HHiUiRISDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1946 Pigskin Forecast Following are Joe Harris’ football predictions, with probable scores, for the coming weekend Probable winners are I'sted ,at the left side. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 194 G Chattanooga U.—Newberry College 'Louisiana -'Stale—Miami U. cFla.) Wibhita U.—West Texas Stale Youngstown College—Waytvcsbui'g SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1946 Alalbama—Vanderbilt Amhejrst—lWilliams' Arfzona—Now Mexico Arkansas—So. .Methodist Army—Penn Baldwin-Wallace—Toledo Bowling Green I —Xavier Bradley Tech—!St. Ambrose College Brigham Young—Colorado A&M BuHfatO I —(Carnegie 1 Tech Butler—Valparaiso U, *:« **r *;* Catawba College—Guilford,College . Cincinnati—Western Reserve Clemson College—barman Colgate—Syracuse Colorado College-—Gririnell College .. Colorado State!—Now Mexico A!&M . Columbia!—Lafayette Connecticut—New Hampshire Cornell—''Dartmouth. ...". ' >» . Jp Jp S-S Delaware—Washington College Deliver—Colorado « .. Dickinson College—Western* 'Maryland Drake—lowa State Teachers Duke —Sfiuth Carolina ;.. E.. Stroudsburg Tchrs—CCNY Fordhaan--jNY!U' ; , Fresno State—'College of Pacific Georgetown—Scranton *26- 7 'Georgia Tech—Tulane 20- 7 'Georgia—Auburn. 01- 7 ; Gletlfiyslburg—’Allbirigihlt, , ' -06- 0 Mai-diinie-SimTOons—Texas Mines* College '27- 6 /Harvard—nßrown 20- 0 ! Idaho—Portland .13.-' 6 ; Illinois—Ohio State t 20-.13 ;Johns Hopkins—Haverford 1 College il3- 0 Kansas—(Kansas State 20- 0 'Kentucky—W. Virginia ! 27- 0 Maryland I —W &L Miami U. (Ohio')—Western Mich. Mich. State—Marquette Michigan—Wisconsin. .Minnesota—lowa Montana State .College—'No. Dakota State 19-18 'Muhlenberg College—Moravian College .. 40- 0 Nebraska I—lowa 1 —Iowa State Gridtiers Lead Nation In Total Defensive Play j Penn State gained national 'football prominence by taking the lead among, major college s teams jin total defense, according'to sta tistics compiled by the National Collegiate Athletic Bureau.. The Nittany Lions, who have (had only 27 points scored against them all season, have allowed six (opponents an average of 137.2 yards per game on both rushing ;and passing. < Ranking third last week, the Higginsmen passed North - Caro lina ; State which is the present runner-up, having held seven op ponents to, an average of 140;9 yards. The Lions also moved upward in the rushing defense depart ment, haying permitted the enemy to gain, an .average of only- 71.3 yards on the ground. Ranking fifth this week, the Lions placed 11th in rushing'defense a week'ago. , Ken Hostermen, soccer star,'.is thd third,member -of his. family ■to play for the Nittahy Lions.' ! A BALFOUR ‘ Fraternity Ring for Christmas It’s later than you think So order soon L. 6. Balfour Co Stale College Office in Athletic Stor e *THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA No. Carolina State —Virginia N, Caroline —Wake Forest . No>tre Dame'—Northwestern 19- 6 27-11*3 26- 7 26- 0 Oberlin College—Allegheny College Ohio Wesleyan—Dennison U Oklahoma A&M —Texas Tech Oklahoma U.—Missouri Oregon' State—California PENN STATE—NAVY Rensselaer Poly I. —Brooklyn College ■Rice— : Xex»s A&M Richmond—V. P. I Rochester U.—(Hobart College St. Bonaventure—Kings Point Academy .. 27- 7 Sail Franleisco U.—Utah ... OS- 7 Stanford—Washington. .State 20-)18 Svvarlhmore College—i Drexel Tech 13-6 Temple—Eucknell .20- 0 Tennessee —(Boston College '2O-J4 Texas U. —Texas Christian 27- '0 'Tufts College—'Mass. State 13- 6 Tulsa—Baylor . 27- 0 . i . 2*o- 7 .. . 34-13 ... 13- 6 .. . 33- 0 .. . .'l9- '6 .. . 19-13 33-0 ... 33- 0 >2O- *6 27- 7 27- 6 7- 0 26- 0 1:9- 0 47 - 0 19- 6 .27-7 USCG—Boston U UCLA—Montana Ursinus Oollege-^-Juniata College Utah State—r Wyoming Vermont—Middle'b'u-ry College .. , Villanova College—(Florida .... VMI —The Citadel Wabash. College—iDePauw U, .. W&j—lF&M Washington—Oregon Wayne—Case W&lM—George Washington ...... Yale—(Princeton • •54- 0 20- 7 6- 0 . 20- >6 . 14- 0 . 33- 0 , 13- *6 . 20- 7 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1946 Detroit—n St. Louis St. Mary’s—Santa Clara NATIONAL pro league SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17,. 1946 Chicago Bears-—'Washington Redskins' .. Green Bay Packers—Detroit Lions Los Angeles Rams—(Chicago Cards New York Giants—(Boston. Yanks Philadelphia Eagles—(Pittsburgh Steelers Cleveland Brawns—'Chicago Rockets .... 31-,1!4 (Los Angeles Dodgers .. 28-14 New York Yankees—San. Francisco ’49ers 28-24 . 113- 7 Buflfalo Bisons—Miami. Seahawks ........ 21- 7 Last week's resume: 52 . right; 18 wrong; 4 ties. 74.3 percent accuracy. Season's .college Recapitulation: 419 righs 106 wrong; 22 ties. 79.8 ‘ percent accuracy. ALL-AMERICAN CONFERENCE MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1946 DU Tops Phi Delts, 6-0; Meets TKE in Finals 2O-7 l4-7 2O-7 DX Defeats Triangle, Takes Bowling Lead 4- 0 l- 6 2O-18 27-7 2O-43 l- 7 .... 13-6 2- 7 2O-14 l9-0 Delta Chi's bowling team took undisputed lead in the Fraternity Bowling League Tuesday evening when they rolled over Triangle 4-0 and Delta Upsilon lost to Theta Chi 3-1. . Alpha Chi Sigma defeated Phi Sigma Delta in three straight games to win 4-0, as they* piled up 2418 pins to take high team total scoring honors I'or the eve ning.. Glenn Oyler, Alpha Chi Sigma, won individual three-game total honors when he bowled games of 199, 198, and 198 for a total of 595. High single game for the eve ning .was rolled by .Tames Glea son, Delta Chi, with a score of 208. .... 419- 6 .2- 0 .... 6-0 Other gam e scores: Theta Xi, 2399—i Phi Sigma Kappa, 2206; Alpha Gamma Rho, 22,67—Tau Kappa Epsilon, 2072; Lambda Chi Alpha, 2390—Beta Theta Pi, 2349; Alpha Chi Sigma, 2418—IPhi Sig ma Delta, 2279; Delta Chi, 23:30 2106; . Sigma Phi Sigma, 2194—Delta Tau Delta, 1897; Theta Chi, 2349—Delta Up silon, 2258. » Team standings, which will ap pear in tomorrow’s Collegian, are ..... '2O- 6 6-0 2O-7 2- 6 l9-6 4- 6 l- 7 .... 3-3-0 B- 0 2O-7 36-14 24-14 21-17 24- 7 117- 7 "I’m all over the map at once" Western Electric '' TT certainly keeps me on the go ... my job of distrib- A uting equipment and supplies to the Bell Telephone companies throughout the natiOn. "Right now I’m busier than ever . . , delivering tele phones, switchboards, cable and countless other kinds of apparatus and supplies. They’re all needed for the Bell Sys tem’s construction program of more than $2,000,000,000 ... to give you better-than-ever telephone service. "I maintain 29 distributing houses at strategic locations, where I keep some 10,000 different items in stock . .. and where I also repair telephone equipment. ' "And that’s only part of my job. Vxfr-manufacturtr and purchaser for the Bell System... and I install central office equipment. "Remember my name... It’s Western Electric.” A UNIT OF THE BELL PAGE THREE Delia Upsilon lopped Phi Delia Thela 6-0 Tuesday in a nip-and iuck balile io enter the finals in College Iniramurals. DU and TKE were scheduled io light it out for ihe championship Wednesday. In lire Independent League, Dorm 5 tangles with Dorm 14 in the Anal round. The Phi Delt’s and DU’s were evenly matched as each team con stantly failed to dent the other’s defense. For 28 minutes the lines held as plays were smothered and defensive backs battered down passes. The break came for ihe DU's when a Phi Dell aerial, tossed into the flai, was intercepted by end George Earnshaw, and with ex cellent blocking, he streaked 65 yards to the pay-dirt. In the swimming intramurals, Alpha Chi Sigma snatched,a close one from Sigma Pi, 22-19, with Yeagley the high point man on the AXS squad. A strong Sigma Chi team decisively beat Beta . Sigma Rho, 34-7, while Alpha. Sigma Phi placed second agairist DU, 27-14. Survivors ,in the swim tourney are AXS, SX; and DU. Yesterday's schedule paired AXS against SX, iyith the victor - meeting DU to night for the cup. based on total points of each team, one point being given to the team which wins each of the three games bowled, and one point to the team with the higher three-game , pin total. SYSTEM SINCE 1882