TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1947 Fraternity Rushing Code The following code nas oeen approved by IFC and is published by the Dean of Men’s office for the information cf all incoming men interested in the fraternity rushing season. Preamble: Inasmuch as rushing at The Pennsylvania State College con cerns older and more mature men than under normal circumstances of college routine, we of IFC deem the fcßowing code as sufficient for the governing .of rushing for the faU semester of 1847: ARTICLE I—Definitions: Section 1. Rushing shall mean any contact or communication be tween fraternity men and rushees. Section 11. Fraternity men shall mean any active, pledge, :r alum nus member of any fraternity. Section 111. Rushee shall mean any male student who is contacted fqr purposes of becoming a mem ber Of any fraternity. Section iV. Rushee house guests shall be those rushees whc are guests erf a fraternity for a period of overnight or longer. Section V. ■ Acceptance cards shaU be the cards provided by 1 IFC and used for the official accept ance cf. bids by rushees. Artists Course Continued from page fourteen other Puccini opera, “Laßoheme,” also presented by Charles L. Wagner. The National Symphony Or chestra has long been a favorite with Penn State Artists’ Course patrons, having appeared here for four successive years from 1935 to 1939. George Enesco, famous YOU’LL BE ON TOP OF THE WORLD WITH OUR SPECIAL Mouth-Watering STEAKS AND CHOPS • ATOP NITTANY MOUNTAIN PETE’S PLACE NITTANY MOUNTAIN HOTEL M. E. “PETE" COLDRON, Proprietor 11 Miles South on Route 45 PHONE CENTRE HALL 14 kRTICLE ll—Rushing egulations: Section i. Rushee house guests .nay live in fraternity houses at any time upon invitations by the fraternity and upon any conditions which the fraternity may estab ush. Section 11. Other fraternities >hall have free access in accord ance with the wishes of the rushee. Section 111. Rushing shall not .nterfere with any regularly sched uled Orientation Week activities for newcomers to campus. Section IV. No rushee house ■ uest or fraternity need feel obli >ated toward each other in any way Section V. Lists . f all incoming nales shall be made available to ’1 fraternities. Section VI. Dates with rushees shall be left to the discretiorf of the fraternity with the consent of the rushee. \RTICLE lll—Pledging: Section 1. A rushee will not be ledged until the termination of 'rientati n Week. Section 11. When a rushee ac- Continued on page twenty-three Romanian conductor, composer, and violinist, who last year made his third appearance at Penn State, will be guest conductor for the orchestra. Room and board for women at the College was $2 to $3 a week in 1872. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA 'raternitv Groups Have Owp f «"tral 'oyerpm" r 4nndl Of interest to all incoming men is the fraternity system in its present form. The forty-six fra ternity chapters at Penn State are bound together into a central gov erning body called the Interfra ernity Council. IFC is the representative group of all active social fraternities, clach one sends a member to the jody, sometimes the fraternity resident. The Council is advised .n all of its activities by an alum- ,ius of the faculty. Judiciary Committee elects .a Judiciary Commit .ce to serve as of fraternity coi violations. T h Council is i turn represente on All - Colleg Cabinet by il president. Pre; ent head i Charles Agne; of Sigma PI Epsilon. Living qua; ters are provide in all of the fra- AGNEW ternity houses at various fees. In cluded in all of the fees are house social dues. Present averages place costs at about $7O per month. Social Privileges , The social privileges of a fra ternity are also governed by IFC. House dating is extended at specified times on the approved of the Deans of Men and Women. During the year, many of the fraternities hire bands to play for dances while many use victrolas. Some of thes informal gatherings are costum parties. With goou-natured rivalry fra ternities take part in intramural athletics anc' activities. what you are missing DANCING every FRI. and SAT. Steaks Sandwiches French Fries You will never until you visit the PARADISE CAFE TRU-BLU QUARTET IFC Dating Code for’ 47-’4B The following is the code for iraternity unchaperoned dating that has been approved by me .nterfraternily Council and dis seminated Dy the Dean ot Men's office anc the bean 0 1 Women’s office f.r the information ol the incoming new students. 1. This shall be a code ot tne Interfraternity Council governing unchaperoned dating in fraternity houses, and the Interi'raternily Council shall be responsible to the Senate Committee n Student Wel fare for the operation and the enforcement of the provisions con tained herein Social Fraternities 2. A social fraternity shall be considered through ut this resolu tion to consist of a group of fra ternity men of at least ten mem bers, including pledges, living to gether in a house, the whole of 114 SPRING STREET BELLEFONTE, PA. FROM 9 TO 12 FEATURING THE NO MINORS ALLOWED PAGE FIFTEEN .vnicn, not a unit ot such as an jpartment, is owned or rented by lie social fraternity and is oper. ,ted by tne fraternity’s members. 3. As a special privilege intend ed to supplement other social rec reational facilities t students oif the College, women guests may oe entertained in fraternity nouses luring the regular semesters ex cepting vacation periods without the presence of chaperones under me following provisi-ns for the protection of the privilege against abuses: Women Guests a. Women guests will not be allowed above the first floor or in the rooms of men, excepting in special situations approved by the Dean of Men and the Dean Of Women. b All men guests must leave Continued on page sixteen know
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