurs little for the Nittany gridmen since past Pitt-State bat tles have demonstrated that eval uating pre-game records is tant amount to treading on dangerous ice. The two elevens traditionally dismiss each other's past records with a scornful "so what?" and plow into each other on even terms with the ferocity of bull dogs. LAST WIN Invading the Pitt bailiwick will be a Lion squad bent on making the Panthers cry "Kamerad" for the first time in four years. A 14- 0 win in 1943 wac the last taste of victory savored by the Nittany men in the 48-game series. Since then Pitt's trou blesome gridders /••.„ have whipped': the Lions. 14-0, • • qta t 7-0 iyrxi 14-7 in 1944, 1945 and • • 1046. respective-• . In an effort . • i".. to keep State's • winning skein ' • • intact. Coach Higgins m a y I " . ' . • "throw the book" PETCHEL at Pitt by un corking a few deceptive plays used little or not at all ty his grid charges to date. Previous contests -- an ii ~,, , .-.,,, , „„ .0 y..... ~. ~.,...„...,, ..,,., 4 ' d ,' z ,..... . • K. i -; - 7,„f: 0 ., -•\., .• t, . : t - I i , , : —gave 2)inner Wig THE TER itoon;1 By TOM MORGAN he Lions have larruped eight run a disastrous gauntlet of have found the Lions relying mostly on their chief stock and trade, a pOwerful and resource ful running attack 'that has wreaked ruin upon eight straight roes while employing a minimum of trickery. In the Pitt camp, pre-game spirits is reportedly running high as Coach Mike Milligan's pro teges hope to upset the Lions as they did a year ago whe the Hig gins clan was riding a similar wave of success. PITT PASSES The Pittmen are expected to unleash an extensive passing at tack designed to penetrate State's rock-ribbed defense. No leas than eight different back, ' have oeen on the tossing 'end of Panther aerials this season. Chief Pitt passers are fullback Paul Rickards And halfback Carl DePasqua. The latter is recalled by State fans as flinging a 37- yard strike to halfback Lou Cec coni to set up the first tally in the Jungle Cats' 14-7 triumph ov er State last season. Halfback Bill Hardisty has de veloPeu into a first-class punting specialist for the Milliganmen. He owns an average to date of 1 39.7 yards in 55 tries and may offer tough competition for State's ol' reliable Joe Colone. who, in cidentally. sports an average of 40.6 yards per Loot in 26 attempt& Key men on the Panther for ward wall, which has faced ter rific opposition all season, are tackle Bob Plotz, center Len Rad nor and ends Leo Skladany and Bill McPeak. Rated the number-one football machine in the East, Penn State tomorrow will seek to notch its initial perfect nine-game record in history. While pacing the na tion in total and rushing defense, the Lions also rank among the first four teams in total offense. The Higginsmen have amassed an average of 371.2 per game, which tops Pitt's 11.5. Following is tomorrow's prob able, starting lineup: wonderful evening I 'Stale POg. Pitt! Operating from a single wing patterned atter that of Dr. Jock Sutherland's pro Steelers. Pitt's Blue and Gold grid combination is dotted with several fleet-foot ed backs, including fulll3.7ck Lin dy Lauro and halfbacks Cecconi. DePasqua. Tony DiMatteo, Jim my Joe Robinson and "General" Bobby Lee. n ' ..,1.4 a Jet To be sure of a start off with dinner at Th e Allencrest It's 11 0 trick to feel on top of the world when you eat our deliciously cooked foods. You'll retain that same feeling even after you've paid the check for our meals are served you at the lowest possible 713 galore oreavin9 /UP rill THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA Panthers Who Will See Action Against Lion DePASQUA frrE4mT".,_. ....,.: • v . . ROBINSON Lions Are 'lnvaded' By Traveling Team Members of the football team received quite a shock last night when they went out to the prac tice field and saw thirty gridders wearing the Cherry and White of Temple practicing on the gridiron. On closer inspection the 'invad ers' proved to be the California State Teachers College tram. Since the "College farm team" has a game scheduled with Lock Haven tonight, their coach de cided to stop at State College last night and to make the remainder of the long trip today. Although he has been head coach for only 18 years, this is the 20th year that Bob Higgins has devoted to Penn State football. He was Hugo 'Bezdek's assistant for two years. Tamburo Norton J. Drazenovich LG ..Sarkouskie Wolosky C Radnor Suhey RG Sumpter Nolan RT Boldin Potsklan RE McPeak C. Drazenovich .Q ... Cummins Joe LH Lee Durkota Colone PENN STATE SAVE STUDENTS —on— All Populards CIGARETTESES Bran Postage Prepaid Minimum Order Three Cartons Perfect 516 9 Per All Carton Freshness Orders Guaranteed Insured Send Check or Money Order To KASSO MAIL ORDER PAULSBORO, N. J. LAURO HE'S FIXTURE Skladany Forsythe RH .. DePasqua ..F.,—.... Ricklrds DIMATTEO Betw WITH TED RUBIN n Although forecasters annually throw past records out the w?" dow when Pittsburgh and Penn State meet on the gridiron, it mig prove interesting for State fans to learn a little more about the Pa. ther before making the trek to the Smoky City. For this 47th renewal of the ancient rivalry, an undefeated Lic 1 eleven will meet a Pitt team which has recorded but a single win and! but 24 points for the entire season. The lone win was a grudge battles against the Ohio State Buckeyes, whose coach this year is the Pitt, mentor of 1946, Wes Fesler. Despite Elwood Petchel's valiant efforts last year, the NittanyL men dropped a 14-7 verdict in the city of steel and smoke. A Jungle Cat by the name of Bill Bruno untiringly devoted his afternoon to stopping Lion plays at the scrimmage line. Smashing end sweeps is Bruno's forte, which bodes ill. again this year, for State's out side reverses. Another returnee who is sure to give the Blue and White see ondary anxious moments is Pitt's fine tosser, Ca,rl DePasqua. This Williamsport flash is the hub of the Milliganmen's offense and its most successful individual factor, judging from Sunday morning reviews. c The man on the receiving end of many of DePasqua's passes is Halfback Lou "Bimbo" Cecconi, a small, wirry halfback with the glue-tipped fingers. Said the "Pitt News" after the Ohio State win, "State (Ohio) tacklers found little Bimbo Cecconi as hard to hold as a live fish. Time and again, Bimbo squirmed and twisted out of their anxious hands. And in the fourth quarter he speared Carl DePasqua's pass one-handed in the end zone for Pitt's second touchdown." This year is the first for Harold "Mike" Milligan to direct the Panthers from the head coach position. Formerly in the chief assist ant's role to Wes Fesler, Milligan moved up when Fesler crossed .over to Columbus. Backfield coach and ace scout for Pitt this year is Dick Cassiano, the great halfback of the Sutherland gra. Cassiano's had some rough scouting expeditions this fall, for Pittsburgh has been meeting the nation's best, week after week. Per haps no other school in the forty-eight has such an awesome slate as do the Panthers. Sutherland outfits when Warren Heller, Izzy Weinstock, Bobby Larue, Johnny Patrick and Marshall Goldberg were the Saturday stars would have a lot of trouble going against this killing schedule. In Pitt's schedule to date, the Jungle Cats have had to con centrate mainly on the defense as the powerhouses of Illinois, Notre Dame, Michigan, Indiana, Minnesota and Purdue haven't given the Milliganmen too much time to set their scoring wheels in motion. PITTS LEFT SIDE One of their stoutest defensemen is one Bernie Barkouski, who very efficiently fills the left guard slot. Combining with the mam moth Wib Forsythe and Leo Skladany, Barkouski is a large factor in stopping opposition advances through the left side of the Pitt line. Skladany, one of the famous football playing Skladanys, wears contact lenses while afield. Penn State players who follow the same procedure are speedster Wally Triplett and sub tackle Norm Erickson. Howard Caskey, who played on the '46 Nittany men, also used contact lenses. With this contest able to go any way, and with much of the trend to be determined by the first few minutes of play, Nolan, Pots klan and company should be at peak psychological condition in addi tion to top physical condition. A win could bring home for the first time the Lambert Trophy; a loss will wreck a beautiful record and the hearts of the Hig's forty. Roar . . . Lions ... Roar!!! Still Flying High Col. "Lighthorse Harry" Wilson, former Penn State and Army grid great, is commanding officer of the Anmy air base at Elgin Field, Fla. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1 BIMBO CECCONI Penn State's first and only ven ture into post-season football competition came on January 1, 1923, when the Nittany Lions op posed the University of South ern California in the Rose Bowl at Pasadena, Cal. The Trojans took a 14-3 decision. IFC Tennis Advances Playing under difficult weather condition e Jack Olewine. Delta Upsilon, defeated Bob Mussel man. Delta Sigma Phi, in a close ly fought tennis match 6-3. 8-2 to enter into the semi-final round of IFC play. Di=laving superb 'form. Rich ard Wertz. Phi Kappa Sigma. outlasted his game opponent Ber nard Silverstein. Phi Sigma Del ta in a two-game match 6-3. 6-1 GENE WITMER and Nis Band NOW BOOKING Phone 888