The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, September 23, 1947, Image 7

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forget Your Woes, Vets ;
i(£b to Campus Aid Bureau
idling the traditional army
lin, Professor Robert E.
aith heads Penn State’s
and groan bureau,
ated in 109 A Old Main with
tie of Faculty Counsellor of
ins, Galbraith is assisted by
rd H. Baker.
blems ranging from flunk*
it of school to housing are
ed daily. If you go broke,
i.receive VA subsistence, or
Lain run short, you can bor
noney through this office,
y supervise two loan funds
>OO each. A single veteran
>orrow up to fifteen dollars
me for food or .other emer
s., They also Supervise the
e Loan Fund from which
>d veterans may borrow up
Q a semester.
Ice and assistance is given
dr. things as how to change
(burse, where to look for a
■Here to find a lawyer or a
and countless other ques-
’ , This office also handles the rent
iiitf of trailers or space for private
trailers to married veterans. No
Railroad Cars May Furnish
Alumni With Living Quarters
This year’s homecoming alumni
may not be faced with any sleep
ing or eating problems when they
return to the campus for Home
coming Weekend, October 17 and
18, according to Ridge Riley,
chairman of Homecoming activi
Alumi from the large eastern
cities Philadelphia, New York,
Baltimore and Washington—may
be able to come all the way from
their homes to the campus via
the Pennsylvania and Bellefonte
Central Railroads. If plans ma
terialize the Penn State Home
coming Special will include eight
Pullmans. A diner will be parked
for Saturday night occupancy on
the tracks near the Power Plant.
Football Game
Other highlights of the week
end will be the Penn State-Syra
cuse football game, the Thespian
“Alumni Revue,” the traditional
cider party and smoker, and con
tinuous showing of a film about
Penn State entitled “Your Col
lege,” in the Little Theater in
Old Main.
Homecoming festivities begin
with alumni registration in Rec
reation Hall at 3 p.m. Friday,
followed by the Junior Varsity
football game with Syracuse at 4
p.m. There will be an executive
board meeting in the Nittany
Lion Inn at 6 p.m. Friday, and a
student-alumni pep rally in front
of the Lion Shrine at 8 p.m.
Alumni Registration
Alumni registration will con
tinue all day Saturday. At 9 a.m.
an alumni golf tournament, with
individual and district club
prizes, will begin. This affair has
been revived from a pre-war an
nual contest.
From 9 a.m. to 12 noon there
will be campus bus tours leaving
from the front of Recreation Hall,
Sure .... We’ve Got It
That’s right, and you don’t have to wait in long
lines to get yours.
We have a complete stock of new books for the
following courses:
60 5
64 31
Books - Records - Greeting Cards
Opposite the Post Office
space or trailers are available
now and there is a waiting list of
about five hundred.
continuous showing of “Your
College”; and “Know Penn State,”
an open house by the schools of
the College with special exhibits
in Recreation Hall. The Alumni
Council will meet in 121 Sparks
at 9:30 a.m.
A buffet luncheon with special
The most modern, up-to-the-minute restaurant
in Central Pennsylvania will be
open for business
It is our aim to serve you with promptness
and courtesy.
Why not visit us with your next luncheon Or
dinner date?
And, after the show, try our completely
equipped snack bar and grill.
COOK'S Restaurant
65 60
State College
Veterans Administration Has
To Help Veterans With Most
The Veterans Administration
maintains a fairly large staff on
the campus for the purpose of
helping veterans with problem,
which arise in conjunction With
their education, according to
Robert E. Stroud, senior training
officer of the VA office at the Col
The training section office of the
Veterans Acuninistratlon is located
in the red brick building directly
across from Carnegie HSU and
facing Pollock Road. The staff
there consists of tour traihing of
ficers and three secretaries.
Veterans under Public Law 16
with n pn blems involving subsist
ence, ‘ change of course or changes
in schedule should consult. jM r -
Stroud or Thomas L. Wejrandt on
the first floor of the building.
Veterans with the same- problems
but who are training under Public
Law 346 should see Paul' Frantz
on the second floor.
Any problems arising out of On-
Job-Training or from off-campus
training centers should be taken
up with Raymond K. Foust whose
office is on the second floor.
Helps with Curriculum Choice
Also located on the first floor Is
the vocational advisement section
under the supervision of Franklyn
D. Fry. This section works with
the College psychology department
entertainment is planned for Rec
reation Hall from 11:30 to 1:30
p.m. Tickets will be $1.50 each.
As a Saturday night climax the
Thespian alumni will present a
show, "Alumni Revue,” for all
alumni in Schwab Auditorium at
8 p.m.
and aids veterans in the choice of
a curriculum.
Complete information concern
ing registering with the VA will
be given out at the mass meeting
to be held in Recreation Hall on
Sunday evening.
The greatest problem the VA
faces is the non-receipt of subsist
ence by veterans. The chief causes
for this, according to Mr. Stroud,
are failing to file a change of ad
dress and improper registration.
Veterans' Registration
Veterans under PL 346 trans
ferring from a credit class center
need a certificate of transfer from
John Taylor of Central Extension.
Veterans coming from an under
graduate center are handled the
ai} Coil’s Mobil Station
115 S. Burrowes
Phone 399t8
Large Staff
same as veterans returning Drool
previous semesters and simply
register as a reentering veteran.
Veterans under PL 16 who in*
terrupted their training or who
are transferring from an under
graduate center or a credit class
center need new letters of author
Besides the office on the cam
pus, the Veterans Administration
maintains an office downtown on
the second floor of the Metzger
Building. This office handles such
problems as insurance, terminal
leave, claims for medical and den
tal care and hospitalization. Ed
ward L. Wagner is the contact
representative in oharge of this