PAGE TWO —From the Editor's Mailbox Practice Makes Perfect TO THE EDITOR: Must Collegian continue to send its reporters on inane and insipid assignments for the sake of providing them with practice beats? After the Oxford debate, Mr. Bcnn and Mr. Boyle were talking to a small group informally on undergraduate life at Oxford when two Collegian reporters interrupted with questions that took some time. The questions were in two groups. The first, "Do British workers like socialism? Do they College Calendar All calendar items must be in the Daily Collegian office by 4:30 p.m. on the day pre ceding publication. Thursday, October 30 LIBERAL Arts Student Council, 2 Sparks, 10 a.m. WSGA, Photo Shop, 7:45 p.m. White blcurse, dark skirt. LAKONIDES, WRA Room, WH, 6:30 p.m. PSCA Cabinet, 304 Old Main, 6:30 p.m. LOCAL Affairs Committee of Common Sense Club, 410 Old Main, 6:45 p.m. WRA Outing, Fencing, Swim Club, WH, 7 p.m. WRA Rifle Club organization meeting, WH, 7 p.m. THETA Sigma Phi, 107 Tern, 6:30 p.m. HILLEL Hour Casting, Hillel Foundation, 7:15. MEN'S Bridge Club, 418 Old Main, 7:30 p.m. FROTH Photographers, 9 CH, 7 p.m. Sophomore editorial board and editorial can didates, 9 CH, 7:30 p.m. CLOVER Club, 103 Ag, 7 p.m. ELECTRONICS Warfare Co., Engineering “ E ,, , 8 p.m. College Hospital Admitted Monday: Betty Gibbons, Richard McCandless. Discharged Tuesday: Claire Lee At the Movies Cathaum—Odd Man Out State—Singapore. Nittany—Smash-up. Placement Service West Virginia Pulp & Paper Co., Oct. 31, eighth semester men in EE, ME, CE, Chem, and Comm Chem. Chance Vought Aircraft, Division of United Aircraft Corp., Oct. 27, eighth semester men in Aero E, and ME. The Armstrong Cork Co., Nov. 5, eighth semester men for sales training from C & F (single men only), lE, ME, CHEM (PhD and BS), CHEM ENG (PhD and BS). Carborundum Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y., Oc tober 30 to interview eighth semester ME in terested in sales or development. The Phillips Petroleum Company, Octo ber 30, ME, EE, CHEM ENG, PETROLEUM ENG. The General Electric Company, November 3 & 4, eighth semester men in EE, CHEM ENG, ME, IE, Metallurgists. Babcock & Wilcox Co., November 7, eighth semester men in ME, Met, FT. Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Company, Novem ber 3, eighth semester men, PhD (Organic Chem), Chem, Chem Eng, ME, lE, Bus. Ad. (Accounting, Sales, & Marketing). Arrangements for interviews should be made at once in 204 Old Main. TICKETS ON SALE AT STUDENT UNION THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA get much to eat?", etc., could be answered by read ing any newspaper. The second group of questions ran, "Do you like Penn State? Isn't our campus pretty?" and were of course answered in the affirmative by the British group. Why bother with such trivial This Isn't the Army TO THE EDITOR: We would like an explanation of College policy regarding the tough life women students will have in their new dorms. We can't see why they should have to go out for classes and men. Our proposal is to let the men live in one section of the dormitory and to have all classes in the lounges. After all, we men students have all conveniences such as 2' x 2' rooms, G.I. mess halls, a three-mile walk to classes every day, mud and dust. Since we have had all these conveniences for years past we would like women students to share them. We are not selfish. WHEN ARE THE SHIPS COMING TO TAKE US HOME? ilere and shere By Dick Sarge a IT'S VERY WARM FOR OCTOBER Last year it was rather chilly the evening Mortar Board presented its annual Carnival. As a result, too many people failed to come out for an evening of grand fun. Friday night, this honorary campus group will again set up its arena in the floodlighted parking lot behind New Physics. From 7 to 11 o'clock Penn State couples can enjoy themselves bob bing apples, seeing freak shows, and eating pop corn, candied apples and waffles at booths erected and staffed by sororities. Proceeds from this open air affair are allocated to the Dean Charlotte E. Ray Scholarship Fund. * • a IT DROPPETH AS THE GENTLE RAIN After completely missing their New Beaver Field target Saturday afternoon, West Virginia's leaflet-dropping airmen received a second dose of defeat when they landed at the airport near Pine Hall—not on a fraternity lawn. There, boro police were waiting to apprehend them for releasing their missiles without a permit. But; Chief, them warn't leaflets clogging local drains during Tuesday's rain, thdrn was State College leaves from State College trees. • • • MIRACLE ON SOUTH ALLEN STREET Some of the town's merchants are rather decent fellows, after all. Witness this true account of an episode in the economic society of State College. Teke Ferris Thompson was persuaded by radio-playing fraternity brothers to shop around downtown for a condenser to prevent radio static caused by his fluorescent desk lamp. He first tried the Electric Supply Company and was told, "Yes, we have the type of condenser you need, but it costs $1.25. Marshall Electric up in the Glennland building has one that does the same thing and costs only 35 cents." So he sent Thompson off to Marshall and lost a sale, but gained much good will NAUGHTY, NAUGHTY The Syracuse player who piled on unnecessarily after a Lion backfield man was driven out of bounds in front of the Penn State bench was greeted with cutting remarks by the Higginsmen. Larry Joe, sidelined tailback, uttered• the mildest sounding although probably the most biting and effective remark—" Aren't you ashamed of your self?" And the Orangeman probably was. —Four 85 Pointers. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN Successor to the tree Lance. est taro Published Tuesday through Friday mornings during the College year by the staff of the Daily Collegian of the Pennsylvania State College. Entered as second class matter July 5, 1934, at the State College, Pa., Post Office under the act of March 3, 1879. $2.50 a semesters $4.25 the school year. Allan W. Ostar Donald W. Ellis -. . Editor - - Bus. Mgr. Managing Editor - Dave Nitlvan News Editor Helen Reed Assistant Low Stone Senior Advisor Nariorie Mamie, Advertising Manager Selma Lampert Assistants. K. J. Burgas, Margaret Brows oinliti.. \\, • • .link l Jb t ate 7 ti • ' , '* ai • 'roe 1 ,- Rain ? There are pro's and con's on the subject of the weather, but . . . when it comes to talking about Film Lab's latest feature Personalized Photo Xmas Greeting Cards there's no arguing that they're unusually distinctive and appropriate for college students. The cards come in 13 different designs! Com bine your favorite negative with holiday de signs to make your greetings personalized. They're on display NOW! Stop by and look them over. THE CENTRE COUNTY FILM LAB 122 W. BEAVER PHONE 4805 HALLOWEEN PARADE & FROLIC FRIDAY - OCTOBER 31 Parade Starts 7 P.M.—At Power Plant OVER Prizes To Contestants Music by Gregg Twp. Band IN PRIZES It's a grand Halloween Parade and Frolic for young and old. Prizes for Contestants totaling over $BO. Refreshments for contestants after they pass the reviewing stand at Memorial Field. Entertainment by Jay Robinson, ventriloquist. Everyone Invited. Young and Old alike. Everyone Invited! Young and Old Reviewing Stand—Memorial Field Benefit: Lion's Club Ere Conversion Prof/Mtn THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1947 Pool Open For Swimming Every Friday Evening Students, faculty, and staff of the College will be able to use the Glennland pool for mixed recreational swimming every Friday night from 7:30 to 9:30, said Ray Conger, assistant phy sical education director. Students will be admitted by showing their matriculation cards, and faculty and staff members may purchase tickets at $1.50 a semester at the bursar's office. $BO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers