The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 21, 1947, Image 5
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1947 Fraternities Plan Weekend Of Festivities at Pittsburgh Penn State fraternities will be well represented in the Smoky City this weekend. Included in the plans are parties at clubs, hotels, and c hapter houses. The William Penn seems to be the popular meeting place for many of the groups an , f the rumor has spread that the manage ment has taken out an additional $100,0(10 insurance. Saturday evening the Sigma Nu will be found at the William Penn as well as the Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Sigma Kappa, Sigma Phi Epsilon, and Alpha Chi Sigma. Also meet ing at the popular downtown hotel will be Alpha Zeta Kappa, Sigma Lambda Chi Alpha, Beta Zeta Tau, Sigma Pi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, and Pi Kappa Phi. After parties on Friday evening at the Carnegie Tech chapter houses the survivor Delta Tau Delta and Alpha Tau Omega brothers will continue their week.. end celebration at the William Penn Pitt chapters of Pi Kappa Al pha, Phi Kappa, Alpha Sigma Phi, Sigma Chi, and Pi Lambda Phi, will open their doors to their Penn State brothers over the weekend. Hotel Schenley, not to be slight ed, will have as it s guests Phi Ep silon Pi and Webster Hall will be at the service of Beta Sigma Rho. Kappa Delta Rho will also be in divic'ualistic and meet at the Key stone Hotel. Delta Upsilon will take over over the home of pledge Byran Moore Friday night and move to the William Penn Saturday. Pittsburgh night clubs are in for their share of the Penn State merry-making. Bill Green's will see the Pi Kappa Alphas Satur day at 10 p.m., and the Gay Nine ties will play host to the Chi Phis. For those who manage to get there. Theta Chi will hold a party at the 413 Club above Westing house Bridge. Tau Kappa Epsilon will meet at Balconade and Fri day evening Sigma Phi Epsilon will begin their weekend at the Top Flight Stables. News Briefs Sigma Tau New faculty members or grad uate students who are members of Sigma Tau, engineering honorary fraternity, are requested to con tact Professor David L. Markle in SEE, or call College extension 43. Hine, Town Meeting Hillel Town Meeting topic this week "How Can Another War be Prevented." The speakers at the town meeting held at the Hillel Foundation, 133 W. Beaver ave nue ,at 8 p.m. Sunday are Col. Ben-Hur Chastaine, professor - 4 military science and tactics; Rev. Bruce E. Gideon, of the Methodist Church, former state chairman of AVC; and Dr. Richard C. Ray mond, assistant professor of phys ics and a specialist in nuclear physics. The meeting is ooen to all. Moderator for the program is Rabbi Benjamin Kahn. Louise Homer Pledges The pledge party of the Louise Homer Club' will be held in the southeast lounge of Atherton Hall at 8:16 p.m. Monday, Jo Rotili re minded pledges and members yes terday. IW-IMA Joint Meeting IWA and IMA will hold a joint meeting in 104 Temporary build ing at 7 p.m. Monday. Betty Gib bons. IWA p , esiclent. in vil eci all members of both groups to at tend. Wesley Hay Ride All students are invited to at tend the Wesley Foundation hay ride at 8 o'clock tonight. Wagons will leave from 258 E. College avenue- Belles Lettres Club A meeting of the Belles Lettres Club scheduled for Tuesday eve.. ring will be postponed until 7 p.m. December 2, said Barbara Jelen y4sterday. The meeting place, northeast lounge of Atherton Hell, has not been changed. Intramurals TRAMURALS Stdg Hed Sixteen teams have competed his week in the WRA bowling Itramuials. • Marjorie Riley, a member of he Alpha Gamma Delta team, is eading in tournament scoring .-ith a high game of 149. Ginger Biggins, Kappa Alpha Theta, holds second place with a score if 147. Mary Lou Ackiso n, Alpha 'amma Delta, and Kay Bitner, Alpha Omicron Pi, hold third and fourth places in individual scores with games of 144 and 143, espectively. In Monday's competition, Phi . 1 1 . 0 topped Kappa Kappa Gamma 502-485; Philotes were beaten by Gamma Phi Beta 509-436; and Alpha Chi Omega won over TO 'lea 526-513. Alpha Gamma Delta bowled 199 against Phi Sigma Sigma's 467, Tuesday night. Zeta Tau Alpha topped Delta Zeta 487- 459, and Theta Phi Alpha wad •v default from Tri-Dorms. Chi Omega downed Kappa Delta Wednesday night with a , ;core of 504-493. Alpha Omicron Pi out-bowled Alpha Xi Delta 511-499. Co -op swept Kappa Alpha Theta 585-493. ' Basketball Kappa Alpha Theta, Alpha Omicron Pi, and Kappa Delta of League and Phi Mu, Delta Gamma, and Gamma Phi Beta of League 11, scored victories in the WRA bask et b all tournament Monday and Tuesday nights. Alpha Chi Omega won by de fault from 'Fri Delt. In League I Kappa Alpha Theta defeated Alpha Xi Delta 26-17, Kappa Delta won over Chi Omega 34-22, while the Co-op team lost to Alpha Omicron Pi 26-14. Phi Mu topped Kappa Kappa THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA AChio Heads Averages List Alpha Chi Omega has attained the highest scholastic average of all sororities at the College an nounced the Dean of Women's of fice. Beta Sigma Omicron and Zeta Tau Aloha were second and third highest averages respectively. Nine sororities received averages higher than the average for fra ternity women and 13 sororities were above the all college women average. The sorority averages are as follows: Alpha Chi Omega 2.04 Beta Sigma Omicron 1.91 Zeta Tau Alpha 189 Gamma Phi Beta 1.88 Chi Omega 194 Phi Mu 182 Kappa Kappa Gamma . Delta Zeta Delta Gamma 1 76 Fraternity Women 1.78 Kappa Alpha Theta 1 75 Alpha Xi Delta 1.74 Alpha .Epsilon Phi 1.70 Theta Phi Alpha 1.70 Kappa Delta 1.69 Sigma Delta Tau . 1 69 Delta Delta Delta 167 Phi Sigma Sigma 1.65 Alpha. Gainma Delta 1.54 Alpha' Omicron Pi 1.52 All •Collette Women 170 All College 1.61 Ceremony Marks Tulip Planting At a simple ceremony yester day behind the Home Economics I building, the Home Ec Club plant ed tulip bulbs that had been sent of them from„ Holland by the Dutch family they had "adopted.", Dr.. Grace M. Henderson, direc tor of home economics. planted the first bulb. Geraldine Hinden ach, club president, presided at the ceremony. While members and children from the nursery school assisted with the planting. Gamma 44-19, Delta Gamma trounced -Philotes 47-18, and Gamma Phi Beta defeated Town 26-17. azda cu. Junior Service Board An informal party was held for active members of Junior Service Board in Grange Dormi tory last Saturday, Nancy Ault, president, announced. After lis tening to the Penn State-Navy football game, the members had dinner together. Alpha Epsilon Phi AEPhi recently pledged Flor ence Ciplet and elected Maxine Epstine as president of the pledge class. Other officers of the pledge class are Marion Goldman, vice )resident; Bernice Goldberg, sec retary; Ruth Spector, assistant 'ecretary; Sue Stern, treasurer; Elaine, Katz, editor; Marilyn Vail. assistant editor. Kappa Alpha Theta The Thetas are entertaining heir pledges this Monday at "Theta Night" and "Pledge Slum ber Night" at the house. Kappa Delta Rho Thanksgiving will be observed Monday night at the Kappa Delta Rho fraternity with a spe cial Thanksgiving dinner. The choral society of the fraternity will entertain with a selection of songs. Zeta Tau Alpha Gamma Epsilon chapter will be the guests of Chi chapter of Pittsburgh at a dinner and dance at the chapter house on Saturday evening after the Pitt-Penn State football game. Chi Omega Jo Berry was recently elected president of the Chi Omega pledge class. Patricia McLaughlin is secretary and Dorothy Coon, treasurer. Phi Sigma Sigma Phi Sigma Sigma will attend an all-college open house at the Pittsburgh chapter house Satur day. Delta Delta Delta The Pittsburgh chapter of Delta Delta Delta will entertain the local Tri-Deltas at the Pitts burgh chapter house after the game on Saturday. Do you like Dancing? Here's a dance nobody likes taught it. It's called the "All Day Squirm" and is per formed by gents who wear undershorts with an unholy center seam that keeps them on the St. Vitus Varsity. THE STRETCH P,ei-------'' 4- ' ,-- -_. - 17- ~Ii,1:1, , ' , :ti:. , ;' , :,. \ ~ ; :,., 14141::::, \ : I ' 'llik.i,::/:1'!P:;,,:•:;,, \ of room where it counts. Super comfortable, these super-shorts come in plain white oxford and broadcloth with Gripper fasteners. $1 up at your favorite Arrow store. ARROW SHIRTS UNDERWEAR • HANDKERCHIEFS • SPORTS SHIRTS Alpha Chi Omega The pledge class of Alpha CM Omega has elected as its officers Jane Dinger, president; Marilyn Hoke, vice-p resid e n t; Peggy Chick, secretary; and Kay Ste phenson, treasurer. Delta Sigma Pi Pledges Delta Sigma Pi, commerce and finance honorary recently pledg ed the following men. Herbert L. Agnew, Thomas C. Botsford, John R. Cameron, Nelson R. Dav age, George F. Dorrance, Arthur W. Evans, Owen J. Gib lin, Allan G. Hack, Jess T. Hiller, David M. Huber, Jr.. Leonhart G. Jensen, Edward J. LeFevre, Har old N. Lenker, John L. Mapes, Alexander Mauro, Donald E. Reist, and William A. Schreyer. Foresters Pledge 14 Xi Sigma Pi. national forestry honorary, recently pledged 14 men. Formal initiation will take place December 9. Pledges are Donald D. Benson, Kenneth R. Bromfield, Robert C. Burkholder, Richard C. Cook, Gerald Davis, John Groff, Richard B. Herstine, David B. Hunter, Ray C. Mart; Thomas A. Neff, Richard M. Os burn, Thomas E. Russell, Henry Wessel and Marlin H. Wineberg. Navy Wins, 2-1, In Field Hockey Navy took the second Army- Navy field hockey game 2-1. Wednesday afternoon to chalk up their second win in as many games this season. Pat Rauterberg scored two goals for Navy in the first half of play. Army's one point was put in by Wanda Rickard. Players for the Navy team were Mickey Barnett, Mary Fai lor, Katie Kovalenko, Lou Mar tin, Marian Memory and Pat Rauterberg. Army players were Eva Davies, Susie Geiger, Sally Hostetter, Mary Kennedy, Wanda Rickard and Lee Ann Wagner. Miss Mild r e d Lucey, field hockey coach, is in charge of the series. Arthur Murray never THE SQUIRM Moral: Switch to Arrow shorts and relax. Arrow shorts have no center seam, but do have plenty and TIES PAGE FIVE THE WRIGGLE