The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, September 23, 1947, Image 17
TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 23, 1947 Editors to Explain Publicans A« Mass Meeting Sophomores interested in join ing the staffs of campus publica tions will hear introductory talks by each editor after the mass meeting sponsored by the Stu dent Government in Schwab Au ditorium Thursday. September 25, Allan W Ostar, chairman of the Board of Publications, and editor of the Daily Collegian, has announced. The students will be given a general survey of the publica- tions field dur- ing the main program by Os tar, and those interested will meet in a group after the formal session for the editors’ talks. Opportunities for the student in all phases of jour nalism from straight news to fic tion will be discussed. Speakers in addition to Ostar will be J. Arthur Stober, editor of Froth, campus humor magazine; A. Roberta Hutchison, head of La Vie, college yearbook; Alex Gregory, editor of the literary periodical, Critique; D. N. Bibbo, editor of the Penn State Engi neer; and Richard Sarge, head of the Student Handbook. The students will also learn about the Board of Publications which coordinates the whole field. The Board determines mat ters of general policy and serves as a clearing place for major problems concerning individual publications. Members of the board are the editor and man aging editor of the Daily Colle gian, editor and women’s editor of La Vie, and editor of Froth. XGI CLUB DANCE Five Publications Invite All Sophs Open to students in all cur ricula are five of the College’s seven publications, including the Daily Collegian, campus news paper; La Vie, College yearbook; Froth, humor magazine: Critique, literary periodical; and the Stu dent Handbook. Students join the Daily Colle gian staff as candidates and are promoted or the basis of ability and time spent in work on the paper. Candidates are moved up to reporters, junior and senior board, in that order. Editors are named at the end of their junior year and also serve as members of senior board, the policy deter mining group of the Daner. The object of the Daily Colle gian is to reflect the opinions of the student body on the editorial pages, to present campus news in a clear and unbiased manner, and to uphold and further its slogan, “For a Better Penn State.” Second Post-War Edition OSTAR La Vie, official record of stu dent activity, publishes its sec ond standard edition this year following the end of the accelera tion program. It presents in words and pictures all that goes into th making of th acadmic, social and recreational life of the senior class. Candidates for La Vie, as mem bers of the editorial or art staffs, receive training in reporting, editing, make-up and general art work. Promotion is from sopho more to junior to senior board. All editors of the book must be seniors. Leadinq Humor Magazine Froth, one of the leading col lege humor magazines in the East, publishes humorous stories, jokes, and cartoons contributed by students, in addition to regu lar features including a candid shot photo page and gossip col umn. Candidates for editorial, photography, advertising, and circulation staffs will be called early in the semester. Candidates for Critique will First big affair of the semester ... PENN STATE XGI CLUB Saturday, October 11th MEMBERS ADMITTED FREE THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Meeting, of candidates for all publications will be an nounced in the Daily Collegian shortly after the beginning of classes Monday, September 29. Details . concerning require ments, type of work and fur ther meetings will be an nounced by the individual publications at those times. have an opportunity to publish creative writing and to review campus and national affairs on the editorial side, or to receive training in the fields of business or art staffs. Student Handbook, published by the students and sponsored by the Penn State Christian Associa tion, is designed primarily to help new students become accli mated to campus life Candidates are accepted on editorial and business staffs in the Spring. MEMBERSHIP CARDS AVAILABLE AT STUDENT UNION Candidates fIMPmHHMi fswwa WinWfffTffi MON.-TUES.. SEPT. 22-23 NOW PLAYING NOW PLAYING JOAN CAULFIELD RANDOLPH SCOTT I MARX BROTHERS In WILLIAM HOLDEN BARBARA HUTTON |||GHT IN in iniM EiriiTMK’ CASABLANCA’ ‘DEAR RUTH’ ‘GUN FIGHTERS I „ WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 24th MON.-TUES.. SEPT. 22-23 TUES.-WED., SEPT. 23-24 _ DENNIS MORGAN Pat O'Brien RAY MILLAND JANE WYMAN TERESA WRIGHT in in ‘TROUBLE WITH ‘CHEYENNE’ ’RIFF RAFF’ WOMEN’ — THURS.-FRI., SEPT. 25-26 WED.-THURS.. SEPT. 24-25 THURSDAY, SEPT. 25th — DAVID NIVEN EDDIE ALBERT RANDOLPH SCOTT K i M HUNTER in CONSTANCE MOORE in BINNIE BARNES in (CTAIDIAf AY TO ‘HIT PARADE ‘LAST OF MOHICANS’ OF 1941’ A Re-Release | . _ ! SPONSORED BY THE DANCING 9 TO 12 e -"ißAer. Publicizing the activities of the world of science, campus their schools and specific fields snap-shots, and a humor column, are the Penn State Engineer and Hill Breeze incluries club news, the Ae Hill Breeze “Sly Drools.” tn L_ AR -, H - Breez ®; An eight-page paper, the Ag The Engineer publishes student agr i cu it u re fraternity items, and articles of a technical nature, bio- stories about farm and Grange graphical sketches ot notables in activities. For That " Well-Groomed " Look MARTIN A KRFAMER RrMTft PuMicire BARBERS 128 E. College Ave. PAGE SEVENTEEN