FRIDAY, OCTORIZa XI, 1947 CLASSIFIEDS All classified advertisements must be in by 4:30 p.m. day preceding issue. Prices are: 40c for one insertion; $l.OO, three insertions; 17 words or less. Call Collegian, 711. HOT ROD for sale; pass anything on the road; 8 cylinders, souped up. Call 2802 for demonstration. FOR SALE-1936 Chevrolet 4- door sedan. New tires, motor just overhauled; $375. Call Kris, 4409. FOR SALE--Lady's brown rid , lag boots, size 0 1 / 2 N; never worn. Call 2023. MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE-1938 Harley Davidson "80" New tires, good condition. Phone Dick WANTED—Men and women stu -2851. dents interested in Bening Real Silk products part-time oti com mission basis. Contact Ronald Gusohel, Hotel State College, after p.m. Friday, Oct. 10. FOR SALE-1928 Stutz "Black Hawk" apeedater, $745, Call Russel 4444. e l1411"1 " 1 4,A4 b 4. Fame • ' el k" ,* ON-THE-PARK PRESENTS So Music and Moak of RICHARD MIMBER AND ND ORORIDRA DANCING AT DINNER AND SUPPER swills Concert Music at Dinner Tuesday and Wednesday NO COVER • NO MINIMUN t FIL,Sat. & Holiday Ens MM. $2 Per Person after 10 P.M. ESSEX HOUSE CINTIRAL PARK SOUTH, NEW YORK Orris 7-0300 THE BIGGEST JUNIOR PROM - FALL HOUSEPARTY CHARLIE BARNET and HIS FAMOUS ORCHESTRA • VARSITY FOOTBALL UNIVERSITY OF WEST VIRGINIA vs, PENN STATE • VARSITY SOCCER • Varsity Cross Country FRATERNITY DANCES • TICKETS ON SALE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, AT • A.A. TICKET WINDOW FOR SALE—Brand new Unner wood portable typewriter. Im mediate delivery. Call 2242. FOR SAL E-1941 Studebaker Champion, six cylinders, new heater and radio. Contact Bob, Phi Kappa Tau, 2760. FOR SALE—Gray Hart, Schaff ner and Marx suit, excellent condition, have outgrown. Size 37. Call Myer, 2577. GUNS FOR RENT. Ammunition, hunting and fishing equipment for sale. Sportsman's Shack, near Quick Press Shop. SUBSTITUTE NEEDED: Single room. Pollock Circle. Contact Paul Koseman, phone 3991, or Bernie Hanes, 4632. FEATURING Saturday, Oct. 25, 1947 NAVY vs. PENN STATE CORNELL vs. PENN STATE THE DAIL! COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA For Delightful Dining and Dan c ing VISIT THE CEDARS You'll enjoy the delicious seafoods and steak dinners served in an early American setting. Seafood specialties, moderately priced, include • LOBSTER TAIL • SCALLOPS • SHRIMP • FROG LEGS • OYSTERS • STEAKS THE CEDARS—OnIy a twenty -minute drive from State College—ono-quarter mile west of Spring Mills on Route 45. WEEKEND the YEAR I BOARD for students and faculty living in College Heights, work ing near Ag Hill. Dining room. 201 E. Park avenue. WANTED— Date who knits Argyles. Call Charlie, 2571. W ANTE D-500 Lutheran stu dents to attend sophomore re ception tonight at 8:00 p.m. at Grace Lutheran Church. WANT student laundry; call and deliver. Call 3467 LOST—Parker "51" fountain pen, dark blue and gray. Call Lois ENGAGEMENTS WANTED Mae, 2593. Bunyan Quintet fresh from THEY'VE BEEN mates for five Mont Alto. Songs old and new to, years—now separation. Pencil liven up your party. Call Ted Al - igrieves brown Sheaffer's pen lost len, 3931, Pollock Circle. (Tuesday afternoon near infirm ary. Call Bill, 4056, and collect reward for their reconciliation. LOST—Gray Parker "51" on the Mall or downtown Thursday. Reward. Call Ann, 3rd Grange. Friday, Oct. 24, 1947 • JUNIOR PROM RECREATION NALL-9 P. M. 'TO I A. M. SEMI-FORMAL-$4.00 PER COUPLE PAGE TM= Additional Classifieds on Page 4