The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, March 12, 1947, Image 2
G' . /:GE TV.-, Letters —From the Editor's Mailbox GT . :heating in Classes To THE EDITOR: Probably most of the stucL 1. , 0dy and professors have already read the follow jog letter that was published in the March 10, P 47 o,lition of Life Magazine. but I would greatly ap pt•eciate it if you could print it in Collegian. This :letter is in relation to the article on cheating in the 'University of Texas a few issues back. "Sirs:—We professors are largely responsible for i.iudent cheating. We invite it by: 1. Our own stupidity. Any professor who gives the kind of quiz that can be passed by cribbing off the cuff, etc., isn't quite bright. 2. What we expect from the student in an ex amination. All semester he has been toting thick textbooks in some half-a-dozen subjects. In addi tion he has class lectures' and_collateral agsign )nents. No mind, however brilliant, can absorb so )nuch information in so short a time. Yet the student is expected to enter an ex amination blind, while the professor, who has confined himself to one field, has all along re tied on his notes. He would 'flunk' without :them. 3. fThe artificiality of the whole examination uystem. The student is supposed to know the an ;:i.vers to any question, sight unseen, thrown at )1 Mi.. But in life the lawyer may consult his legal i.nmes, the physician can refer to his medical looks .." y . Combat Boots TO THE, EDITOR: I am becoming a bit confused the deluge of mail to your office concerning dress for the coming Military Ball. As my uniform rio longer fits correctly. I would like to ask if I I)tay wear, in addition to ribbons, my combat boots v. - ith Tuxedo Editorials af.T. el features in The Collegian retlect the opinions of the writer. They make rico' claim to represent student or University opinion. Ali 'unsigned editorials are by the editor. Collegian Gazette -All calendar items must be in the Daily Collegian office by 4:30 p.m. on the day pre ceding _publication. Wednesday, March 7 2 WRA Modern Dance Club, White Hall, 7 o'clock. IMA Bowling, Dux Alleys, 7 o'clock. .NEWMAN Club Discussion Group; Rectory basement, 7:30 o'clock. AVC meeting, 417 Old Main, 7:30 o'clock. INTERNATIONAL Relations Club meet ing, Acacia Fi'aternity, 8 o'clock. PHI MU ALPHA meeting, 100 Carnegie. Hall, 8:30 o'clock. At tlhe Movies .CATHAUM: "The Westerner," with Gary Cooper. STATE: "Rage in Heaven," with Ingrid Bergman. 'NITTANY: . "The 13th Hour." 'College lb'eolith Service Admitted to the infirmary Monday: Mar garet Seyhert. Admitted Tuesday: Robert Drucker, Mar tha Ann Koons, James Neyhart, Jean Rapps and Joseph Shafran. 'Discharged Tuesday: Jay Ir w in, Floyd Romesbera and Alice Shade. College Placement Service WALWORTH CO., March 28, will inter view eighth semester men in IE and ME. GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., March 24, 25, will interview eighth semester men in: EE, lE, Met, Phy, Cer, ME, ChE, Ch and Met. Eng. E. I. DUPONT DE NEMOURS CO., March 17 and 18, will interview eighth semester men in: ChE, Ch, Cer, lE, ME, Mng and PNG. KURT-SALMON CO., March 17, 18 and 19, will interview eighth semester IE and Ind. Ps2,•. men. TEXAS CO., March 12, will interview eighth semester men in: ChE, Ch, CCh, Phy, CE, EE, IE and ME. IM=1!! ~ , ~r_ lli 4' l 'l. 4,7 , k fee VCP 1 1110( . 7' 7 3 I - 7.1 . e :4,114., - - .. !lii g v g , , , , , !,_ 'iit.',..!fhpi.,,: „., REA and ,„' _ Sincerely, Lois E. Wyman Sincerely Confused our , , THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STA 7.7. CT.NLLI-7.GE, PENNSYLVANIA Coeds Satisfy TO THE EDITOR: In the oast few weeks a few of our "Casanova's" have written letters which have dealt rather harshly with the coeds here at school. This practice has developed until it is now fash ionable to talk about how homely the girls are. That time worn joke that of the girls arc pretty and the others go to Penn State is out of date and definitely out of taste. The coeds at State can compare favorably with any group of girls of a comparable nature anywhere. . Anyone who doesn't believe this, can stand down at the bus station any big weekend and obseive the so-called "queens" who come to town. To "Robert Taylor" Ross, who must have been overlooked when the Snow King was selected, we can only suggest that he is Wasting his time here at State and should be in Hollywood where he can be with women more to his tastes. We who are not Gregory Pecks or Clark Gables in disguiSe; are 'i:itiite•satisfied with-the coeds who by their silence-in this matter show a great better breeding than their more vociferous critics: • Open Your Eyes TO THE EDITOR: We suppose that Mr. Ross thinks this campus is simply drawling with Tyrone. Pow ers, etc. Well, open your eyes, brother' It really is quite a shock when you begin looking around at sonic of these creatures on campus called men. The example they set up for the coeds is nothing to brag about. It's too bad his acquaintances are limited to Ag Hill bulls. Maybe if he would get around a little more he would find that there are quite a few coeds who don't have to depend on drinking or smoking for their popularity. Or is that his trouble —that type won't date him? If he thinks our coeds here are so bad, why not go someplace else where he thinks he could find better? Or if he came here just for the school, then what is he doing worrying about the coeds any how? As a final word, may we leave this thought with him. Before he begins tearing the •girls apart, I.dok over the men a little more carefully. Also instead of always seeking out the excep tion to the rule, take notice of the good quAlities of the average coed. Ah, Spring According to the poet, wihen winter comes spring dannot be fa r behind; and with spring comes Cabi net's pleas to "keep off the graSs." Cabinet's "keep off the grass" dotrimlittee is even now making plans for Its annual Campaign against. people who take shortcuts across grassy areas o n campus. Unfortunately, however, automobiles apparently are not under Cabinet's jurisdiction, for at almost every athletic event in Rec Hall or at New Beaver Field, and even during classes in Sparks, one may see cars parked all over the lawns near the tri dorms, overflow from parking areas neaZ Rec Hall and Sparks. Since the ground at' these times is often soft , and muddy, the :cars' tires tear !deep ruts in the formerly smooth lawns. When the ground is not covered with snow, even now, these tire ruts can be seen very plainly. What will these lawns look like when the grass begins to grow this spring? Why hat increase the scope of our "keep off the grass" cardpatn this year, 'and keep both . feet and tires off the grass? Edit Qyips They can laugh and scorn "the low standards of the LA school" but anyone who has ever tried to petition a course will swear. (as they wail and gnash their teeth) that no more hard-hearted, ex acting Unrelenting committee exists than the peti tioning committee which has set itself up as "the watchdog and upholder of the standards of the Liberal Arts School." Remembering and being remembered by letters y speaks for itself--4kA your good taste hrough' our fine letter paper.. A little vriting will mean of lot of extra charm in fe. Choose a writing paper to match your ality. For your college-day writing, choose the pen-inviting pastels with . a Penn State seal for distinction —Gilbert Zuccarini, Bill Reid, Al Green, Walt Bagnall, Dick McAdams, Lloyd Holdeman. —"Six Disgusted Coeds." —By Joan Peters Sinithak Warns--- (Continued from page one) picture, and return the proof to the Photo Shop. AVC council, Alpha Chi Rho, Alpha Omicron Pi, The Collegian staff, Froth stall, Forensic coun cil. Penn State Grange, and mem bers or Judicial. Men's Debate team, Pi KEippa Alpha, Phi Sigma Delta, Phi Kappa Psi, Sigma Phi Alpha. and the football, soccer, and varsity track teams. HAll groups that have proofs now .r re requested to turn in the identified proofs to the Photo Shop itninedi9Jely. Governor Doff— (Contbineci front, page one) must approve the governor's rec ornmend'ation. 'Phe legislature can increase or reduce the grant. In 1945 the former governor had requested $4,490,802 for general maintenance, $90;000 for Mineral Industries researdh, $35;000 for state industry researdh, $70,000 for coal research, 8150,000 for crop CLASSIFIED SECTION All classified advertisements must be in by 4:30 p.m. day preceeding issue. Prices are: 40c for one insertion. $l.OO, three insertions, 17 words or less. Call Collegian, 711. SINGLE vacancy Pollock Circle; immediate occupancy. Cal4Het_ tinger, Dorm 12, Room 9; phone 3936. ONE-HALF double room, second floor. Also board in mixed diff ing room for students or married couples. 311 South Allen street. Phone 4630. LOST—Army pilot ring with green jade stone center; in scribed NE:pier Field. $5 reward. Call 3850. IF YOU took Alligator topcoat from_ Delta . .Sigina Phi by mis take Saturday night, please return to Mr. Galbraith's office or oall 2972 after 6 p. M. It's cold out side! . -GA-KE S, wedding cakes and other cakes. Frida Stern, - 122 Irvin. Phone 4818, State College. STUDENTS' LAUNDIRY washed and 'ironed; will call and de liver. Call BOalstourg 2524. RIDERS WANTED To Phila- delphia; leave Stnurday noon, return Sunday night. Call 9-3541 between 8-9 Tuesday or Wednes day night. LOST—Pi Lambda Phi jeweled fraternity pin, Friday night. Reward. Call 3204, ask for Manny. WANTED—Riders to Meadville leave Friday, 3:15, return 5un dr3y..Ca11.3946, Room 13, Dorm 7. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN.—It's . torn apart by "The • Foolish Gentlemen" in the Parody Issue of FROTH. On sale next week. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN . , . Successor to` the 'Free Lance.- ett. 1877 Published. Tuesday through Friday mornings 'during the College year - by the staff of the Daily Collegian of the Pennsylvania State College. Entered as second class matter July 5, 1934, at the State College, Pa., Post Office. uncler the act of March 3, 1879. $2.50 a semes ter-$4.00 the school year, ' Represented for national advertising by , National Advertising Service, Madi son lAve., New York, N.Y., Chicago. Boston, Los Angeles, Sari• Francisco. ' Michael A. Blatt. Editor Rosemary -Ghautous Bus. .Mer.• Mgr. Ed.,•Lynette Lundquist; News Ed.. Lawrence Foster; Co-Sports Eds.. Stephen Sinichak, Arthur Miller; Feature Ed., Frank Davis: Photo Ed.. Suzanne McCauley; Women's Ed., M•ar i• 1 y n - Jacobson ; Asst. Women's Ed., Betsy Marshall: Wire Ed., Seymour Rosnberg; Sr. Board. Lucy, Seifing. Ad. Mgr.. Phyllis Deal: Asst. - Ad. Mgr., Dorothy Leibovitz; Mgr.. Sally Holstrunt; Circ. Mgr., - Paul Bender; Sec., Joy EiChorn; Class. Ad. Mgr., Selmti Sabel. STAFF THIS ISSUE Managing Editor Ben French Adele Holz Assistant News Editor Allan Ostar Assistant, • Selma Zasufsky _____ Lou Martin Ad .Nlaiincret Cie Thornhill Semi-Formai No CorsoP WEDIkTESDAY, MARCH 12, 1947 Theta Sigma Phi Gives Skit on Early Coeds Botany class with the first Penn State coed will be one scene or Theta Sigma Phi's Matrix Table skit at Ole Nittany Licn Inn Mon.. day. A series of scenes of the first coeds, the skit includes a famous literary society meeting that might be considered a precursor of the presenit day houseparty. • Theta Sigma Pihi members who have speaking parts are Jean Thurston, Marilyn Jacobson, Kay Badollet, Jane Schmitt, Gloria Parks, Marjorie Mousley, Rose mary Ghantous, and Edith Drey er. Lynette Lundquist, president of the fraternity, will narrate. Triangle H. Alvin Hamer, Charles Hurl, Richard Koeck, and James Rob erts were recently initiated by Triangle. study, $884,938 for agricultUre ex tension and $293,1,99 for agricul ture research, FOR SALE 14-piece Dietzgen Designo Drawing Instrument set. Call Collins, 2161. LOST—Raspberry red button from winter coat, between Diner and Carnegie. Pleas~ call Pat, Ext. 711-170. WANTED Ride to and from Philipsburg for two, Spturday afternoon. Call Neilson, 3977. LOST 3/4/47 - (afternoon), 3rd Sparks, Navy Foul - weather Jacket; inside waistband marked "H 'G Sverison, Lt. (jg)". Have your jacket and gloves. Rog, ph. 4949. L 0 S T--Slide rule with name Moris Wiley on it, in 225 Min eral Industries. Phone • 072. Re_ ward. SUBSTANTIAL REWARD for re turn of K&E Log Log Deci- Trig Rule, or information lending t o recovery of same. J.L.H. carved in end of case, J. Hayes on inside of flap. Rule number was 252017. Phone 3250, Jack Hayes.- • whip ;alto iha-pei *P.il4.. e 11 ttaita n ll.l6- . 0 6 Looking forward to that im portant week-end? Better . sliP 44 a comi`ort l ali r e , designed for-juniors Pl . r liantform and ger yoprself a, slick city figure! f 9 uN909 1 ,4 0 1. 711 .1 RrOtvoY., titviYolx.Pr