The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, May 01, 1947, Image 3
THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1947 Baseball Game Rained Out; Lions Meet Pitt Twice Away With yesterday’s game with Gettysburg rained out, Joe jaeuenk’s Mittany juion Daseoan crub is preparing lor a two-game series with tne mi r'anuieis in Bittsburgu rnuay and baturaay. ■ The rains came yesteraay two hours betore game time and then let up, with even a ray ol sun appearing by 4 o ciocit, but tne officials ruiea that the inileld was too wet for a game. Bedenk stated that he would Start Ken Yount, winner of the two Bion victories this season, on the mound for Friday’s game with the once-beaten Panthers. Yount * * * was scheduled to start yesterday _ _ __ against Gettysburg. Double Duty It will be Bob Gehrett pitching for the Lions in Saturday’s game, Bedenk indicated. Gehrett put out the fire last Saturday when Georgetown jumped on Bill Ben yish and Art Bohard for ten runs in the first two innings of the second game. HE HITS, TOO Yount, who is the club’s runner up in the hitting statistics, will again bat at the cleanup position against the Panthers. The out fielder turned pitcher will play at first base or centerfield in Satur day’s game. As the coach continues to juggle his lineup to find the best combi nation of hitting and fielding, Benyish will go in at first base for the first game. SHORT PROBLEM Along with first base, Bedenk still has a problem at shortstop. Both Berletic and Hal Hackman have anemic batting averages and Bedenk is still having Gene Suth erland working out in that posi tion. Eddie Sebastianelii has been Riflers Meet So. Calif. Penn State’s NROTC rifle team nears the end of its trail of sea son’s matches when it takes on the University of Southern Cali fornia, Stanford, Texas, and Tu lane in a postal match this week. In last week’s competition, the riflg team won over Rennsalaer but lost to South Carolina’s NiROTC team. The pistol team outpointed Tulane and Purdue. * George Washko and foe Campus Owls * Games of Chance, Skill, and Strength * Prizes for the Lucky KEN YOUNT getting his share of hits and makes a good second-sacker. The same goes for Whitey Kurowski, who is currently playing at third. The three catchers, Ed Holler, George McWilliams, and Don Herb, have been alternating with the different pitchers. ' The outfield against Pitt will probably be Johnny Potsklan in left, Bill Davis in center, and Chuck MacFarland in right. IM Golf Deadline First round matches in the golf intramural tournament must be played on or before Monday, May 5, it was announced by the intra mural office yesterday. NO END OF FUN Informal REC HALL $1.20 per Couple, tax incL THE DAILY Newman Club Softball Reaches Halfway Mark Sigma Nu and Alpha Phi Delta are tied for hrst piace in league H with the Tl’J&'s leading league A as the hrst half cl uie lsewman Club tournament ended. The standings: League A Won Lost Pet. ITK 4 1 .800 Windy City 3 1 . .750 Beaver House ... 3 1 .750 Phi Kappa 2 3 .400 Celtics 2 3 .400 Dorm 13, 14 0 5 .000 League B Sigma Nu 3 1 .750 Alpha Phi Delta .. 3 1 .750 Dorm 10, 11, 12 .. 3 2 .600 Delta Upsilon .... 2 2 .500 Dorm 7, 8. 9 I 3 .250 Graystone 0 2 .000 Make a Date For the Gaia OPENING of the TRU-BLU SEXTET at A.V.C.'s SKYTOP FRI. & SAT. NITES For Members and Their Guests. Join at S.U. SATURDAY, MAY 3, 1947, 8:30 - 1200 HAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA OMING Through AG FOLIC * The Honey Boys * Side Shows, Clowns, Comedy Skits Softball In 2nd Day; Soccer On Alpha Phi Delta walloped Beta Theta Pi 5-0 as the intra mural soitbali season went into »is second day Tuesday. rtesuits ox otiner games are as iunows: Phi happa Sigma to ok a 10-b win over Pm Uarnma Del ia, toigma Chi won b-5 over Phi Bpsiion Pi, and Theta Chi gave a 25-10 beatng to Alpha Gamma Riho. In the independent league Dorm 10 took Fairmount Hall 6-1, Penn Haven won their game with the Penn State Dons 7-5, and Nittany Co-op took a 13-10 vic tory over Dorm 4. I Tl HUB’S MEN’S SHOP AG STUDENT COUNCIL'S With the COMBINED CARNIVAL AND DANCE Tickets on Sale at Student Union Jerry Beluman and Jay Rosen sweig led Beta Sigma Rho to a 2-1 overtime victory over Delta Sigma Phi as th e intramural soc cer tournament got under way on the soccer practice Held Tuesday. in anotner overtone contuo. cm Pol’s Ray Painton nit pa J dirt late in tne extra period u give toe Chi Pni soccermen a i-. triumph over Alpha Ohi Sign.- while Theta Xi chalked up a ioi feit win over Delta Chi. Delta Upsilon opened the tou* ney with a 2-1 success over Sigm; Phi Alpha. OPPOSITE OLD MAIN PAGE THREE