The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, October 31, 1947, Image 13

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    rAll*Nt 00 T9W 1947
Wig's' Dream Play
Turned Tide
For Team
Tomorrow's game with Colgate
brings to mind the papi-off play
that helped beat the Baiders 13-
10 on New Beaver Fial4 in 1942.
It originated as a pass from
fullback Joe Colons to end Bucky
Waitem who passed the ball off
to halfback cliii St. Clair as he
bolted by oo his Way to the goal
Later, Coach Bob Higgins ad
nlitted that he had conceived the
play While rafting ee bie bed a
few night; pease the game, and
that it had developed jnit as he
had envisioned it.
This so-called "dream play"
will be the subject of Bill Brandt's
famous "Once in • a Lifetime"
ton ht, whelp bR 1 )1 '0 11 40as
his night y sport" program over
the muttill network.
The program, with its Penn
State feature, will be car ied
over the facilities of WA;,
starting at 7:45 o'clock.
The game tomorrow will be
aired_ on an eighteen station hook
:v. Sortie of the stations cmying
the broadcast, inch ding WMAJ
are KDKA. Pittsbtirgh, 'Mew
Lewistown, WABB Johnstown,
WJSW Altoona, WSCR Scranton
and WlgirTß STricuse, N. Y.
Wear Veterans and Comrades:
Tu►y ;text, as a voter, you will have the chance to express your choice as to
COMMERCIAL MOVIES doing business or not on Sundays.
Let us see what it will mean if you vote yes.
In this town there are THREE MOVIE HOUSES, all of them owned by one of
the largest COIitrORATIONS in the country. Try to open one here yourself and see how
BIG they are.
This Corporation wants you to increase their business and profits by 14 2-7%.
This Corporation is doing business here six days a week and now wants the
seventh. This seventh day in Competition with our Churches of all denominations.
Not FREE MOVIES. They want your money as a strictly business and Commer
cial proposition.
The Churches fay no. Your judgment of FAIR PLAY says NO.
The Churches have only one day of the seven set aside for them and that is
the Christian Sabbath Day.
They are Free Institutions open to you and to your family.
The Churches have been the foundation and the inspiration of Christian Amer.
ea, You destroy the Churches and you destroy America.
You have seen places where there were no Churches and instead, you saw
"Honky Tonics," "Gambling Dens," and "Immoral Sewers" ready to "skin" you out of
your last penny.
Would you desire to see the same "Hell-holes" in this community in place of
the Churches?
Over 40,000 "Grads" happily lived here. They carried away with them the in
fluences of the Penn State Spirit and with it they attained renowned positions in World
Whenever they fejt lonesome and needed entertainment the Churches and the
homes welcomed them. This same spirit is maintained for you.
Do a good deed--support the Churches, the backbone of our Country. That
you gall do by voting and placing an X alongside of the word NO on the ballot.
Adverjtaarnent Contracted and Paid fru by Eugene H. Lederer.
Gridders Maintain National Marks;
Lead In Defense, Rushing Offense
Bob Higgins' Penn State gridders continued to top the rest of
the nation's powers in three departments, according to statistics re
leased today by the National Collegiate Athletic Bureau.
In addition to leading the nation in total defense, rushing offense
and rushing defense, the Nittany. Lions moved from third to second
in total offense by virtue of their one-sided statistical conquest of
West Virginia last week.
The Lions hold a comfortab
average of 89 yards gained
afßiTuit them in five games. North
Carolina State ranks second with
an average of 106.8 in four games.
In rushing defense, the Blue
and White gridders again have a
Ccnfortable lead with an aver
age of only 10.8 yards per game
gained against them. Next in line
is Wake Foiest with an average
0f49 yards •in five games.
The Nittany eleven has run up
an average of 326.0 yards to lead
the nation in rushing offense.
Second is 'Detroit with an aver
age of 303.3 yards in six games.
Penn State, which trailed West
Virginia in second place last
week in total offense, pushed the
Mountaineers down to 10th place
and took over the second spot
thi.• week. The Lions have aver
aged 410 yards total offense, plac
ing second only to Michigan with
436.8 yards a game for five games.
The Lion failed to place in the
la that a Fair DEAL for the CHURCHES?
The Churches are not Commercial institutions that can compete with Gigantic
e edge in total defense with an
first 10 in forw4rd passing offense
and forward pass defense. The
reason for this is that Penn State
has relied on its ground attack
all season, taking to the air only
for short distances.
While teams have been unable
to crack the Lion line for ground
gains, they have been able to
rack up a, certain amount of
yarclage through the air.
Despite Joe Colone's gre at
punting, the Lions do not place
among the top 10 punting teams
in the nation. The reason for this
is that the Penn State gridder
use the punt more as an offensive
fiveapon and consequently most
of Colone's boots have been out
of bounds punts for short dis
Theodore Kunin was named
the Editorial Director of FROTH
announced J. Arthur Stober,
Your Comrade,
Member of Disabled Veterans of America, Veterans of
Foreign Wars, American Legion, & 40 and 8.
Two College Films
Cross A tlantic
With Profs
"Your College' got around last
Two films, "Your College," a
story of activities on the campus,
and "Pennsylvania Local Goven
ment," went along with Dr. J.
Paul Selsam, professor of Euro
pean history and Dr. John H.
Ferguson, professor of political
science, on their job of providing
an orientation program aboard
ships carrying exchange students
to and from Europe.
Both films were produced by
the motion picture and recording
studies of the campus. Although
some of the immigrants under
stood little English, they marvel
led at the colored views of the
College campus and also were
impressed by local government
procedure, said Dr. Selsam.
Winter Parking Rules
Reviewed by thief Juba
"It is against boro regulations
o leave cars parked on the street
over night when there is snow
on the ground," police chief Juba
said today. "Now is the time to
locate a place to park your car
when snow finally does arrive.
Cars left on the street when snow
plows are operating will be
tagged. The penalty for failing to
comply with the regulation is a
two dollar fine," he added.
Artists' Tickets
On Sale Tuesday
Tickets for the 1947-8 Artists'
Course at the College will go on
sale Tuesday and Wednesday at
the Athletic Association office,
according to Dr. Carl E. Mar
quardt, chairman of the Artists'
Course committee.
Priority tickets, entitling pur
chasers to their olaces in the
ticket sale line, will be issued to
faculty and townspeople at the
Athletic office 8 a.m. Monday.
Tickets for students will, be
given out at the Athletic office
1:30 p.m. Monday.
According to Dr. Marquardt,
about an hour is required to issue
the priorities which are stubs in
dicating at which hour during
the sale the holder applies. -His
number in line is indicated, but
if it lapses he loses his turn.
The four numbers on the
1947-8 program include "Madame
Butterfly," the Puccini opera;
Carol Brice, cello-voiced con
tralto; the National Symphony
orchestra, with George Enesco
conducting; and William Kappel,
Sale of tickets will begin at
the Athletic office November 4,
starting at 8 a.m., for students.
Faculty and townspeople can
purchase tickets at the office 8
a.m. November 5. If tickets are
still available, they may be pur
chased by out-of-town residents
November 6.
Tickets for the series of four
numbers will sell for $6.90 and
$B.lO. Both prices include tax.
The $6.90 tickets are for the side
balcony and are limited in
Membership in ASME
Open to Eng Students
Mechanical, industrial and
aeronautical engineering students
desiring membership in the
American Society of Mechanical
Engineers should contact the
chairman of their particular en
gineering group, Leon Locke,
chairman, announced yesterday.
The society is divided into
three groups with a chairman for
each group and one main chair
man at the head. The respective
chairmen are George Bierman,
mechanical engineering; Harry
Fillman, industrial engineering;
and Irvin Mabry, aeronautical
L lialloweam Maid Pady 2o-
night 7441
2. Saturday 7:30 p. m. Fireside
Seminar Group. Guava: Dr. W.
F. Orr Western Theological
Seminary. Topic: "Christian
Balkh." Informal discussion.
3. Sunday 9:30 a. m. Studied
Department. Second Seminar
Session conducted by Dr. Oar.
4.sunday 10:45 a. m. Morning
Church Service. Dr. On will
5. Wasirninsior Fellowship 6:20
p. m. Sunday. Final Seminar
Session by Dr. Orr, followed
by Fellowship Period.
Don't Miss The Chance Ot
Hearing Dr. Orr This Weekend