PAGE SIX CLASSIFIEDS All classified advertisements must be in by 4:30 p.m. day preceding issue. Prices are: 40c for one insertion, $l.OO, three insertions, 17 words or less. Call Collegian, 711. ROOMS for summer sessions $4. per week at Lambda Chi Alpha, call 2602 Cokey. LOST—Girl’s black coat. Corner Room Friday afternoon. Blum Store Label. Size 9. Call Andy 2532. FOR RENT Large rooms with hot and cold water and single beds. Phone 4679. Inquire 122 W. Nittany. TOO WARY to take another chance; will take loss on beau tiful diamond ring. Size s£. Lew ■2687. WA N TED Representatives from, various fraternities, sor orities and dormitories for next semester by a new student-owned enterprise. Call 3159 for further information. FOR SALE—Motorcycle, Indian 74, ■ completely rebuilt, • with new tires, battery, clutch, engine part, etc. $2BO. 252 S. Atherton St. LOST Tan leather jacket at Whipples or SPE House Sat.