The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, October 16, 1946, Image 1
Weather Today Fair and Warmer VOL. 44—No. 11 Late AP News Courtesy Radio Staiiod WMAJ PARIS Yugoslavia walked ,out on the-Paris Peace Confer ence yesterday, declaring that the decisions on , the Italian peace treaty were unsatisfactory. The Paris Peace Parley was officially declared ended soon aiterwards. Many of the Paris delegates. al ready. are preparing to leive for the ',next big, international eon ference--tho meeting of the Unit ed. Nations "General' Assembly .;at take Success,. New York, which starts October 2rd.. The latest ses sion of theU-N'Security,,Council, already in session, unaniniously _adopted a_resolution Whieh• pe4iirritf,FraTkco plead a case before 11 - 1"6 Interna tional Court of Justice. BASSELVIILLE, Kentucky •-- Two• men • are believed to have been killed' in 'a train wreck near liere . Y4terday as the southboUnd Memphis section •of •'the Pan American, of the Louisville and Nash Ville .railroad, cracked up. ST. LOUIS,• Mo.—The St.• Louis Cardinals defeated the Bost'ort Red Sox, 4-'3 yesterday to become World Charripions. Breechen re- Murray Dicksdni • Int the eighth in:ping, .and received credit the "victory, his • third of the Series , . Bob Klinger.was the losing tSvirle?-forthe.Red,.Sox... WASHINGTON— The National Association of Manufacturers and the. AmeriCan FederOf= of. La bor testifiedv,':''be.fore the _HouSe canipaigi! expl,tkidifiirigeomittee that they'weraVrioCipending mon 'ey on the':airelif 'election cam •paigns—at least not as national organizations, yesterday. .. PITTSBURGH —Various sac- • ti ants ,of the.,eammunity ,sery,ed.. uy , kthe- , -struck—DuqUesne Ltight. pany, are being darkened in ro- , tatioq. ,Becluettoß .9t£,„eepriee -is due •to, the . desti:tte'OcnC,blol.t.big''mftit' - Vatit out of • itiSr a rifl.4 sinus. ” v•-!'.4ZIVA,V, A • • Restittests. • - - ,Officer Lists , • • 7";'' . i fi'sli e names,: of the officers ' of °'' ,:fie following oriir,iizations must tbkpanded fn •at 'Student - Union be_ 4-1 - Zyrel Fridarlf,-tlie:.organization is ~aQ be ,listed .in 7 the.. Stui;lent Union s.f.,)direetery, anfickfileed George Don: • oyT4 Student U 1 ion manager:,- gand; pritids, 'Forensic •:•:• ; C:ounoil,.. Penn, State Engineer, ;State Players,.: Th,espians, Portfolio... • ' Fraternities, and Sororities:. Chi Rhd, Alpha 'Tau Omega, ,•;•.13eta,' Theta ,Pi; Delta, Tau Delta, . ' phi Delta Theta,. Epsilon Pi, . . . Tau,. Sigma • Nu, Tau Kappa . ripmibda 'Phi, 1 9 •hi.Delta;'.,'ds.fplia Xi. Delta, Phi Sigma Sigma, Delta Delta Delta. • . • . .• • .'..irouoraries: 'Alpha Delta, Sigma , lslls Epsilon Delta, Alpha Rho "Oinego, Chi, Epsilon Delta Sigma PL . Eta Kappa NU,' )rota Sigma PI, Pi Aloha Xi, Pi Lambda Sigma, Phi Epsilon Kappa, Sigma Tau, Tau Phi Sigma, 'Xi Sigma Pi, Pi GEmma • Alpha. • .. • Professional societies and clubs: American Ceramic Society, Amer , than , Chemical: Society, ASCE, American Society , for Metals, Camera Club, . Campus Business Women, "Cornell Club;'• Cesmopoli_ tan Club, Dairy Science Club, Deutscher Verein, iilF of A, Grange No. 1707, - Horticulture Club, In dustrial E . ,dueation'Xlub, Indus_ trial. Engineering potietY, Land. scapV Architecture; ;. - "Le Certle .Vran9is, 141big . ,%•404mistry So - eletY. .-* Louise Homer gival, ~Men's De.. bate Clulb, •Ne*cinner4,.Club; Fra ; lernify .ColinselOnty.PeAlling Rif. PoUltry: - Club, • Scarllliard and - of •Ahilerican d'r4 Spanish Club; Sttidgrit - Pa,tar,AVO-: men* Debate • I,Sguisd,S;Wtftital society.- . •' . WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 16, 1946, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA Cake Walk Dots Dungaree Drag A cake walk immediately before intermission will be one of the features of the Owens' Dungaree Drag i n Recreation Hall Friday night, announced Sally Henry, chairman of the dance... • Tickets :t ten cents a couple will be sold by the Cwens from 9 to 10 p. m. At a signal from the chairman, only those couples who hav g pUrchased cake .walk tickets rimy participate in the following dance. A spot on the dance floor will have been secretly chosen and v when -the... orchestra . stops playing,' the :couple.'standing on the spot nearest to it will receive the cake. . Betty Worrell is in charge of the cake walk, and Cwens may pick up their tickets at theticket. of.: nee. at. Bee . 14a11 when they .arrixe e‘t- the - Drag. . _ • Tickets for Dungaree Drag are $l. - .60 a couple, and will be on sale at Student Union all • week, the chairman said. The dance is strictly a girl-ask_lboy affair, she emphasized, and girls are expected to call for- their dates to escort them to the dance. Band Marches At Pep Rally Collegian will again sponsor a big • pep rally : to be held at the Lion Shrine outside • Recreation Ilan at 7:30 p. m. Friday, the eve of . the, Penn Statealichigan State football game on Homecoming Weekend. - the -rally,' Blue- 0 3and will march frolir Phi Sigma - Kappa house on., S. • Allen street' to the Ccirtiel..tliende . ' "east ,on College Al:reT11:1 .• to'!A:therton Hall. • • . . . The - ,parade •will .proCeq&.: .p.p iShortlidge*,', r6aa• to Polka road and the corner _Of Polroek and: Bitrl 7 oti n glis, -. from..where Bine ttand.. March to the Lion (1,51 nine: f6r' a•••shart. 'Musical .pro; grarh be4iye.the rally: ' • iA: 45Lniiiinite grogram of 'cheers; soilks;,- and short.. tact' •is being - ;arrangeedlby. Richard-.Sarge,,Col jegiamoigrimizer of the • Included: in. the rally: will be the Cheerleading squad under Hal; Benjamin, Blue. Band • under prof: Hutrimel Fisliburn, and 'the - filen mascot .who will,. lead. Parade. — -• • ... • : Grid Coach . BOIS .HigginS.• will appear fora short:•talk• and• will present "several - of the • Lion var_ sity football squad.:. - • • .• A - feature 'cif • the- rally will. be the .preientation by the head cheerleader of the new - cheers submitted by 'students in the re cent Collegian, cheer contest. Campus Political Parties Intensify Campaigning Campus politics, with all the splash and color of pre war years, return this week as both cliques begin to intensify their campaigning. Already•mass meetings, complete with dance bands and the candidates, are : being held and, a. goodly number df stu dents are wearing little white keys denoting their associa tion to Campus-Key or a red tag with the inscription, "Vote Nittany-Independent." C o rf u l posters adorne the; windows of the down-town .merchants and the local restaur ants are crowded with ;politicos from dawn. to dusk all wearing their best-campaign smiles: . • Thi s year each clique will be permitted - $lOO for publicity pur 'poses 'as compared with $5O last .spring and $25 in 1945. ; An addl. tional . five dollars is being given to each clique by the election corn.. mittee- to 'compensate for the for tnetuse of printed. posters.... • • Voting will be conducted froin Waring Writes Piece Ruins Hum's Peace With Rush Job "We Pennsylvanians must stick together," said 'Hum' Fishburn. And thereby hangs a tale of hec t:e hours in the music depar!ment Monday and Tuesday. at all began when Fred Waring mailed to Dr. Henry S. Brunner the original manuscript of "The FFA," a now tune presented and aledieated by Waring to Baia- Ileitis 1100-piece PAlnsylivania State FFA . Band. This number was a piano arrangement. Dr. BrUnner needed instrumentations for the band instruments, so he Pippealied to: ;the' nnusie dfdpart ment for help. Fishburn summon ed Cecil Bowles, a graduate stu dent in. music and instructeditim Ito "get busy" tuanspoSing and shuffling the notes for the-hands- Men. Meanwhile the high school boys were scheduled to leave Friday for the trip to Kansas City. That meant, arranging the (music, get ting enough parts for each play er, and a , chance to rehearse the Waring number before presenting it to the unsuspectinff b 15,000 per 'sons expected at the FFA con clave. rishburn checked his other music classes. Perhaps .the stu dents ,in harmony and composi tion: could copy the parts, mak ing Their course (practical, and yet get enough copies ready be- (Continued on page four) Senate Votes AVC Official . ..TheAlrierican ..Veterans Coin. mittee is now an official campus organfution, it .was stated today by Ea 1. Kemmier, member ~of the committee of AVC. ReCog 'ef Ave as a' student organi_ zation was voted 'on favorably': by; the 'Senate Comriifitee Student Welfare. • Announcement was also made that AVC: will hold its: Charter MeMber . meeting on Thursday .evening at 7:30 p: in: in Rooth 10 Sparks. "The • •charter will .be 'closed at' that time",, K.emmler added; - "btit any 'man that joins AVC before Thursday evening will be considered (Charter mem ber.l' • •• • • • Other - topids•to'be considered - at the meeting will . be • the adoption of-the'cOristitution•and election' of °Meet's 'fox' 'the coming year. The folloWings nominations •were made at- the last meeting: their.. man, Earl , Kemmler; •Vice-,Chair_ man, Gayle • Gearhart; Treasurer; Francis Isenberg; Recording Se.. cretary, Kay Challenger; Corres_ ponding Secretary, Donald Ben ton; and Historian, Winifred King. 9 a. in. to 5 p. m. next Tuesday and Wednesday in the Armory. Since the first floor lounge of Old Main, former site of the polls, is being used by the College admin istration, the' Election committee chose the Armory as the most convenient spot availab:e. Armed guards will be on duty during the hour s that th e ballot ing takes plebe as the Navy has valuable equipMent stored in the building. The use Of loud speakers•will be permitted 'on •Monday, Tuesday, arid • Wednesday between • the hours Of '11:30 a.. m. •to 1:30 p. m. and 4:30• p: - m.*to 5:30 p. m. Business Staff Meets All members of th e business and advertising staffs of The Daily, Collegian are required to attend a short meeting in 8 Car negie Hall at 6:30 tonight, Rose mary Ghantous, business man ager, announced today. Atty Urges Attendance All residents of the Pollock Circle Dormitories are urged to be 'present today and Thursday at the reading_ratification meetings of the proposed „Pollock Circle Constitution, Alex Atty, -resident counselor of Pollock Circle, has announced. • The proposed constitution will be presented to the residents of Dormitory 4 at 6:30 o'clock today and to :the • remaining ; dormitories at the samehour tomorrow. Atty stressed the importance of these meetings by pointing out that they will afford the residents of Pollock Circle Dorms the best opportunity to become familiar with the Constitution. They will also acquaint them with tEe elec_ tion procedures to be employed in the selection of their permanent officers, he added. At the initial Pollock Circle Council meeting on Monday so_ cial and recreational activities were discussed. Guests at the tial gathering were 'Daniel De- Marino, Assistant Dean of Men, Stanley Gross, Burgess of Wind_ crest, and Alex Atty, resident counselor of Pollock Circle. Council members present in eluded Ed Atwater, Emory Brown, Phillip Davis, J. P. Green, F. lanni, H. A. Lentz, William Lipp_ mann, Frank Maguire, D. W. Mit chell,ThOmas, Reissnanin,- fini, Milton Shapiro, ,Ed. Urban sky,..and WilSon. News Briefs Attention, Vets Any. veteran with dependents Who failed to sign and complete the form pertaining to dependents and subsistance allowance when they registered, are urged to .do so at the Veterans Administration Office, at their earlieSt conven_ ience. This form must be. complet ed before a veteran can draw sub_ sistance' above that of a single man. Vocational Guide ' Any Veterin enrolled under the G. I. Bill of Rights,' who is in doubt. about his course of study or choice of vocation, can obtain vocational guidance immediately upon application, Franklin Fry, Veterans Administration voca_ tional guidance counselor, an nounced yesterday. The.V. A. office on campus has been authorized to administer this test upon application of the vet. eran, in order that the great delay that was created by working through the Wilkes Barre •office, might be eliminated. Cwen Alums Cwen alumnae can obtain hats or emblems from Nan James at the Kappa Alpha Theta house. Forestry Society The Forestry Society will meet in 105 Forestry at 7:30 p. m. to morrow, October 17. This date was mistakenly narked Septem(ber 17 on cards sent to metnbers. A. film, "There Is More Than Timber in Trees," will be shown, announced Wendell Stratton, president: Rod and Coccus Club All bacteriologists and medical technologists are requested to at tend the reorganization meeting of the Rod • and Coccus Club in 206 Patterson Hall R.t 7 p. m. tomor row. • Officers will be elected at this meeting. Mary Austry, Ruth Brenner, (Continued:on page two) FIVE CENTS A COPY S U Committee Meets Tonight The first meeting of the All College Student Union committee will be held tonight at 7 p. m. in 110 Home Economics, it was an_ nounced by chairman LaWrence Foster, As was the case last semester, every organized group on osanpus is urged to have a representative present. Independent, as well as fraternity members of the student body who are interested in back_ ing the Union project are asked to take an active part. . . "The. Student .Union committee has plans for Homecoming Week end, but in order to csrry them out, we'll need the help of the people whp were a part of our group last semester, as Well as any newcomers who have the urge to support• • the Union• project," an_ nounced chairman Foster. It was learned from the Student Union Office in Old Main that many more entries in the IFC de_ collating contest have come in. Because of the sudden rush, IFC chairman Fritz Lloyd has decided to extend the deadline until this evening at 5 p. m. A number of the sororities on campus have individually volun_ Leered to decorate their houses for the weekend, it was learned last evening. - George Donovan, manager of the Student Union office announc_ .ed that his department, has .asked a student photographer to take pictures ofthe fraternity diSPlays. Donovan feels that they will play an important role in recording the progress made by undergrad uates along Student Union lines. A number of the fraternities ,:who plan. displays. have. suggested. That the judging be done on Fri day evening because it is felt that the lighting . 'effects will play an important ,part in the general ap pearance - .of the .decorations. James Jones, FEC Oxtest chair mis n could - not be reached-.and at present the•exact time of judg ing is not known. Dairy Science Honors Jones Philip D. • Jones, in charge cif the College dairy herds 30 years, was honored Tuesday night by the Dairy Science Club. In recog nition of his "helpful service to dairy students over a period of ao .years," he was given a life Membership in the Penn State Student tOhapter of American Llaiiry Science Association and presented with a cony of Dr. W. F. Dunaway's "'History of the Pennsylvania State College." John Wilson, chairman of 'last spring's dairy • show, made the presenta tion. 'ln a saiort business meeting, at whiCh George D. - Heidelibaugh presided, the local club learned that it had been the first student chapter to be recognized by the parent organization. This occurred in 1926. The 35 members will elect of ficers next week. Warnock States Policy On Student tar Permits Dean Arthur R. Warnock, in an ,interview regarding the college policy on automobiles, said. "Col lege regulations require that all student Cars he granted permits from the patrol office and should display numbered tags. Campus traffic regulations for bid students driving on the central campus be'ween 7:30 a. in. and 5 p.m on days when. •classes are in session." Dean Warnock said that all stu dent drivers should be •eautious both on the cvlantpr:s and in town+, because of the increased size of the student body.